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France Says They'll Help IF......


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Since France has been a valuable ally in sharing intelligence information with the US, and is a sovereign nation with a democratucally elected government, I hope they do not decide to boycott us because it would cripple our intelligence gathering.


It must be very hard for some of you that another sovereign nation doesn't jump just because we tell them to.  Imagine another country making up its own mind and not being a US pawn.  The f***ing nerve of them!

Bulls***! France and the people of France have been anti-American since the end of WWII. The resent the fact they the world doesn't revolve around France as it did in various times throughout history. It has nothing to do with them not being our puppet. It has everything to do with those rows upon rows of white crosses over there and those bastards being resentful that we had to save their asses.

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Since France has been a valuable ally in sharing intelligence information with the US, and is a sovereign nation with a democratucally elected government, I hope they do not decide to boycott us because it would cripple our intelligence gathering.

I'm sure the amount of INTEL made available to the US about terrorist Organizations worldwide and within France is gargantuan in scope to Israel, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, etc.


And France would never boycott the United States. The existence of their democracy depends on support from the United States of America. Hopefully, a boycott of French products in the US will send those frog-eating, snail-sucking, Nazi-welcoming sheep a lesson.

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f*** France  :fyou  We do not need you EVER!

We could, of course, bring up the Revolutionary War again.


But since there's no use in beating that dead horse again, we won't.

No use then in bringing up NORMANDY and the NINE US SERVICEMEN CEMETARIES with 50,000+ war dead located within the borders of France as a result of WWII. How many cemetaries are located within the borders of the US with French Revolutionary War dead? :huh:

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Since France has been a valuable ally in sharing intelligence information with the US, and is a sovereign nation with a democratucally elected government, I hope they do not decide to boycott us because it would cripple our intelligence gathering.

I'm sure the amount of INTEL made available to the US about terrorist Organizations worldwide and within France is gargantuan in scope to Israel, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, etc.

blind hatred and ignoring the compelxities of reality is one way to go - it feels so visceraly good - go for it, you seem to enjoy it so.

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Since France has been a valuable ally in sharing intelligence information with the US, and is a sovereign nation with a democratucally elected government, I hope they do not decide to boycott us because it would cripple our intelligence gathering.

I'm sure the amount of INTEL made available to the US about terrorist Organizations worldwide and within France is gargantuan in scope to Israel, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, etc.

blind hatred and ignoring the compelxities of reality is one way to go - it feels so visceraly good - go for it, you seem to enjoy it so.

nobody is ignoring the complexities of reality...if that was the case we would also be calling for boycotts of germany , belgium , china and russia...the difference is imo france worked against us to make us look bad in an attempt to prop themselves up in the eyes of the rest of the world...in doing so they went back on their word to colin powell making him look like a fool...the other countries opposing us didnt take it that far...so neither did we

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that is an unfair analogy andf you can do better than that.

What's unfair? The fact that the intelligence we get from France is negligible or the fact that 50,000+ US soldiers died for a country in WWII that continually looks down condescendingly towards us? If liberals are continually going to say that WE owe France for help during the Revolutionary War then I'm going to continually bring up 50,000+ cold, hard facts that FRANCE has seemingly chosen to forget. FRANCE owes the US a hell of alot more than we ever owed them.

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baggio, I disagree almost totally with your analysis - what else is new.


CK, France has been a far more valuable ally (especially in regards to intelligence matters) than they have been given credit for by most people. Whatever reason they are a flashpoint for people's anger, so be it.


Question for the french boycotters - if you had tickets for the Bears vs Packers, going to not go because the Packers start famous French descendent Bret Favre (who is so stupid he cannot pronounce his own name...)? :D

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baggio, I disagree almost totally with your analysis - what else is new.


CK, France has been a far more valuable ally (especially in regards to intelligence matters) than they have been given credit for by most people.    Whatever reason they are a flashpoint for people's anger, so be it.


Question for the french boycotters - if you had tickets for the Bears vs Packers, going to not go because the Packers start famous French descendent Bret Favre (who is so stupid he cannot pronounce his own name...)?  :D

nah..we'd just throw freedom fries at him :D

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I'm sorry you seem alone on this CW, we've had some of these threads before and I don't bother with the ignorance any longer, or I'd make some comments in your defence.

Go and vent your anti-US feelings with your Canadian bretheren in Montreal who had the unmitigated classlessness to "BOO" the playing of the US National Anthem during Thursday nights game pal. Remember the furor when the White Sox accidentally flew the Canadian flag upside down during the 1993 AL Playoffs? Hopefully the Canadian press is being bombarded by angry Americans the way angry Canadians bombarded the US press. :fyou

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How old were you when Canada smuggled US diplomats out of Iran?


canada has been a long and faithful ally of ours - until this. That may mean something.


The :fyou way of thinking - by what right? By what right? What gives anyone the moral; superiority to say :fyou to a whole people because someone or some group expressed their opinion in the forum that became available that they disagree with the current US policy?


Now it is :fyou to all Canada and our own friends because they booed - do they say :fyou back and we get in :fyou contest that drives away even further a country that has so long been our friend? You show disrespect to them because you perceive disrespect and it gets returned and returned and returned and who wins?


By what moral right are Canadians who booed wrong and Americans who say :fyou right? Perhaps the way to show that we are right - if we are - is to act like we aren't threatened by some members at a crowd who boo.


A secure nation laughs those things off. What does it really matter? Get into a pissing contest and who wins? Friends are lost - friends you need someday, friends we need right now because we share a long and important border with Canada and we need them to maintain total security on that border. Let's say f*** you and forget the fact that we yet need Canada and they have earned the right to not be blasted because of the free speech rights of some fans, perhaps drunk, at a sports event.

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i was in france about 8 yrs ago. i went to visit my brother who was studying bakery in france. we went out with the class to paris. there we all went in and was told to wait. this was about 10+ students talking all english. my sister started taking to us in spanish and a waitress heard us and escprted us to a table. at the table she mention that she was sorry for making us wait and thought we were part of the american jerks. i was reallly upset and told her off and left. the other students heard what i said and also left.



my question is what did we ever do to offend them?


my response to them is :fyou to the country of france and their people.

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I'm sorry you seem alone on this CW, we've had some of these threads before and I don't bother with the ignorance any longer, or I'd make some comments in your defence.

Matthew my brother, I know how you feel.


I once believed that the USSR would fall without the need to go to war, without violence, and that Eastern Europe would be liberated.


In fact, in January 1982 my family (wife and children) took part in a demonstration that walked right down Lake Shore Drive to surround the Polish embassy on LSD to protest the Soviet imposition of the Jarazelski government and to support Solidarity. No one seemed to care that we demonstrated by the way. And how people mocked us for thinking that the Soviet Union and its grip on Eastern Europe would be eliminated without war, without nuclear war, without decades of standoffs.


A little over 7 years later the Iron Curtain fell without a shot, from within. Two years later the USSR imploded.


Having seen the USSR collapse and former Warsaw Pact nations become NATO members, again without war, I am very sure that handled properly a petty tyrant like Saddam could go the same way.


Like the Shah fell, like the apartheid government of South Africa fell, like all the countries of Eastern Europe showed, it comes from within. We did nothing to strengthen the resistance of the Iraqi people themselves so that they could bring down their own government. And we conveniently have forgotten what happens historically when the US overthrows a governemnt from without, not from within, to impose a "friendly" one. Guatamala, Chile, so many times, this means nothing to a tv educated generation.


Let people rap on you, apu, me, doubleM, whoever all they want. The blood lust is high right now. No one needs to say anything in my defense because I believe in something that is stronger than any weapon of war, and that is not just idealism, I have seen it work in our lifetimes. I have heard it all before.


Hang in my friend - I value your friendship and we all now the bashing that we will be getting. Take a break but stay in touch off list if you wish and stay around on the baseball threads. At least we have the option of moving to the other side of the boards. And thank you for taking the time to say what you ahve said. It means a lot to me tonight, and has helped me in my own soul.

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Extreme over-reaction aside, I wasn't saying  :fyou  Canada as much as I was saying  :fyou to the Montreal Canadiens fans and to the specific poster who categorized my, and many others here, political views into the realm of "ignorance."

Are you a Black hawk fan? You know I am Red Wing fan. Can we agree that in the sports arena we can agree on flipping off Le Habs fans, Maple Leaf fans, and all other fans of teams that play the teams we love? I am not worried about BH fans flipping of RW fans because you be home for the playoffs and we be playing, eh. :lol:


Or maybe we should save our :fyou for Twins, yankees, and cubs fan who so richly deserve it!

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Extreme over-reaction aside, I wasn't saying  :fyou  Canada as much as I was saying  :fyou to the Montreal Canadiens fans and to the specific poster who categorized my, and many others here, political views into the realm of "ignorance."

Are you a Black hawk fan? You know I am Red Wing fan. Can we agree that in the sports arena we can agree on flipping off Le Habs fans, Maple Leaf fans, and all other fans of teams that play the teams we love? I am not worried about BH fans flipping of RW fans because you be home for the playoffs and we be playing, eh. :lol:


Or maybe we should save our :fyou for Twins, yankees, and cubs fan who so richly deserve it!

Well, I used to be a die-hard Hawk fan. I'm more casual BH fan now. I have gotten fed up with the "Dollar" Bill era. And even though we don't see eye-to-eye politically most of the time, we usually see eye-to-eye when it comes to the White Sox at least. Either way, I always respect your opinion for the way you usually come across.

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i was in france about 8 yrs ago. i went to visit my brother who was studying bakery in france. we went out with the class to paris. there we all went in and was told to wait. this was about 10+ students talking all english. my sister started taking to us in spanish and a waitress heard us and escprted us to a table. at the table she mention that she was sorry for making us wait and thought we were part of the american jerks. i was reallly upset and told her off and left. the other students heard what i said and also left.



my question is what did we ever do to offend them?


my response to them is  :fyou  to the country of france and their people.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/g2/story/0,3604,...,917741,00.html The Guardian (a major British newspaper spoke with countries in the Coalition of the Willing that seem to be doing a whole lot of not much for the US so it's not really a coalition)


That aside, any country doesn't really like tourists. I mean, look at how German people have been beaten up in the past in Florida, etc. We have 6% of the world population and over 30% of the world wealth. And we have a lot of evil corporations that do a lot of shady stuff. They don't hate us individually, they hate our country because of it's, at times, incredible nature to be assholes.


Also, don't let one person ruin an entire country. I've met plenty of f***tards in the States but it didn't make me believe that every person in the US was a fascist asshat. And by telling them to "f*** off", it's just perpetuating the hate and giving them more of a reason to hate us. The hate has to stop.


Why aren't you all hating on Italy who is having a general strike, as we speak, to protest the war in Iraq? Or Germany who was also staunchly anti-war and gets a lot of it's oil from Iraq? Or how about a lot of Russia or China hate since they were against the war as well? (Iraq owes Russia $10 billion)

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i was in france about 8 yrs ago. i went to visit my brother who was studying bakery in france. we went out with the class to paris. there we all went in and was told to wait. this was about 10+ students talking all english. my sister started taking to us in spanish and a waitress heard us and escprted us to a table. at the table she mention that she was sorry for making us wait and thought we were part of the american jerks. i was reallly upset and told her off and left. the other students heard what i said and also left.



my question is what did we ever do to offend them?


my response to them is  :fyou  to the country of france and their people.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/g2/story/0,3604,...,917741,00.html The Guardian (a major British newspaper spoke with countries in the Coalition of the Willing that seem to be doing a whole lot of not much for the US so it's not really a coalition)


That aside, any country doesn't really like tourists. I mean, look at how German people have been beaten up in the past in Florida, etc. We have 6% of the world population and over 30% of the world wealth. And we have a lot of evil corporations that do a lot of shady stuff. They don't hate us individually, they hate our country because of it's, at times, incredible nature to be assholes.


Also, don't let one person ruin an entire country. I've met plenty of f***tards in the States but it didn't make me believe that every person in the US was a fascist asshat. And by telling them to "f*** off", it's just perpetuating the hate and giving them more of a reason to hate us. The hate has to stop.


Why aren't you all hating on Italy who is having a general strike, as we speak, to protest the war in Iraq? Or Germany who was also staunchly anti-war and gets a lot of it's oil from Iraq? Or how about a lot of Russia or China hate since they were against the war as well? (Iraq owes Russia $10 billion)

i have travelled to and visited the following countries in europe, france, engalnd, germany, italy, and spain.


all i have to say is that i was really welcome in all except in france where i face open anger.

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I made no reference to politics as being ignorant, what is ignorant is saying things like f*** France and f*** Frenchies, they never did anything blah blah blah. France has fought some very noble causes along with the U.S., but like I said I'm not going to bother with that whole arguement for fear of an abudance of ignorance(perhaps not your own, and for that I appoligize) Further calling me anti-US is very uncalled for. These French Canadian fans in Montreal Quebec have also booed the Canadian Anthem in Habs games and Expos games, further if you watch and listen to that clip you can see that there are some fans that are standing and clapping through the anthem, some that are booing, some that aren't even listening, don't pay attention to a few idiots at a hockey game just as I ignored the idiots in Detroit last year who booed Canada's anthem in a game against the Raptors, or the Islanders fans in NY who did likewise against Toronto during the anthem.

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