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Keyes does it again


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So in the entire state of Illinois the best the Republicans could comeup  with is Keyes?  s*** they'd be better off with Nuke.

Not the best Republican...just one that didn't have much to lose getting their ass kicked in a landslide by Obama (Obama was up approx. 20 pts. on Ryan before Ryan dropped out)

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Anyone who would vote for this moron for any level of political office is, well, a moron.


No, it is not my opinion, it is fact--vote for Keyes, and you're a moron.


Your right to vote should be rescinded

This guy is a joke..Don't you remember him criticizing Hillary Clinton back when she was running for senate in New York? He was criticizing her cause she was running for a senate seat when she didn't even live in the state..

and of course he's running for a senate seat in Illinois even though he lives in Maryland..LOL


The guy is a moron :banghead

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This guy is a joke..Don't you remember him criticizing Hillary Clinton back when she was running for senate in New York? He was criticizing her cause she was running for a senate seat when she didn't even live in the state..

and of course he's running for a senate seat in Illinois even though he lives in Maryland..LOL


The guy is a moron :banghead

A hypocritical republican...

I'm so shocked... :o

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