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Cheats Prop Bets

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Just a way to spice up the end of the season -- I'm going to list a whole bunch of different "odd" bets sorta like the YNOT's.



which will finish the season higher? Ichiro's BA or the Mariners winning %


I'll put a collection of about 10 or so of these prop bets up by the end of the night. Reply to enter. Entries due by Thursday(I may include some football stuff). Winner recieves and original The Cheat™ sig.


I should have the questions up before I go to bed.

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Reply to enter. List which you think will be higher. Baseball events are season totals unless otherwise noted. Football events are as of the end of contest (Oct 4th)


1) Ichiro!'s BA vs. Mariners winning percentage

2) Borchard's OPS vs. Barry Bonds OBP

3) Garland HR's allowed vs. Carlos Lee HR's

4) White Sox games behind 1st vs. Iowa's average ranking (AP & USA today/ESPN) from polls on october 4th.

5) Jeremy Reed HR's vs. Freddy Garcia victories(from 9/8 until end of season)

6) Thomas Jones Rushing TD's vs. Damaso Marte Saves

7) David Terrell TD's vs. Shingo Takatsu Blown Saves

8) Ogunlye sacks vs. Juan Uribe Triples

9) Contreras's ERA vs. Loaiza's ERA

10) Rowand HR's vs. Konerko GIDP's

11) Mark Buehrle hits allowed vs. Ichiro! hits

12) Barry Bonds IBB vs. White Sox HR's allowed @ USCF

13) Willie Harris SB's vs. Aaron Rowand SB's

14) Wilson Valdez BB's vs. Willie Harris HR's

15) Billy Koch's ERA vs. Neal Cotts' ERA

16) Jon Adkins Holds vs. Jason Grilli wins

17) Jose Valentin Hits plus BB's vs. Valentin K's

18) Joe Crede RBIs vs. Aaron Rowand RBI's

19) Arnie Munoz ERA vs. Jeff Bajenaru ERA

20) Ben Davis OPS vs. Carl Everett OPS


I tried to include pretty much everybody, except Timo (I hate Timo).

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1)Ichiros BA

2)Barry Bonds OBP

3)Carlos Lees HR

4)Iowa's avg. ranking


6) TJ Running TD

7) Terrell TD

8)Ogunelye sacks

9)Loaizas ERA

10)Rowands HR

11) Ichiro's hits

12)Barrys IBB

13) Rowands

14)Willie's HR

15) Cotts

16) JAdkins Holds

17) Hits plus BB



20) Davis

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1) Ichiro!'s BA

2) Barry Bonds OBP

3) Carlos Lee HR's

4) Iowa's average ranking (AP & USA today/ESPN) from polls on october 4th.

5) Freddy Garcia victories(from 9/8 until end of season)

6) Thomas Jones Rushing TD's

7) David Terrell TD's

8) Ogunlye sacks

9) Contreras's ERA

10) Rowand HR's vs. Konerko GIDP's

11) Ichiro! hits

12) Barry Bonds IBB

13) Aaron Rowand SB's

14) Wilson Valdez BB's

15) Neal Cotts' ERA

16) Jon Adkins Holds

17) Valentin K's

18) Aaron Rowand RBI's

19) Jeff Bajenaru ERA

20) Ben Davis OPS

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1) Ichiros! Ba

2) Bonds OBP

3) Garland HR's allowed

4) White Sox games behind 1st

5) Freddy Garcia wins

6) Thomas Jones TD's

7) David Terrell TD's

8) Uribe triples

9) Loaiza's ERA

10) Konerko DP's

11) Buehrle hits allowed

12) Bonds IBB's

13) Aaron Rowand SB's

14) Willie Harris' homers

15) Neal Cotts' ERA

16) Adkins holds

17) Valentin K's

18) Rowand RBI's

19) Arnie Munoz ERA

20) Carl Everett OPS

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Great idea Cheat. :)


1)Ichiro!'s BA

2)Barry Bonds OBP

3)Carlos Lees HR

4)Iowa's avg. ranking

5)Freddy's victories

6)TJ Running TD

7)Terrell TD

8)Ogunelye sacks

9)Contreras' ERA

10)Rowand's HR

11)Ichiro!'s hits

12)Barry's IBB

13)Rowand's SB

14)Willie's HR

15)Valdez's BBs

16)Adkins Holds

17)Valentin's Ks




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1) Ichiro's BA

2) Borchard's OPS (coming from me no less, but you can't suck enough to have a sub 600 OPS. Even though he does now).

3) Garland HR's allowed

4) Iowa (does not in the rankings count? :P )

5) Freddy Garcia victories (tough one)

6) Thomas Jones Rushing TD's

7) David Terrell TD's

8) Ogunlye sacks

9) Loaiza's ERA (the higher, not better ERA right?)

10) Konerko GIDP's

11) Ichiro hits

12) Barry Bonds IBB

13) Willie Harris SB's

14) Wilson Valdez BB's :lol:

15) Billy Koch's ERA :ph34r:

16) Jon Adkins holds

17) Jose Valentin K's

18) Aaron Rowand RBI's

19) Arnie Munoz ERA

20) Carl Everett OPS

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1) Ichiro!'s BA

2) Barry Bonds OBP

3) Carlos Lee HR's

4) White Sox games behind 1st

5) Freddy Garcia victories

6) Thomas Jones Rushing TD's

7) David Terrell TD's

8) Juan Uribe Triples

9) Contreras's ERA

10) Konerko GIDP's

11) Ichiro! hits

12) White Sox HR's allowed @ USCF

13) Aaron Rowand SB's

14) Wilson Valdez BB's

15) Billy Koch's ERA

16) Jon Adkins Holds

17) Valentin K's

18) Aaron Rowand RBI's

19) Arnie Munoz ERA

20) Ben Davis OPS

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1. Ichiro

2. Barry Bonds OBP

3. Garland Homers Allowed

4. White Sox games behind first

5. Freddy Garcias Victories From (9/8)

6. T Jones rushing Touchdowns

7. DT TD catches

8. Ogunleye sacks

9. Contreras ERA

10. Rowands HR

11. Ichiros hits

12. Barry Bonds IBB

13. AR stolen bases

14. Valdez BB

15. Billy Koches ERA

16. Grilli Wins

17. Valentin K's

18. AR RBI

19. Munoz ERA

20. Davis OPS

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1. Ichiro's BA

2. Barry Bonds OBP

3. Garland Homers Allowed

4. White Sox games behind first

5. Freddy Garcias Victories From (9/8)

6. T Jones rushing Touchdowns

7. DT TD catches

8. Uribe's Triples

9. Loaiza's ERA

10. Rowands HR

11. Ichiros hits

12. Barry Bonds IBB

13. AR stolen bases

14. Valdez BB

15. Billy Koches ERA

16. Adkins Holds

17. Valentin K's

18. AR RBI

19. Munoz ERA

20. Davis OPS

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Bored -- So here's some intermidiate results. --


1) Ichiro!'s BA (.374) vs. Mariners winning percentage(.373)

2) Borchard's OPS (.513) vs. Barry Bonds OBP (.614)

3) Garland HR's allowed (30) vs. Carlos Lee HR's (26)

4) White Sox games behind 1st (10) vs. Iowa's average ranking (14)

5) Jeremy Reed HR's (0) vs. Freddy Garcia victories (1)

6) Thomas Jones Rushing TD's (2) vs. Damaso Marte Saves (5)

7) David Terrell TD's (0) vs. Shingo Takatsu Blown Saves (1)

8) Ogunlye sacks (0) vs. Juan Uribe Triples (6)

9) Contreras's ERA (5.88) vs. Loaiza's ERA (5.52)

10) Rowand HR's (20) vs. Konerko GIDP's (20)

11) Mark Buehrle hits allowed (233) vs. Ichiro! hits (231)

12) Barry Bonds IBB (104) vs. White Sox HR's allowed @ USCF (103)

13) Willie Harris SB's (15) vs. Aaron Rowand SB's (16)

14) Wilson Valdez BB's (0) vs. Willie Harris HR's (1)

15) Billy Koch's ERA (4.41) vs. Neal Cotts' ERA (5.11)

16) Jon Adkins Holds (3) vs. Jason Grilli wins (2)

17) Jose Valentin Hits plus BB's (126) vs. Valentin K's (130)

18) Joe Crede RBIs (59) vs. Aaron Rowand RBI's (57)

19) Arnie Munoz ERA (13.5) vs. Jeff Bajenaru ERA (24)

20) Ben Davis OPS (.664) vs. Carl Everett OPS (.727)

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  • 3 weeks later...

1) Ichiro!'s BA (.372) vs. Mariners winning percentage (.389)

2) Borchard's OPS (.587) vs. Barry Bonds OBP (.609)

3) Garland HR's allowed (34)vs. Carlos Lee HR's (31)

4) White Sox games behind 1st (9) vs. Iowa's average ranking (more than 25)

5) Jeremy Reed HR's (0) vs. Freddy Garcia victories (2)

6) Thomas Jones Rushing TD's (4) vs. Damaso Marte Saves (6)

7) David Terrell TD's (0) vs. Shingo Takatsu Blown Saves (1)

8) Ogunlye sacks (2) vs. Juan Uribe Triples (6)

9) Contreras's ERA (5.50) vs. Loaiza's ERA (5.70)

10) Rowand HR's (24) vs. Konerko GIDP's (23?)

11) Mark Buehrle hits allowed (257) vs. Ichiro! hits (262)

12) Barry Bonds IBB (116?) vs. White Sox HR's allowed @ USCF (124)

13) Willie Harris SB's (19) vs. Aaron Rowand SB's (17)

14) Wilson Valdez BB's (2) vs. Willie Harris HR's (2)

15) Billy Koch's ERA (4.41) vs. Neal Cotts' ERA (5.65)

16) Jon Adkins Holds (5) vs. Jason Grilli wins (2)

17) Jose Valentin Hits plus BB's (140) vs. Valentin K's (139)

18) Joe Crede RBIs (69)vs. Aaron Rowand RBI's (69)

19) Arnie Munoz ERA (10.05) vs. Jeff Bajenaru ERA (10.80)

20) Ben Davis OPS (.603) vs. Carl Everett OPS (.721)


56789 - 9

Dan - 8


WHarris - 8

Goldy - 7

Tony - 7

Greasy - 6

Ace - 5

Soxman - 4

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  The Cheat said:
I wish I was a bookie with you guys around


180 bets -- 20 push -- I pay out on 62  -- That leaves 98 bets that I get to pocket...

Funny how you make fun of us yet didn't make predictions yourself. Besides, as you know, we wouldn't have taken half those bets.

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