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RNC Day 3 Thread


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I am soooo confused???


Zel Miller completely switched his opinions on John Kerry from just a few years ago.

He said John Kerry didn't support specific weapon systems.

Some of the same weapon systems Dick Cheney lobbied against while he was Sec of Defense.


He said Kerry was strenghtening our Military in 2001, but now he would weaken it?


Isn't Zel..."Flip-Flopping"?


But according to the RNC, I shouldn't trust "Flip-Floppers"



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Marc Perkel put it wonderfully today:


The real Republicans power players are hidden away. We don't see John Ashcroft speaking on civil liberties. Where are Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Alan Keyes, and the Rev. Sun Myung Moon? Where are the people behind the Republican energy policy like Kenneth Lay or Prince Bandar? Where are Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz to talk about why we should torture prisoners? Where are the neo-cons like Tom Delay and Newt Gingrich? These are the people who wrote the Republican platform and shape Republican policy.


It looks to me like the GOP is trying to put lipstick on a pig, showing people what they think they want to see rather than the way they really are. Republicans don't think you'd vote for them if they showed who was really in charge - and on that point I agree with them.


I also found it hys-f***ing-terical last night that Zell Miller challenged the host of Hardball to a duel and also that Rick "Consentual gay sex = bigamy, beastiality, incest etc." Santorum was discussing how the Republicans are the party of acceptance and inclusion. :lol:

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Marc Perkel put it wonderfully today:




I also found it hys-f***ing-terical last night that Zell Miller challenged the host of Hardball to a duel and also that Rick "Consentual gay sex = bigamy, beastiality, incest etc." Santorum was discussing how the Republicans are the party of acceptance and inclusion.  :lol:

well, first of all, Tom Delay was in Harlem dedicating a basketball court that he helped fund...


Newt is a political analyst for FoxNews and twice as inteligent as anyone on this site.


Since joining the Senate, Zell miller has seen how his "beloved Democrats" piss on compromise for a chance to destroy Bush, at the expense of Americans.


and Rick Santorum is twice the man you are, apu.

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well, first of all, Tom Delay was in Harlem dedicating a basketball court that he helped fund...


Newt is a political analyst for FoxNews and twice as inteligent as anyone on this site.


Since joining the Senate, Zell miller has seen how his "beloved Democrats" piss on compromise for a chance to destroy Bush, at the expense of Americans.


and Rick Santorum is twice the man you are, apu.

Did Tom Delay forget when the convention was? It would be hard to reschedule a basketball court dedication when you funded the darn thing :lolhitting


Newt is not twice as intelligent as anyone on this site. There are plenty of people on this site with the same mental abilities. He is better informed and has a wider base of knowledge to comment on some political areas. In other areas anyone of a dozen posters here could kick his ass in a given area. Hell you know more about indie bands and playing guitar.


Zell has been a Democrat longer than that and seen even more and moore.


I have not seen either one of those men naked, I'll take your word for it.

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well, first of all, Tom Delay was in Harlem dedicating a basketball court that he helped fund...


Newt is a political analyst for FoxNews and twice as inteligent as anyone on this site.


Since joining the Senate, Zell miller has seen how his "beloved Democrats" piss on compromise for a chance to destroy Bush, at the expense of Americans.


and Rick Santorum is twice the man you are, apu.

Yeah, Rick Santorum who makes bigoted statements against entire groups of the population and is a bigger man than me how?


"[The] right to privacy…doesn't exist in my opinion in the United States Constitution." –Rick Santorum


Newt is also a guy who divorced his wife while she was recovering from cancer after living with his mistress for a long period of time (that'd be carrying on an affair) If he is a good moral Christian then how does he rectify that?


Wow, Tom Delay found time to not go after Subway (he was trying to get legislation passed to condemn Subway the restaurant) for quoting Michael Moore and putting Super Size Me ads with an obese Statue of Liberty eating McDonalds in...:drum roll: the nation of Germany! Good for him.


And Zell Miller is an idiot. He's become nothing more than a partisan hack bashing the Democrats. From Meet the Press: SEN. MILLER: [Kerry] has voted--he's been on the wrong side of foreign policy issues for the last 20 years. If he had had his policies adopted in the Senate instead of the Ronald Reagan policies being adopted, we would still be in the Cold War. We'd still have a Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall would still be up. This...

MR. RUSSERT: Now, Senator, how can you say that?


SEN. MILLER: Because this is a man...




SEN. MILLER: This is a man who voted to cut every single one of the weapons systems that won the Cold War.


MR. RUSSERT: But aren't you...


SEN. MILLER: This is a man that voted against the weapons system that we're using to fight the war on terror. This is a man who voted against increases in intelligence funding. He wanted to cut intelligence funding.


MR. RUSSERT: But on defense and intelligence authorization bills, you have the same voting record as John Kerry.


http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5574180/ -- transcript can be found there.

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well, that's why I'm voting for GWB....


your post was referring to pre-9/11 voting anyway.

I just don't see where Miller gets off b****ing at Kerry for being so horrible saying "[Kerry] has voted--he's been on the wrong side of foreign policy issues for the last 20 years." when Miller has done the EXACT SAME THING.

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I just don't see where Miller gets off b****ing at Kerry for being so horrible saying "[Kerry] has voted--he's been on the wrong side of foreign policy issues for the last 20 years." when Miller has done the EXACT SAME THING.

when? in '68 as a congress man? or the past three years when he was a senator?


cos you can't be talking about his time as a govenor. How could he even vote on any of those bills when he wasn't serving in congress?


...crickets chirping??

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when? in '68 as a congress man? or the past three years when he was a senator?


cos you can't be talking about his time as a govenor. How could he even vote on any of those bills when he wasn't serving in congress?


...crickets chirping??

He has the same Congressional voting record on intelligence and the military as Kerry during his service in Congress so he really has no room to critique Kerry (just as you said MM has no room to critique others' appearances since his ass is so large that it could have its own senator)

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He has the same Congressional voting record on intelligence and the military as Kerry during his service in Congress so he really has no room to critique Kerry (just as you said MM has no room to critique others' appearances since his ass is so large that it could have its own senator)

lmao at the MM comment.


but Zell's only been a senator for 3 years, and was a congress man for 4 years in the late sixties...well before Kerry's service. We're talking about 20 years of Kerry voting against the US military and inteligence community...not a few years here and there. There is a stout difference between the two.


If I have a car accident in the sixties and one in 2002, that's not a habitual bad driver...


John kerry? he's been crashing americas "car" for 20 years straight.


HUGE difference

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I do not know much about politics...


but in two years when I get to 18 years old, how does the drafting process work?


I've hear some grumblings about if you have a bad knee or other joints/bone breaks, they will not draft you because of a past medical record.


I don't agree with either sides right now, but Bush brings up good points.


Apu, political experts, i do not want to argue with anyone here.

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I do not know much about politics...


but in two years when I get to 18 years old, how does the drafting process work?


I've hear some grumblings about if you have a bad knee or other joints/bone breaks, they will not draft you because of a past medical record.


I don't agree with either sides right now, but Bush brings up good points.


Apu, political experts, i do not want to argue with anyone here.

there's not going to be a draft ANY time soon. In fact, if there's a draft it's because we've been attacked by China, Egypt, Iran, and about 10 other nations. No worries beastly. There are WAY too many whinney middle class white students to complain about that issue. you're in safe hands :rolly

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but Zell's only been a senator for 3 years, and was a congress man for 4 years in the late sixties...well before Kerry's service. We're talking about 20 years of Kerry voting against the US military and inteligence community...not a few years here and there. There is a stout difference between the two.


OK, so...


1) Kerry votes on s*** for ~16 years

2) Zell Miller comes in and, in 2001, says Kerry has done a good job

3) For 3-4 more years, Kerry and Miller vote similarly

4) Zell Miller, in 2004, criticizes Kerry's voting record


So either Miller was completely full of s*** in 2001 when talking about Kerry's record up until then...or he's a hypocrite for bashing Kerry's moves the last few years which match up with his.

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He has the same Congressional voting record on intelligence and the military as Kerry during his service in Congress so he really has no room to critique Kerry (just as you said MM has no room to critique others' appearances since his ass is so large that it could have its own senator)

Of course so many votes just fall down party lines. Play nice with the party faithful or face their wrath at re-election time. If you took a representative sample of 100 Americans you will not find the type of polarity in voting that our elected officials display. Every vote, every position is political. It is rarely about what is the best course of action. It's for the parties and their self interests.

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I just don't see where Miller gets off b****ing at Kerry for being so horrible saying "[Kerry] has voted--he's been on the wrong side of foreign policy issues for the last 20 years." when Miller has done the EXACT SAME THING.

Did Zell Miller vote against every one of the weapons currently in the U.S. Military's inventory? No. Did John Kerry? Yes. Nice Try Apu. Explain to me how in the hell Zell Miller could have the same voting record as Kerry if he served in the House for a few years during Vietnam and 3 years in the Senate in his current term. It's impossible.


John Kerry voted against body armor and armored Humvee funding for the military , he voted against the M-1 tank and the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, the best 1-2 punch of military might in the world and the workhorses of the U.S Army in 2 successful wars. He voted against a slew of other major weapons programs that are successful and necessary to our national security. This is a man who wants to run the Military? Yeah, we better get started wadding up paper and stocking up on drinking straws if John Kerry gets elected cause we will indeed be armed with spitballs if he and his leftist cronies have their way.

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Nuke, as CrimsonWeltall said


OK, so...


1) Kerry votes on s*** for ~16 years

2) Zell Miller comes in and, in 2001, says Kerry has done a good job

3) For 3-4 more years, Kerry and Miller vote similarly

4) Zell Miller, in 2004, criticizes Kerry's voting record


So either Miller was completely full of s*** in 2001 when talking about Kerry's record up until then...or he's a hypocrite for bashing Kerry's moves the last few years which match up with his.

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Did Zell Miller vote against every one of the weapons currently in the U.S. Military's inventory?  No.  Did John Kerry?  Yes.  Nice Try Apu.  Explain to me how in the hell Zell Miller could have the same voting record as Kerry if he served in the House for a few years during Vietnam and 3 years in the Senate in his current term.  It's impossible.


John Kerry voted against body armor and armored Humvee funding for the military , he voted against the M-1 tank and the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, the best 1-2 punch of military might in the world and the workhorses of the U.S Army in 2 successful wars.  He voted against a slew of other major weapons programs that are successful and necessary to our national security.  This is a man who wants to run the Military?  Yeah,  we better get started wadding up paper and stocking up on drinking straws if John Kerry gets elected cause we will indeed be armed with spitballs if he and his leftist cronies have their way.


You said that the government shouldn't ask for more tax money until they eliminated waste in their spending. Could that also apply to the military? CLean up the spending and there would have been money for that stuff? Maybe if they stopped processing phony medals they could buy some body armor with the savings.


While Zell was voting, his military voting followed Kerry's.

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