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7.5 games back


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I hope Ozzie doesn't hold your enthusiasm and do something stupid such as a 4 man rotation.



"I still bu-lieve that this team can pull it out. It's FAR from over."


It's over.


Sweep the Twins TWICE (and I'm sure Minnesota will set their rotation with Santana pitching in both series) and Sox are still 1.5 out. At that point Sox will choke and everyone will be satisfied because "they made a race out of it." See, at this point I've accepted defeat; that way I'm saving myself from heartbreak and praying this group of bums can put together a run.

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I hope Ozzie doesn't hold your enthusiasm and do something stupid such as a 4 man rotation.



"I still bu-lieve that this team can pull it out.  It's FAR from over."


It's over. 


Sweep the Twins TWICE (and I'm sure Minnesota will set their rotation with Santana pitching in both series) and Sox are still 1.5 out.  Cheat, I see you reading this thread, set these people straight.  :D

crazier things have happened.

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crazier things have happened.

If that's your only reason for holding out hope in this team then you'll be let down. I need more reassurance the Sox can make a run then "crazier things have happened."


If Sox do somehow win 7/10 this roadtrip (preferably sweeping Minn) and close within 3 games of Minnesota I still wouldn't believe. They'll need to win 9/10 or sweep this entire roadtrip for myself to take notice.



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I just want them to make the Twins earn the division, not give it to them

Is this Lawrence Holmes? :lol:


Twins have already earned this division and Sox have already choked it away.


I don't wan't Guillen to concern himself with nailing down every win from this point on. Example: Sox are leading by 2 runs in the 8th don't pencil in Marte and Shingo to close the game. Recently, Marte has been overused and I wish someone would smack Ozzie upside the head and remind him we're looking to compete next year.

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I'll believe the Sox can win the division when I'm sitting at Game 1 of the playoffs with a beer in my hand....not before.


It's a pipe dream to think that this team with this talent and a determined unwillingness to get on base or play defense will catch up with the Twins, who not only have a 7.5 game lead, but put better talent on the field every day than the White Sox.

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I had a feeling someone would start a post like this. This season is over.... a miracle would still have us fall short. No way we sweep them once, let alone twice... and Radke and Santana are the Sox worst nightmares, we simply cant hit them. Carlos and Uribe are bound to cool down here, and then what, we have Konerko and Rowand?


Its over!

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The way I look at it is this. We play 26 more games, and I will watch them and root for them until the last game. The Sox still have to play those games, SO WHY NOT JUST TRY AND WIN THEM. Whats the worst that can happen?...finishing in 2nd place, a position we thought we would be in since MO and FT went down.



Stranger things have happend, just ask Joey Cora, he was on the Mariners back when I believe the Angles fell apart at the end.



Will any of this happen? :whichway Probley not, but the only thing we can do is stay behind this team until they are officialy eliminated, not one game sooner.



Johan Santana has lost 6 games this year, he is 1-2 with a 5.29ERA vs. the Sox, so anything can happen. :bringit :headbang

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We faced him twice before he corrected a flaw in change-up mechanics coming off of surgery.

His first start against us he gave up 7 earned runs in 3 innings. Next start he gave up 2 runs in 8 innings. His last start he went six and only gave up 1 run. So they basically only got to him once this year.

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