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Here Comes Terrible Ivan...


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Florida = PWN3D

If what Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson said was true about homosexuals, ACLU, etc. being behind the reasons for 9/11 happening then could one use the same logic to say that these hurricanes are God's revenge on Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris for their voter fraud that gave Florida to Bush?


:P :P :bang

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If what Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson said was true about homosexuals, ACLU, etc. being behind the reasons for 9/11 happening then could one use the same logic to say that these hurricanes are God's revenge on Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris for their voter fraud that gave Florida to Bush?


:P  :P  :bang




:lolhitting :lolhitting

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If what Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson said was true about homosexuals, ACLU, etc. being behind the reasons for 9/11 happening then could one use the same logic to say that these hurricanes are God's revenge on Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris for their voter fraud that gave Florida to Bush?


:P  :P  :bang

That's pretty f***ing stupid and inappropriate.

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Speaking of these hurricanes.


I called my travel agent Tuesday night to check up on the hotel for our honeymoon. It's in the Bahamas so I figured i'd make sure everything is ok after Frances camped out over it. He tells me..."Actually, I was gonna call ya as soon as I got a bit more information, but I got a fax about hour and fifteen minutes ago that said they are closing the hotel down till the 25th" I was like WHAT??????? We're suppose to check in the 20th...what are we gonna do. He said "they suffered some superficial damage, but since they were fixing that...they figured they would do some other work too and they didn't want guests dealing with construction so they shut it down."


Im like okkkkkkkk...now again...what the hell are we suppose to do? He said we can book at another Sandals or get a full refund...or wait till the 25th and go. Basically we can do whatever we want.


Well my fiance was fine with this whole thing. As much as she was dying to go to the bahamas before...even though it was hurrican season...she was gettin kinda freaked out as of recent...so she is kinda happy all this happened. Anyway, I started scrambling to try and find something in mexico. I found this place (Palace Resorts) and have read about 100 reviews from people....Id say 90% had great things to say about it... so I booked it. I hope it all turns out well. Hopefully Ivan doesn't clip this place.


To compound that...my fiance sends me this today......"i went to the florist this morning....cross your fingers because they get all their shipments from miami and as of right now the airport is closed and they are not getting any flowers"



I'm not that upset about it...It's kinda hard to be mad when these hurricanes have affected so many other people far worse. I mean..my fiance really wasn't upset, she is very laid back...but she couldn't believe that I wasn't fuming. When she asked why I said...People have died, lost their homes, lost their possesions....all we have to do is change our plans. We have no business complaining.


Now if all that hurricane did was smash my hotel and then dissipate out to sea without affecting anyone else...I'd be raising all hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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We're going there in February on a referral from co-workers that went in April.. they loved it - and they are very pickey people.


Oh, it was the Cancun one by the way. I think they have 4 or 5 different ones. We're doing the Cancun one also.



Also, CC... did you get the "passport" thing..? It's a thing where you can take tours or golf and some other stuff. We didn't get it yet. Wondering if we should.

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