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I was gonna post this earlier, you did a better job. I have no problem with the 1st, 2nd or even the 4th time through the order. It's the 3rd time that does him in. I wonder what % of the runs he gives up come in the 5th and 6th innings.

He either loses foucs or gets sloppy in the middle innings.

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on murph this morning. ERA by time through the batting order. lifetime jon garland


1st time through the order = 2.2

2nd time = 4.8

3rd time = 7.7

4th time = 9.something

That's just the way Jon pitches.


Jon said something to that effect a few weeks ago. Something like..... "That's just the way I pitch."

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At what Set-Up, MR, Closer (IMO NO way)

You don't just throw someone in as a closer or a setup guy and expect all will be well...it just doesn't work that way.


He'd be used as a middle reliever, and then from the results, he would either be promoted, demoted, or he would remain in his role.


Personally...I think the Sox should look to Montreal/wherever the hell else they will play and see if a deal couldn't be worked between the two...they've worked together before(Colon for El Duque, Biddle, and Liefer, and then Rauch and Majewski for Everett), so I don't see why it couldn't happen again. Montreal is always looking for cheap, young talent, because it is cheap...and they could use a future 3Bman and a cheap starter(Crede and Garland).

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wherever the hell else they will play and see if a deal couldn't be worked between the two...they've worked together before(Colon for El Duque, Biddle, and Liefer, and then Rauch and Majewski for Everett), so I don't see why it couldn't happen again.  Montreal is always looking for cheap, young talent, because it is cheap...and they could use a future 3Bman and a cheap starter(Crede and Garland).

Jusat about every team in baseball should jealous of their bullpen. Young and nasty.

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LMB, I wish he could go 7 innings but I don't know if he has the smarts to change his pitching during the course of the game. When he can do that, we should expect a quality start most of the time.

I used to wonder if he had the smarts too, now I think he's just stubborn and maybe even cocky. He has that, 'no one is gonna tell me what to do, or think, or feel' attitude about him.

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Jusat about every team in baseball should jealous of their bullpen. Young and nasty.

This is true.


Anybody think that maybe they would do a Crede and Garland for Johnson/Wilkerson and Ayala deal, straight up(or maybe just for Wilkerson...I'm not sure)? Then Everett becomes expendable, and Wilkerson could become our fulltime RFer and potentially either become a #2 hitter or he could become like a #5 or #6. Basically, all he does is take over Valentin's role in the lineup, only he's supposed to do it better then Valentin(better average, better power, better RBI numbers, better numbers against atleast LHP, and preferably RHP too, along with being a good OB type guy).

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