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Sweeney and Fields should be good to watch in Bham next year. However, I don't know how quickly they will move Fields.


I'm not sure Sweeney will get promoted next year. He'll be 20, and I could see another year in the Carolina League in W-S's bandbox to gain some confidence. I see him starting out in W-S, and if he does well, getting promoted to B'ham mid-season.


Remember, Sweeney has hit with very little power this year, but it will come. There's no rush with him.


I see less of a reason to hold Fields back. But I too would not be surprised to see him start in W-S and move up to B'ham mid-season.


If B'ham starts with Sweeney (RF), Rogowski (LF), Fields (3B), McCarthy (SP), Tracey (SP), Honel (SP), Wing (SP), Gonzalez (SS) . . . that will be one of the better prospect-laden teams in the last few years for the White Sox.


I also wouldn't be surprised if Ricks starts in W-S and moves up quickly to B'ham. Just a gut feeling.

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Sweeney has been hot in the 2nd half so I think he will move up to Birmingham. I see no reason not to move up Fields, after a slow start he has been very good. He had to switch from metal to wood bats against minor leaguers that have played at least 1-2 years in the minors. Maybe I'm alone on this one, but I wouldn't mind seeing BMac start next season in AAA. I'm not a big fan of pitchers skipping AAA to go to the bigs.


Also, BMac will be in the AFL which will give him more time against solid opposition.

Edited by danman31
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Sweeney has been hot in the 2nd half so I think he will move up to Birmingham. I see no reason not to move up Fields, after a slow start he has been very good. He had to switch from metal to wood bats against minor leaguers that have played at least 1-2 years in the minors. Maybe I'm alone on this one, but I wouldn't mind seeing BMac start next season in AAA. I'm not a big fan of pitchers skipping AAA to go to the bigs.


Also, BMac will be in the AFL which will give him more time against solid opposition.

I lean to letting Bmac get more starts in Bham. IT won't hurt, he doesn't have many AA starts and to me AA is a good place to have a pitcher get a good amount of experience. I want to see what he can do there and if next year he starts off and is ripping off good start after good start, then move him to AAA.

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As far as Fields goes, I think he could probably hold his own in AA, but I still think he has had a pretty minimal amount of experience and the last thing I'd want to see the Sox do is put him in AA where he'll get absolutely owned for a month or two and completely kill his confidence.


While Fields has a ton of power potential and should turn into a good hitter, he's still a little raw based on the whole two sport thing.


In regards to Sweeney, the guy has been oustanding the entire second half of the season basically, so to me it would be a no doubter to move him up to AA. This is a guy that they damn near started in AA...the Sox think that highly of him.


As far as his power goes, he won't develop it for another two years potentially. First off he's still got a while till he feels up and secondly he's not really to the point where he picks counts to drive the ball, he just works on using all parts of the field (which is great). In all honesty, I kind of see him as a similar hitter to Garret Anderson (potential wise).


I think he should be a tremendous hitter who will develop more and more power as his career progresses and could turn into a 30/35 guy eventually, but I highly doubt he will be that during the first few years of his major league career.


*Thats my bold prediction*

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Jason, I would agree with you on the movement of these prospects.


BMac will have logged a ton of innings this year, between Birmingham going to the playoffs and then a stint in the Fall League. I too would like to see him get 1/2 season in AA to let him settle in, he's very young.


As for Fields, there may be politics at play and he may have been promised AA for 2005 but I wouldn't be adverse to giving him 6-8 weeks at Winston-Salem to make sure he continues to progress, and then move him up.


On Sweeney, AA for sure. He's coming fast, and is finishing strong this year, a very good sign for a guy so young.

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Sweeney and Fields should be good to watch in Bham next year.  However, I don't know how quickly they will move Fields.

Jason, Fields has had a very successful year at W/S. So has Sweeney. They performed about the same and Fields had the benefit of three, count 'em three, years of college ball. Got to move them both. They will succeed at AA, I am sort of certain.

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As far as Fields goes, I think he could probably hold his own in AA, but I still think he has had a pretty minimal amount of experience and the last thing I'd want to see the Sox do is put him in AA where he'll get absolutely owned for a month or two and completely kill his confidence.

You mean like what the Sox did with Ryan Sweeney? :rolly

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Uh, W-S is not a bandbox by any stretch of the imagination. 


Ummmmm.....Baseball Prospectus begs to differ.... plays as the most hitter friendly park in the Carolina league.. . .it roughly plays the same offensively as US Cellular. The Ballpark Fan Guide says it's 325 down the line and 400 to straightaway center.


It's a hitters park.

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Jesus, Bullard has had a hell of a year in any role they give him.

I am starting to believe it is the Soxtalk bounce.


Neal Cotts- goes to the majors

BMAC- Sox minor leaguer of the year IMO

Bullard- has kicked ass in everything from set up to middle relief to swing starting.

Jeff Baj- kicks ass as a closer in AA and AAA, making it up to Chicago in a Sept call up.


We need to get some more of these guys signed up and posting :)

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Ummmmm.....Baseball Prospectus begs to differ.... plays as the most hitter friendly park in the Carolina league.. . .it roughly plays the same offensively as US Cellular.  The Ballpark Fan Guide says it's 325 down the line and 400 to straightaway center.


It's a hitters park.

What does it say about the Hoover Met in Birmingham? Just curious..........

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If I'm reading these numbers right it says it's the best pitchers park in the Southern League.

Without knowing about the rest of the SL parks that sounds about right. It's a huge park, and definitely is a pitcher's park. Some other park rater had it as a minor hitters' park. This was probably because it raises average, but kills HRs.


And is anybody else getting very annoyed by Gio's walk numbers? This is a problem. Hopefully next season he can change that. I'm allowing for mulligans on all the rookies since they may be worn out (Lumsden) or adjusting to pro ball. I guess this is obvious, however, I am worried about Gio.

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Without knowing about the rest of the SL parks that sounds about right. It's a huge park, and definitely is a pitcher's park. Some other park rater had it as a minor hitters' park. This was probably because it raises average, but kills HRs.


And is anybody else getting very annoyed by Gio's walk numbers? This is a problem. Hopefully next season he can change that. I'm allowing for mulligans on all the rookies since they may be worn out (Lumsden) or adjusting to pro ball. I guess this is obvious, however, I am worried about Gio.

Gio was good early with his control, his walks have increased significantly over his past few outings though, I'd say he's gettin pretty tired, he's only 18 still I believe.

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What does it say about the Hoover Met in Birmingham? Just curious..........


Southern League



Birmingham  919

Carolina    1006

Chattanooga    1011

Greenville  1031

Huntsville  962

Jacksonville 1021

Mobile      1004

Montgomery  927

Tennessee      980

West Tennessee 1024



Jacksonville opened a new stadium last year, rating a 934, but is scoring on the high side of average this season. Montgomery looks like a pitcher's park, but take another look at what I just said about Jacksonville. There aren't any real surprises here.


The best pitcher's park in the Southern League...and one of the 10 toughest places to hit in AA/AAA ball (along with Edmonton, San Antonio, Bowie, Trenton, Norfolk, Trenton, Omaha, Portland, New Orleans...

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