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Police Tazer Guy Trying to Go Home


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Officers in hurricane-ravaged Fort Myers used a Taser gun on a man allegedly trying to get by a police barrier to get home, and it was caught on tape. A crowd formed around the scene and voices can be heard yelling, "Leave him alone," "That is so wrong," and "Come on man, he's frustrated."

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And if the guy goes thru the barracade, and somehow gets hurt, who gets sued? You guessed it, the cops who DIDN'T STOP HIM! Oh yeah, 'He's frustrated, leave him alone!' Who down there isn't? With three kids in the car, why wasn't he setting a better example of respect for authority? Now because HE was a dumbass, his kids will have a negative view of the police, who were doing their job.

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And if the guy goes thru the barracade, and somehow gets hurt, who gets sued?  You guessed it, the cops who DIDN'T STOP HIM!  Oh yeah, 'He's frustrated, leave him alone!'  Who down there isn't?  With three kids in the car, why wasn't he setting a better example of respect for authority?  Now because HE was a dumbass, his kids will have a negative view of the police, who were doing their job.

Their job was to pull him out of his car and tazer his ass until he was convulsing? Telling him to stop and turn around is one thing but to have a gang of cops pull him out of the car and tazer him is a completely different thing.

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Wonder what the reason was for a guy to go into a hurricane raveged florida to his house. I mean...there's 100+ plus mph wind...sharp rain, wtf. It'd have to be something very important, not the fact that he hasn't seen his home and want's to see what has happened to it...odds are that whatever has happened to it hasn't stopped happening to it until the storm dies.

Edited by TheBlackSox8
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Their job was to pull him out of his car and tazer his ass until he was convulsing?  Telling him to stop and turn around is one thing but to have a gang of cops pull him out of the car and tazer him is a completely different thing.

Do you honestly think that they didn't do that first? And second? And third? No, what happened here is this guy just decided that he was going to do what he wanted to, police and hurricane be damned. What would you have done had the police stopped YOU, and told you to turn around? Berate the police, try to go thru anyway or turn around?

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I dont care, I know I wasnt right there in the thick of things, but im not gonna agree with you here. There is no need to tazer an unarmed man, in front of his kids, when the guy didnt even appear to be that out of control. I dont know why they grabbed him out of his car, and I dont know if he was planning on driving thru the barricade or what, but unless theres more to the story, im on the side of the guy whos next or behind the camera asking the cops to leave him alone.

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Great article :rolly . Really tells the whole story.


1. There is mandatory evacuation order for most of Fla.

2. Where there is not, a curfew has been ordered.

3. If he was in violation of either 1 or 2 (can't tell from this Pulitzer Worthy article :rolly ), the police, I know this will kill you Apu, have the LAWFUL AUTHORITY to detain and prevent this schmo from going any further and can use ANY and ALL NON-LETHAL CONTROL AND ARREST TECHNIQUES to subdue an uncooperative subject. Whether you agree with that or not is inconsequential. The law is the law. Don't like it? Do something to change it rather than post articles..... and I use the word article in this sense very lightly...... from some disturbingly lefty website.


BTW, pepper spray and TAZERS are both non-lethal remedies to subdue and contain an uncooperative subject at a police officers disposal.

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Their job was to pull him out of his car and tazer his ass until he was convulsing?

He wasn't convulsing. I've seen people get TAZED and that's just what the human body does after 50,000 volts are sent through it for 5 seconds at a time.


BTW..... it probably never occured to you that some people can be extremely disorderly to police officers while inside their car which necessitates an arrest by the police where the arrestee must be physically removed from the vehicle by the use of or threatened use of force? Everyone, especially the one's with their kids in the car, just goes quietly and listens intently to everything the good officer has to say until the cop breaks out a blackjack and "WHAM!"..... whacks the good citizen and knocks him out for no reason what-so-ever.


:rolly :rolly :rolly :rolly :rolly

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Great article  :rolly . Really tells the whole story.


1. There is mandatory evacuation order for most of Fla.

2. Where there is not, a curfew has been ordered.

3. If he was in violation of either 1 or 2 (can't tell from this Pulitzer Worthy article  :rolly ), the police, I know this will kill you Apu, have the LAWFUL AUTHORITY to detain and prevent this schmo from going any further and can use ANY and ALL NON-LETHAL CONTROL AND ARREST TECHNIQUES to subdue an uncooperative subject. Whether you agree with that or not is inconsequential. The law is the law. Don't like it? Do something to change it rather than post articles..... and I use the word article in this sense very lightly...... from some disturbingly lefty website. 


BTW, pepper spray and TAZERS are both non-lethal remedies to subdue and contain an uncooperative subject at a police officers disposal.

Actually it's not a lefty website. It's a pretty far right Libertarian web page. (Alex Jones is a right wing Libertarian)


The guy in the vid was not throwing punches or anything at the cops. Having a bunch of cops pull the guy out of the car and hold him down tazering him isn't gonna make him any calmer. And in the same condacending way, CK, in America people are innocent until proven guilty. So, I'm giving the guy in the car the benefit of the doubt, especially after police abuses in Florida recently (see the FTAA protests in Florida and the extreme police abuses there)

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Actually it's not a lefty website.  It's a pretty far right Libertarian web page.  (Alex Jones is a right wing Libertarian)


The guy in the vid was not throwing punches or anything at the cops.  Having a bunch of cops pull the guy out of the car and hold him down tazering him isn't gonna make him any calmer.  And in the same condacending way, CK, in America people are innocent until proven guilty.  So, I'm giving the guy in the car the benefit of the doubt, especially after police abuses in Florida recently (see the FTAA protests in Florida and the extreme police abuses there)

As far as you and those like you are concerned anytime a cop so much as touches someone they are being abusive.

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As far as you and those like you are concerned anytime a cop so much as touches someone they are being abusive.

Dude do you really think it was needed for them to use the Tazer gun though? I mean come on, if they would have pull him out and arrested him or something till he calmed down fine, but they had to drag him out, gang up on him and put him through a pain I can only imagin being unbarable of 5000 volts being shocked into you, especially where he seemed to not even be a risk of doing any harm, his kids less than 5 feet away watching.


I also think the crowd around standing up for the man says something in its itself.

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.... especially where he seemed to not even be a risk of doing any harm, his kids less than 5 feet away watching.

Apparently having his kids around didn't prevent him from trying to blow thru a police roadblock, what makes you think that the kids would have prevented him from doing harm? He wasn't thinking, and that in itself is a dangerous thing.

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Apparently having his kids around didn't prevent him from trying to blow thru a police roadblock, what makes you think that the kids would have prevented him from doing harm?  He wasn't thinking, and that in itself is a dangerous thing.

Typical of APU to tell half the story and make the perp look like the victim.

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Nuke, you don't know if he tried blowing past the checkpoint or not. All you know is that he tried to get past (there is no video or knowledge about the speed he was going)


When the video starts, he is completely stationary, dragged out of his car and gets tazered. I failed to see where he was being non-compliant with the cops that would necessitate them tazering him.


Typical of Nuke to defend the military/police even though the same force has been notoriously known for abuses.

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And in the same condacending way, CK, in America people are innocent until proven guilty.  So, I'm giving the guy in the car the benefit of the doubt, especially after police abuses in Florida recently (see the FTAA protests in Florida and the extreme police abuses there)

Way to lump ALL cops into batterers and abusers of the civil rights of "innocents" Apu :rolly

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When the video starts, he is completely stationary, dragged out of his car and gets tazered.  I failed to see where he was being non-compliant with the cops that would necessitate them tazering him.

There is such thing as "passive" resistence which may necessitate a subject being tazered to gain compliance. An example.....


A driver refuses to acknowledge a police officer's lawful command to exit his/her vehicle by both refusing to acknowledge the command and gripping the steering wheel with both hands in an attempt to make extrication by one or more police officers difficult.


Now with tazers, you just zap his/her ass and the muscles release, the subject is knocked senseless for 3-5 seconds afterwards during which two officers can get immediate compliance by quickly extricating the resisting subject and placing them in handcuffs before the subject even knows what the hell just happened.


Or would you rather have him/her jack-slapped or beat down like the "innocent" Rodney King :rolly ?

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Yeah and with Rodney King, read the LAPD chatter that consisted of "Beat the n*****!" and "Kick the n*****'s Ass" amongst other racial epithets.


Posse Comitatus is being eroded away and that's not good for anybody. I'm simply saying that a police force recently known for unprovoked brutality does not get the benefit of the doubt in my eyes.

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What about 'innocent until proven guilty?' You don't know that it was THESE officers that were the ones recently in trouble, so you are damning all with your assumptions. Why are they also not innocent until proven guilty? The whole problem here is we are all acting under assumptions since the whole story wasn't given. We don't KNOW what the guy did or did not say or do to the officers, and the tape doesn't start before that, so we can't really know whether the use of force was justified or not. YOU are acting as if it is not due to your preconcieved opinion of the force from an earlier incident. I generally like to give the police the benefit of the doubt, and would ike to believe that the driver was an ass and asked for it. Get some more info, then we can b**** at each other with facts. Although that may not be as much fun. ;)

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What about 'innocent until proven guilty?'  You don't know that it was THESE officers that were the ones recently in trouble, so you are damning all with your assumptions.  Why are they also not innocent until proven guilty?  The whole problem here is we are all acting under assumptions since the whole story wasn't given.  We don't KNOW what the guy did or did not say or do to the officers, and the tape doesn't start before that, so we can't really know whether the use of force was justified or not.  YOU are acting as if it is not due to your preconcieved opinion of the force from an earlier incident.  I generally like to give the police the benefit of the doubt, and would ike to believe that the driver was an ass and asked for it.  Get some more info, then we can b**** at each other with facts.  Although that may not be as much fun. ;)

The Florida police at the FTAA protests acted with a lot of unprovoked force.




You gotta watch a 15 sec. ad to see the whole article but it's a good article.

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