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Moore on Bush's Speech


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NEW YORK — Tonight, it's show time for George W. Bush, and I can't wait to hear what he has to tell the Republican convention.

It has been a pretty thrilling week so far, my favorite moment by far being the rebellious Bush twins who, in just a few short minutes, delivered on their promise to issue "payback" to their parents and all authority in general. (Related stories: Moore index page)


They revealed their parents' pet name for each other: "Bushie" or "Bushy" — no spelling was provided. They seemed to have embarrassed their grandmother with a joke about the TV show Sex and the City as a place to have sex. And they claimed to have seen their boogieing parents "shake it like a Polaroid picture." That's one picture that took the rest of the night for me to shake out of my head.


Nonetheless, I loved the Bush daughters: They were funny, sassy and free spirits. Back in 1999, they told their father in no uncertain terms that they did not want him to run for president. They wanted their dad at home, they wanted their privacy, and they wanted to go to college in peace. He chose to ignore their pleas — and I guess Tuesday night was their way of saying, "Thanks, Dad."


And thank him they should. He and Laura have obviously done a good job raising two bright, independent women. He made their privacy a top priority and did what he could to protect them. They clearly love their parents and, when you see that happen, you know the Bushes did something right in their home. For that, they should be commended.


Other fathers and mothers who loved their daughters and sons across America can no longer celebrate with them. That's because their children are dead on the streets and roads of Iraq, sent there by Mr. Bush to "defend" America.


This week, in an appearance leading up to his arrival here Wednesday night, Bush acknowledged he had miscalculated what would happen in Iraq after he invaded it. He had thought it was going to be much easier. It turned out to be much, much worse.


That must be some comfort to the parents of nearly 1,000 brave soldiers now dead because of his "miscalculation." If I made a miscalculation and ran over a child on the street, what do you think would happen to me? Do you think the cops would simply say, "Hey, Mr. Moore, you did your best driving down this street, you made a miscalculation, the kid is dead, but you are trying to save the world, so be on your way?" Something tells me this is not what would happen. What I don't get is that Mr. Bush makes his mistake and thinks he has a right to continue in his job.


Let's hope he isn't getting his inspiration from Richard Nixon, the same man Arnold Schwarzenegger hailed Tuesday night as his reason for becoming a Republican. You have to give Arnold an award for guts. He must be the first Republican convention speaker to mention Nixon since he resigned. Nixon snuck into office in 1968 with his secret plan to end the Vietnam War. Another miscalculation: The war continued for years, and thousands more died.


I would love to hear Bush apologize tonight to the parents and loved ones of those who have died in Iraq. I would like to hear him say he knows what it means to love your children and that he, in good conscience, cannot send any more children to their deaths.


I would like to hear him say tonight, "I'm sorry. There never were weapons of mass destruction and there never was a connection between Saddam Hussein and 9/11. There was no imminent threat, our lives were not in danger, no missiles were going to hit Cleveland. Because of our desire to get our hands on the second largest supply of oil in the world, we sacrificed a thousand of your sons and daughters. For this, we are greatly sorry."


I guess a boy can dream.


The other thing I would like to hear tonight is: Why haven't you caught Osama bin Laden? You've had three years to find him. The man killed nearly 3,000 people here on our soil.


Maybe Bush has no worse explanation than he just hasn't been able to do it. Well, if your town's dogcatcher couldn't catch a wild dog that has been on the loose biting people for three years, what would be the dogcatcher's chances for re-election? Not good.


And so it should be for Bush.


Unless he has the answers tonight. Perhaps he has a reason or can accept responsibility for his actions and promise to send no one else's child off to die for a cause that has nothing to do with the defense of this country.


If he takes a moment to look into his daughters' eyes tonight, he will know the answer and give the greatest speech of his life.

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That's one picture that took the rest of the night for me to shake out of my head.



yeah...because Michael moore is so amazingly fit and attractive. what a f***ing fat ass.



Back in 1999, they told their father in no uncertain terms that they did not want him to run for president. They wanted their dad at home, they wanted their privacy, and they wanted to go to college in peace. He chose to ignore their pleas — and I guess Tuesday night was their way of saying, "Thanks, Dad."


yeah, because they clearly hate their father for being such a selfish ass and ruining their lives. I'm sure secret service people had to take them on stage at gun point just to say anything good about their Dad. once again, michael moore, you clearly love anal beads


Other fathers and mothers who loved their daughters and sons across America can no longer celebrate with them. That's because their children are dead on the streets and roads of Iraq, sent there by Mr. Bush to "defend" America.


In our VOLUNTARY army, in which chain of command and following orders is of utmost importance in order to keep soldiers safe and informed, yes, sometimes there are casualties.


That must be some comfort to the parents of nearly 1,000 brave soldiers now dead because of his "miscalculation." If I made a miscalculation and ran over a child on the street, what do you think would happen to me? Do you think the cops would simply say, "Hey, Mr. Moore, you did your best driving down this street, you made a miscalculation, the kid is dead, but you are trying to save the world, so be on your way?" Something tells me this is not what would happen. What I don't get is that Mr. Bush makes his mistake and thinks he has a right to continue in his job


another well written paragraph by Michael Moore... do you think he's got a special keyboard at home that allows him to just mash his fat, fat fingers on eat letter? honestly, that might take him sometime to accomplish each typed task, but I'm sure he fits that in somewhere between noon-time twinkie snack and 12:15 ho-ho break.


by the way, I was in a car this summer and we hit a teenaged girl. Hey f***o, don't use examples that you unqualified to speak about. I'll tell you about miscalculations. Bush probably didn't calculate a US hating douche bag like yourself spreading hate about him and this wondeful nation that hurts and inhibits our troops to do their job. Sounds like a guy named John who came back from Vietnam and lambasted his fellow American Soldiers.... hmmm. birds of a feather.


I would love to hear Bush apologize tonight to the parents and loved ones of those who have died in Iraq. I would like to hear him say he knows what it means to love your children and that he, in good conscience, cannot send any more children to their deaths.


I would like to hear him say tonight, "I'm sorry. There never were weapons of mass destruction and there never was a connection between Saddam Hussein and 9/11. There was no imminent threat, our lives were not in danger, no missiles were going to hit Cleveland. Because of our desire to get our hands on the second largest supply of oil in the world, we sacrificed a thousand of your sons and daughters. For this, we are greatly sorry."


Russia, England, and all of our allies agreed that Saddam had or was trying to restart his nuclear program. Saddam Hussein's reign was in and of itself a weapon of mass destruction. There's no imminent threat to the rabid dog on the outside of your fence, but sooner or later your kid will go outside, or you won't be looking and he's going to bite you, and it won't be pretty. Shoot it now, and there aren't problems later. Yeah, I know that right now Bush is just waiting to count all that money he's going to get from all that oil. I mean, he could never actually believe that he's helping americans stay safe or actually cares about the freedom of people trapped under tyranny...no way, too far out there.... what a dick.


I guess a boy can dream.


you and michael jackson can all the little boy dreams you want...


Why haven't you caught Osama bin Laden? You've had three years to find him. The man killed nearly 3,000 people here on our soil.


You mean Saddam Hussein and 20 of the top 30 terrorists in the world isn't good enough? Clinton had Bin laden in his grasps, I don't see 9/11 victims families kicking him in the crotch as he walks by. 3 years, huh? 3 years closer to him dying, if he's not already dead. I hear caves are nice in afganistan in december.


So hang on...why aren't the Republicans allowed to talk about 9/11, but everyone else is? double standard, maybe?


Maybe Bush has no worse explanation than he just hasn't been able to do it. Well, if your town's dogcatcher couldn't catch a wild dog that has been on the loose biting people for three years, what would be the dogcatcher's chances for re-election? Not good.


there's lots of wild dogs out there Moore.... The question is, when will the dog catcher finally get a net on you?

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yeah...because Michael moore is so amazingly fit and attractive. what a f***ing fat ass.





yeah, because they clearly hate their father for being such a selfish ass and ruining their lives. I'm sure secret service people had to take them on stage at gun point just to say anything good about their Dad. once again, michael moore, you clearly love anal beads




In our VOLUNTARY army, in which chain of command and following orders is of utmost importance in order to keep soldiers safe and informed, yes, sometimes there are casualties.




another well written paragraph by Michael Moore... do you think he's got a special keyboard at home that allows him to just mash his fat, fat fingers on eat letter? honestly, that might take him sometime to accomplish each typed task, but I'm sure he fits that in somewhere between noon-time twinkie snack and 12:15 ho-ho break.


by the way, I was in a car this summer and we hit a teenaged girl. Hey f***o, don't use examples that you unqualified to speak about. I'll tell you about miscalculations. Bush probably didn't calculate a US hating douche bag like yourself spreading hate about him and this wondeful nation that hurts and inhibits our troops to do their job. Sounds like a guy named John who came back from Vietnam and lambasted his fellow American Soldiers.... hmmm. birds of a feather.




Russia, England, and all of our allies agreed that Saddam had or was trying to restart his nuclear program. Saddam Hussein's reign was in and of itself a weapon of mass destruction. There's no imminent threat to the rabid dog on the outside of your fence, but sooner or later your kid will go outside, or you won't be looking and he's going to bite you, and it won't be pretty. Shoot it now, and there aren't problems later. Yeah, I know that right now Bush is just waiting to count all that money he's going to get from all that oil. I mean, he could never actually believe that he's helping americans stay safe or actually cares about the freedom of people trapped under tyranny...no way, too far out there.... what a dick.




you and michael jackson can all the little boy dreams you want...




You mean Saddam Hussein and 20 of the top 30 terrorists in the world isn't good enough? Clinton had Bin laden in his grasps, I don't see 9/11 victims families kicking him in the crotch as he walks by.  3 years, huh? 3 years closer to him dying, if he's not already dead. I hear caves are nice in afganistan in december.


So hang on...why aren't the Republicans allowed to talk about 9/11, but everyone else is? double standard, maybe?




there's lots of wild dogs out there Moore.... The question is, when will the dog catcher finally get a net on you?

Nominated for most idiotic post in the month of September. Typical Republican psychotic response when they hear the name Michael Moore.


Back on topic, that was very poorly written. I get the point, Mike.

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Nominated for most idiotic post in the month of September. Typical Republican psychotic response when they hear the name Michael Moore.


Back on topic, that was very poorly written. I get the point, Mike.

phew, thanks for clearing that up Cerbaho...



to think I was on the fence this whole time about whether you were really a douche bag or not.




douche bag it is. :wub:




btw, when my cousin lost the academy award for best documentary (spellbound) it was amongst the greatest mishaps in Oscar history. see, I don't hate MM for his politics alone, I hate him for his fake documenaries and lies, which belong no where near real documentaries.

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phew, thanks for clearing that up Cerbaho...



to think I was on the fence this whole time about whether you were really a douche bag or not.




douche bag it is. :wub:




btw, when my cousin lost the academy award for best documentary (spellbound) it was amongst the greatest mishaps in Oscar history. see, I don't hate MM for his politics alone, I hate him for his fake documenaries and lies, which belong no where near real documentaries.

That's wonderful, I could give a s*** if Michael Moore personally killed a family pet of yours or not.


Also, you do understand the new posting rules and that I am infact a forum moderator here? I could absolutely berate you verbally, but I don't think I'm oblidged to call you such immature bulls***. But if you're going to humor me with middle school name calling, knock yourself out.

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That's wonderful, I could give a s*** if Michael Moore personally killed a family pet of yours or not.


Also, you do understand the new posting rules and that I am infact a forum moderator here? I could absolutely berate you verbally, but I don't think I'm oblidged to call you such immature bulls***. But if you're going to humor me with middle school name calling, knock yourself out.

as opposed to mocking my post and not addressing anything that was written. It's the same thing. I could care less about the new policy, and that's why I asked to be removed as a moderator. You have a higher standard than to say stuff like "Nominated for most idiotic post in the month of September" and I don't.


so back the eff up, and have a nice day.

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as opposed to mocking my post and not addressing anything that was written. It's the same thing. I could care less about the new policy, and that's why I asked to be removed as a moderator. You have a higher standard than to say stuff like "Nominated for most idiotic post in the month of September" and I don't.


so back the eff up, and have a nice day.

Oh, I could have easily torn apart your teflon argument piece by piece, but arguing politics is just a gigantic waste of time. And anyways, Apu could do the job twenty times better than I can. But then again, what's the point of trying to argue with a guy who just says, "MICHAEL MOORE IS A FAT f***. FAT FAT FAT FAT!" You might want to stick to the topic at hand, because making fun of someone's weight is a telltale sign that you lack the mental capacity to carry on an actual, intelligent, conversation.

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MM is an entertainer, no more and no less.


And since when is commenting about somebody's weight a means to discredit whatever point they are going to make? If the thinnest, most fit person around is the best on political opinion then we better all bow to the Einstein of political theory...fitness guru, Tony Little.


There are more and more people coming out against the war. As HL Mencken once stated: "The notion that a radical is one who hates his country is naive and usually idiotic. He is, more likely, one who likes his country more than the rest of us and is thus more disturbed than the rest of us when he sees it debauched. He is not a bad citizen turning to crime; he is a good citizen driven to despair."


So the knee-jerk: "They are critiquing American policy so they must hate the US!" is childish and asinine. Surely people like Republican Congressman Ron Paul, who holds deep anti-Iraq war views would not meet the same vitriol that you have spewed against MM. http://smash_the_right_wing.tripod.com/id38.html is my site that has a lot of information on Iraq and the reasoning behind the war.


Now that it has come out that the INC lead by Chalabi was a spy for Iran and the Israeli spy was busted as one of the main intel sources for the war, we find that the two countries who had a vested interest in seeing the US invade Iraq had representatives who gave us the shaky intelligence.


Here's one where Rummy gets busted in a lie on national TV: http://www.infowars.com/print/iraq/rumsfeld_inalie.htm


As for war-time profiteering, top members of the Pentagon like Richard Perle also sat on the boards of many weapons manufacturers. They made money hand over fist advocating the war.


As for war-time profiteering: http://www.alternet.org/story/15445



Between December 2003 and May 2004, news reports repeatedly documented a pattern of fraud, waste, and corruption by Halliburton in Iraq. In December, a Pentagon investigation found evidence that Halliburton's Kellogg, Brown & Root (KBR) had overcharged the U.S. government some $61 million for fuel deliveries from Kuwait to Iraq. In January, Halliburton admitted to the Pentagon that two of its employees took up to $6 million in kickbacks for awarding a Kuwaiti-based company with work in Iraq. Then in early February it was reported that the company had agreed to repay the U.S. government some $27 million for meals that were never served to American troops. In May, the Coalition Provisional Authority's inspector general started raising questions about the bills that Halliburton had racked up at a five-star beachfront hotel near Kuwait City. And twelve Halliburton truck drivers claimed they risked their lives driving empty trucks in Iraq while their employer billed the government for hauling absolutely nothing.


*In late May, Time Magazine obtained Pentagon emails which said Vice President Dick Cheney's office coordinated the awarding of an Iraq contract to Halliburton, despite Cheney's insistence that he had no influence whatsoever over contract decisions regarding Halliburton. In June, Rep. Henry Waxman's office obtained even more documentation of the White House's involvement in awarding lucrative Iraq contracts to Halliburton. To summarize, Cheney, the former Halliburton CEO, pushed for the Iraq war in his capacity as vice president, and then helped his former employer get some $9 billion in contracts to "reconstruct" the country that had been destroyed in the war. Meanwhile, Cheney continues to be paid more than $150,000 annually by Halliburton.


* As if that weren't all enough, this week, five more Halliburton whistleblowers accused the company of wasting millions of taxpayer dollars in Iraq. They say that Halliburton: Lodged 100 workers at a five-star hotel in Kuwait for a total of $10,000 a day while the Pentagon wanted them to stay in tents, like soldiers, at $139 a night; Abandoned $85,000 trucks because of flat tires and minor problems; Paid $100 to have a 15-pound bag of laundry cleaned as part of a million-dollar laundry contract in peaceful Kuwait. The price for cleaning the same amount of laundry in war-torn Iraq was $28; Spent $1.50 a can to buy 37,200 cans of soda in Kuwait, about 24 times higher than the contract price; and knowingly paid subcontractors twice for the same bill.


War profiteering should make people of any political party sick and questioning the reasoning, intelligence and rationale for the war is not un-patriotic but rather is the total essense of democracy. In "Weapons of Mass Deception" by 2 media critics Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber, they show through a whole s***load of sources that Bush wanted to invade Iraq before 9/11 and developed reasons to do so that would influence the American public to get behind them (i.e. WMD, AQ connections) It's a very good read and shows the incompetence/deception behind putting America in this foreign policy maneuver.


Democrats aren't falling all over themselves for 9/11...they didn't put their convention blocks away from Ground Zero, didn't move it back in time than normal to be closer to 9/11, didn't have all sorts of 9/11 rememberance ceremonies in their convention. Here's an interesting take from a guy who was in the RNC interviewing delegates. http://www.tomdispatch.com/index.mhtml?emx=x&pid=1744

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Oh, I could have easily torn apart your teflon argument piece by piece


hehe, that "is a telltale sign that you lack the mental capacity to carry on an actual, intelligent, conversation."


but arguing politics is just a gigantic waste of time.


but "drive by posting" of insults seems to be time well spent...


Apu could do the job twenty times better than I can.


well said. He tends to kick my ass daily, but try to rage against that machine anyway.


But then again, what's the point of trying to argue with a guy who just says, "MICHAEL MOORE IS A FAT f***. FAT FAT FAT FAT!"


I know, and whoever that guy is, shouldn't be listened to, because that's not my quote.


You might want to stick to the topic at hand


actually...my comment was a response to Moore's insinuation that President and Mrs Bush dancing is a horrible sight to see. Simply put, Michael moore is a grossly obese individual that has no room to make jokes about other people's appearences.



and finally:

You might want to stick to the topic at hand, because making fun of someone's weight is a telltale sign that you lack the mental capacity to carry on an actual, intelligent, conversation.





and I got the warning about insults :lol:

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