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Is Rock and Roll dead?


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I wanted to get the opinions of people on here. With all of the specialization of music, and all of the subcategories of music, does rock n roll still exsist? Are their groups out there today who can trace a straight line back to the beginning?


I am curious to hear reactions and opinions.

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Rock and Roll is FAR from dead, and great CD's are released all the time. It just isn't in the Top 10 anymore. The Quireboys have a new one out that word has it smokes, The Saviors should eventually be getting one out. There is a guy in Boston named Chaz Matthews who has dome some amazing stuff, and his bands final album "Ghost Of Satuday Nights" is one of the greatest RnR releases ever, IMO. The Riverboat Gamblers play an amazing style of HIGH energy RnR, The Beat Angels still exist. The Wildhearts do a fine style of RnR. As long as Kevin K. and Dave Kusworth are alive, there are two more that will always keep RnR alive.


RnR is NOT dead, it just looks like that if you don't want to look for it. f*** MTV and mainstream s***, RnR thrives and rules, and is better than ever now days.


Sorry man, I bleed the stuff, and it drives me a little wacky when people say it is dead, as it will never die.


If I had more time, I would list like a madman as to what is out now.


Oh, and Hanoi Rocks should be getting a new one out by the end of this year or early next year.



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Rock and Roll is FAR from dead, and great CD's are released all the time. It just isn't in the Top 10 anymore. The Quireboys have a new one out that word has it smokes, The Saviors should eventually be getting one out. There is a guy in Boston named Chaz Matthews who has dome some amazing stuff, and his bands final album "Ghost Of Satuday Nights" is one of the greatest RnR releases ever, IMO. The Riverboat Gamblers play an amazing style of HIGH energy RnR, The Beat Angels still exist. The Wildhearts do a fine style of RnR. As long as Kevin K. and Dave Kusworth are alive, there are two more that will always keep RnR alive.


RnR is NOT dead, it just looks like that if you don't want to look for it. f*** MTV and mainstream s***, RnR thrives and rules, and is better than ever now days.


Sorry man, I bleed the stuff, and it drives me a little wacky when people say it is dead, as it will never die.


If I had more time, I would list like a madman as to what is out now.


Oh, and Hanoi Rocks should be getting a new one out by the end of this year or early next year.



I am grateful that there are younger people on this site to recommend new music to "old codgers" like myself.


Please give me some more recommendations. I like my r&r a little on the "hard side", no mellow ballad type stuff for me!

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Rock N Roll aint dead. Although there are way too many people who try to make rock without the right style or attitude. If you want a real rock album, that isn't the traditional rock style - check out Junior Senior. It's more dance pop than traditional rock - but the attitude is there. They remind me a lot of an electronic John Spencer Blues Explosion. Of course you could just listen to the Vines. They just flat out rawk.

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Six good artists right off the top of my head:


The Almighty

The Hellacopters

The Wildhearts - best band ever, in my humble opinion


Backyard Babies

Butch Walker/Marvelous 3


There are tons more, just as there's always been. RnR has always been around, like Da Kid said, it's just not easily available through the mainstream. You're NEVER going to see any good RnR videos on MTV or VH1, and the "rock press" is always looking for the flavor of the month.

I have to rely on "alternative" rock magazines like Amp, Razorcake or Shredding Paper to read about interesting new music. I don't even bother looking for videos anywhere - it's a huge waste of time.

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Not sure how much of a youngster I am, being 34, but hey, cool.


It depends on how "hard" your definition runs. I'll be back with some ideas. But if you aren't familiar with Hanoi Rocks, check them out. I first fell in love with them back in '83 or'84, and they just reformed (kind of, missing some of the originals), but the new one, which is readily available at most stores, is called 12 Shots On The Rocks and if you aren't a fan from way back when, you will probably love it.


Anything by Dave Kusworth comes HIGHLY recommended, if you enjoy the old Faces style, but a bit more mellow. http://www.davekusworth.com


The Riverboat Gamblers walk a fine line between Punk and RnR, but the RnR wins out. Expect HIGH energy and GREAT gangland style vocals (ie. the Rockabilly background yells). The album Something To Crow About is easily one of the greatest albums in the past 10 years. http://www.theriverboatgamblers.com/


The Quireboys have been around for a bit, but they do true RnR better than almost anybody. VERY Faces like, especially with Spikes voice sounding like what Rod would sound like if he drank and smoked too much. http://www.quireboys.com/


There is always Raging Slab for the BIG BEEFY sound of the old style RnR: http://www.ragingslab.com/


The Wildhearts, a bit more Metal, but still catchy. Dip into the early stuff mainly, such as Earth Vs. The Wildhearts. Also give main guy Gingers other band, Silver Ginger 5 a spin. http://silverginger.com/


I'll think of more later, if you are seriously interested. I don't listen to anything BUT this type of stuff, for the most part (I have breaks here and there, but the majority of my collection is straight up RnR), so I can keep ya going for quite some time.


Of course, there is always THE Man: http://www.briansetzer.com/

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Of course, there is always THE Man: http://www.briansetzer.com/

One of the best shows I've ever seen.

At the horrible House Of Blues, no less.

The first time I saw the Brian Setzer Orchestra, I hadn't even heard one song by them yet. I just loved Setzer's guitar sound, especially on his ill-fated "The Knife Feels Like Justice" album, so I figured anything with Setzer involved must be OK.

I was blown away by the BSO! He looked to be having the time of his life, and that feeling spread out into the crowd.

The second time I saw them, it wasn't quite the same - the playing was still great, but the feeling wasn't. Odd...

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What do you consider rock and roll? Rolling Stones? The Beatles? There is plenty of 'rock and roll' but they've broken it down further.


Take a look at The White Stripes, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Radiohead (earlier work), and so on. It all sounds like 'rock and roll' they just give it a different name.

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As stated by Kid Gleason, mainstream RnR is quite dead. But as long there is a "music underground", there will always be at least one band that covers any genre.

Yes, but this stuff goes in cycles. Just like grunge in the 90's, "hair metal" in the 80's, and arena rock in the 70's, rock and roll will again be mainstream someday--and then it will go away again.

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I recommend GREAT bands like Limp Bizkit, Lincoln Park, Good Charlotte and anything played on MTV.


Anyone get to listen to any of the new Green Day? Not even sure it is out yet. I was disappointed by "Warning" but I usually buy anything they put out.

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I actually watched MTV last night for the first time in YEARS, and it was to see the making of show for the new Green Day video, "American Idiot", and I have to say that is a VERY cool song! I don't normally like Green Day, but I did like something about that song. The video is O.K., with some cool stuff, but mostly more of that damn annoying "Rap" style quick filming stuff going on. Damn I hate that s***.

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Good ol' Black Sabbath, ACDC, Guns n Roses etc.


But there's also a TON of good NEW RnR out there, which if given a chance by radio, etc., would have a chance to become "classic rock" for the next generation.

Instead the next wave of "classic rock" will feature Nickelback, Creed, Korn and the like.....which will suck as much then as it does now.

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But there's also a TON of good NEW RnR out there

Agreed. And there is still alot of bands that are underground and are waiting to get thier shot. (My friend saw The Used a couple years ago when they were nothing at the Warp Tour and I saw them when they were an underground band as well. :))

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