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France Says They'll Help IF......


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Iraq uses Chemical Weapons. They said they will join the war if that happens.


Also, Today Tony Blair got the support of Parliment. His own party may not support him (The Labor Party?), but the other party sure seems to. http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/03/18/...cals/index.html


In regards to Russia, one of the countries agains the US. Let me also mention the fact that Iraq owes Russia around $10 Billion for weapons that Russia sold to Iraq.

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Or we can just send a few unshowered Frenchmen in as our own form of biological warfare.

I heard the unshowered French women are where the real stench lies


:fyou France

Well if anyone would send their women off to fight a war for them it would be the chicken s*** french.

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i gotta feel sorry for the few frenchman tha have a backbone and disagree with chirac and his actions...it must suck to be the butt of all these jokes when you dont even agree with your country's position


with that said...remember...i dont think there is a lady schick in the entire country...so that would unshowered hairy french women :lol:

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Personally..... I think France is now saying they will help because they know war is now inevitable. 12 years of deceit is about to come to an end. AND..... France doesn't want to be cut off economically by the United States. France is not our ally..... never has been. It's about time the citizens of the United States realized this.

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France=Scumbags  :headbang


Thanks Chisoxfn..... now you got me started on France.

i think the threat of americans to boycott french products have them a little scared..people are canceling vacations to france this summer right and left..they are worried about it since there economy isnt exactly prospering right now..


this site gives a list of all french companies with products to boycott..you be surprised at how many american companies france has their hands in..




if that doesnt work try this


www. frogweenies.com


im not sure exactly how accurate this site is for other things..they seem pretty radical..but it does give the list for those interested..and you can get this neat sig there ;)

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I love it that the American people are standing up and boycotting French products. That is a language that they really understand, as opposed to diplomacy. Really, we should make this one hurt. Boycott them for a solid two years or so.

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Since France has been a valuable ally in sharing intelligence information with the US, and is a sovereign nation with a democratucally elected government, I hope they do not decide to boycott us because it would cripple our intelligence gathering.


It must be very hard for some of you that another sovereign nation doesn't jump just because we tell them to. Imagine another country making up its own mind and not being a US pawn. The f***ing nerve of them!

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It must be very hard for some of you that another sovereign nation doesn't jump just because we tell them to.  Imagine another country making up its own mind and not being a US pawn.  The f***ing nerve of them!



I enjoy French fries and French toast. How 'bout you?

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It must be very hard for some of you that another sovereign nation doesn't jump just because we tell them to.  Imagine another country making up its own mind and not being a US pawn.  The f***ing nerve of them!



I enjoy French fries and French toast. How 'bout you?

French vanilla ice cream


French kisses


French ticklers


French films


Statue of Liberty




the elegant design of our capital by a French architect


the Lousiana Purchase

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I hate France. And a lot of people in this country do as well. There were some letters in the paper the other day that just ripped France to pieces. I agree with them completely. Among the things I read were (these are paraphrased):


- Dont let the French fight. Heck, wed probably be to busy protecting them and wed wouldnt be able to fight the Iraqis.


- When it comes to attacking primitive tribes armed with spears, France is an expert. But when it comes to a stand up fight, France cant be counted on.


There were more but I dont remember them. Still, it was some pretty brutal yet very true stuff.

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I hate France. And a lot of people in this country do as well. There were some letters in the paper the other day that just ripped France to pieces. I agree with them completely. Among the things I read were (these are paraphrased):


- Dont let the French fight. Heck, wed probably be to busy protecting them and wed wouldnt be able to fight the Iraqis.


- When it comes to attacking primitive tribes armed with spears, France is an expert. But when it comes to a stand up fight, France cant be counted on.


There were more but I dont remember them. Still, it was some pretty brutal yet very true stuff.

I don't hate France at all. They are taking a stand, which is very respectable.

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That moron Chirac isnt taking a stand for the good of the world, hes taking a stand for the good of France, a nation of cowards and snobs. Its the economic relations France has with Iraq that keeps Frnace from doing anything. Well, actually, France never does anything anyways. Heck, Im sure if suddenly America got a bit pissed with, say, Sierra Leone, Chirac would be happy to wage war. Primarily because Sierra Leone doesnt have much of a way to defend itself and because France just enjoys picking on its former colonies. Yet try to wage war with an economic ally (thats also a threat to world security) and a nation that can actually fight, and France will be running for cover.


Screw the French. The cowards never take any action anyways and besides, what are they gonna do about it? Thats right! Nothin!

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It must be very hard for some of you that another sovereign nation doesn't jump just because we tell them to.  Imagine another country making up its own mind and not being a US pawn.  The f***ing nerve of them!



I enjoy French fries and French toast. How 'bout you?

french fries aren't french.


french- n. To cut into thin strips before cooking.



Along with what oldroman said, France is not one to talk about attacking other countries, considering what they do in Africa.

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Thank you Spiff! :headbang :headbang


You see, France wouldnt be so bad if they were just an all around peace loving nation. They would still be a bit ungrateful but they wouldnt be fricken hypocrites. But they bully these little defenseless countries and then when a true foe steps up, France cant get up in their face, and then they try to stop others from doing so. If they worked to stop war in Africa and in the Middle East thatd be cool. Heck, even if they advocated war in both, thatd be cool. But to try to have a little there and none over here, that aint cool.


This isnt about being antiwar, this is about France being a hypocrite. France, stop beating up the little guys and then you can advocate peace. Until then, shut the heck up!

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