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Come Home Safe.....


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to all the troops involved in Afghanistan and/or Iraq..... especially our friend NUKE_CLEVELAND and cwsox's son who is in the Marine Corps. Although what you may have to undertake may not be popular with some of the posters or citizens of the US and the World, remember that WE ARE ALL PROUD OF YOU FOR WHAT YOU DO EVERYDAY FOR US AND FOR FREEDOM LOVING PEOPLE EVERYWHERE. Bless you all and a many safe return :headbang

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I second that.


Whether for the war or against it I think everyone can agree one thing and thats that We wish and hope that everyone makes it home safely. I'll be thinking about you and hoping. To Nuke and CW's Son I wish you the best and I wish everyone else serving the very best.


God Bless You All and GOOD LUCK.

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if you read this nuke..we are all behind you guys 100%..you guys are in our prayers...good luck


also keep a special prayer for cwsox son and for a guy that used to post here but hasnt in a while..he has two sons and i believe both were headed to the middle east last i heard..sat 46

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Guest hotsoxchick1
to all the troops involved in Afghanistan and/or Iraq..... especially our friend NUKE_CLEVELAND and cwsox's son who is in the Marine Corps. Although what you may have to undertake may not be popular with some of the posters or citizens of the US and the World, remember that WE ARE ALL PROUD OF YOU FOR WHAT YOU DO EVERYDAY FOR US AND FOR FREEDOM LOVING PEOPLE EVERYWHERE. Bless you all and a many safe return  :headbang

killa that has got to be the best post ive seen on these boards ...........GOD BLESS YOU GUYS AND GALS OVER THERE IN THE MID EAST....... NOT ONLY ARE WE BEHIND YOU 100 %, WE WANT YOU TO HAVE A SAFE AND SPEEDY RETURN HOME.........

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