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Electoral College projection

Gene Honda Civic

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Wow...resorting to personal insults.  Denial is a b****?


Because I'd rather have my nation give actual reasons for war that causes 900+ Americans to die along with 13,000-37,000+ Iraqi civilians (body counts vary since there are no official counts), believe that my government is in the pocket of corporate interests rather than being held accountable to the American public, Americans losing jobs to corporate outsourcing that pay 3rd world wages and violate labor laws etc. etc.  This nation is great but the growing descent into the revokation of Posse Comitatus, the loss of liberty in the name of "security" (the government is using the PATRIOT Act against random criminals and not "terrorists" so it's becoming a slippery slope for the abuse of our liberties) is disheartening.  It's especially disheartening when people spew this sort of slime like 420 did.

i thought they gave plenty of reasons why to go into iraq(im sorry they where not good enough for you). corpreate america is what we are yes, but guess what the world evoulves around money and like it or not thats how it works.

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I was there last year. I've never seen that anywhere in Europe. Needle robberies sound like the old wives tale from the 80s about gang members murdering people who try to signal to them that their headlights were off.


Amsterdam aint the safest place in the world, but it's no more dangerous than the average Chicago neighborhood.

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Since it is the 'in' thing to be with Kerry, why would people say they are for Bush to pollsters?  Wouldn't they be 'embarrased' to say they were for Bush?

No it is more "in" to be a conservative. You have all those nice radio shows to listen to, all the best sellers on the NY Times list, Fox News. It is much more trendy to be a conservative today.

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No it is more "in" to be a conservative. You have all those nice radio shows to listen to, all the best sellers on the NY Times list, Fox News. It is much more trendy to be a conservative today.

what? it's not trendy...it's being right.



and conservative christians are being handedly worked down on most peoples "cool" lists. can't wait to be a minority some day

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what? it's not trendy...it's being right.



and conservative christians are being handedly worked down on most peoples "cool" lists. can't wait to be a minority some day

Notice the GOP didn't have any of the religious leaders on prime time? As all successful campaigns of the past 20 years have done, dive to the center.

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Notice the GOP didn't have any of the religious leaders on prime time? As all successful campaigns of the past 20 years have done, dive to the center.

What do you think the Democrats have done? You think they are going to get elected with gay marriage, more entitlement programs and defense cuts as their platform?


Kerry himself claimed he was "a champion of conservative values"



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What do you think the Democrats have done?  You think they are going to get elected with gay marriage, more entitlement programs and defense cuts as their platform?


Kerry himself claimed he was "a champion of conservative values"



They all do it. Clinton did it best.

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What do you think the Democrats have done?  You think they are going to get elected with gay marriage, more entitlement programs and defense cuts as their platform?


Kerry himself claimed he was "a champion of conservative values"



I'm sorry, where was gay marriage on the Democrats' agenda? I missed that between a responsible foreign policy and creating jobs.

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I'm sorry, where was gay marriage on the Democrats' agenda? I missed that between a responsible foreign policy and creating jobs.

I hardly call seeking permission from Paris to defend ourselves responsible foregin policy & exactly how is Kerry going to create all these jobs? By reinstating higher tax rates on the people that employ everyone else? :ph34r: :lol:

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I hardly call seeking permission from Paris to defend ourselves responsible foregin policy & exactly how is Kerry going to create all these jobs?  By reinstating higher tax rates on the people that employ everyone else? :ph34r:  :lol:

I love the image of the US against the world. Who needs any allies?

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i thought they gave plenty of reasons why to go into iraq(im sorry they where not good enough for you). corpreate america is what we are yes, but guess what the world evoulves around money and like it or not thats how it works.

Would the reasons for the invasion be the WMD that have yet to be found yet we were told we knew where they were at (Donald Rumsfeld: "We know where they are at. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat".) or the Powell speech that was plagiarized from 1991 grad school work or the testimony of Hussein Kamal, the weapons program director for Iraq (which oddly said that they ended all programs by 1993-1995 in compliance with UN regulations...but of course that never came out) or would it be the discredited Africa/nukes or Bush's citation of a non-existant UN Atomic Energy Agency report saying Iraq was getting nuclear capabilities or the non-existant connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda (there was a relationship in the early 1990s but juxtaposing that years later is laughable...the same argument could be made for our interaction with bin Laden in the 1980s when he was with the Moujhadeen terrorist organization fighting the Russians) or the absolute zero evidence to show that AQ aided Iraq in bomb making/bio weapons manufacturing (the area Powell said they were using in Northern Iraq was outside Iraq's control and under the control of the US/UK bombing campaigns) or the chemical agents that even the US believes, even IF they did have them, are well past their useful date and useless as weapon fodder or how about the weather ballon labs sold to Iraq by the British government that the US/UK claimed were biological weapons labs (that claim re: the weapons labs was debunked pre-war)?


Here's a link to a site with plenty of news articles for evidence of claims I made:. http://www.dougbasham.com/iraqwarlies.html or you can just google Iraq war lies.


I value the military much too much to have them go fight a purely elective war, when the evidence is so damn flimsy that it falls apart so easily. I value what they are asked to do and would rather not abuse that by sending them into a very poor foreign policy decision. (This goes back to the Clinton war crimes of indiscriminate bombings in Kosovo/Yugoslavia. I'm of the mind that Clinton and Albright should be brought before a War Crimes Tribunal as well for crimes against humanity :;see Nuremburg Tribunal precedent for the legalese::)


As for corporate America, we run on money but we do not have to accept corporations being allowed off-shore tax havens, increasing the tax load on Americans while these same corporations get benefits and corporate welfare from our government (taxpayer subsidized) nor do we have to accept corporations abusing work forces in 3rd world countries using sweatshops like Gap, Old Navy, Nike and a host of other companies that use cheap labor to make their products to increase their profits. Companies need to maximize profits but at the same time be socially responsible. Blind allegiance to globalization is insane.

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