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will JD ever make it?


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If he doesn't want to pitch... No way


It's a shame, too... If he could only hit .250 with just a little gap power, I'd be all for having him up here. .

Yea, he is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO smooth with the glove its scary. Alteast thats what i have been told... lol

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He could make it. It all depends on his offense. If he could hit .240 he'd stick with a major league team somewhere. The Sox shouldn't give up on him and in all honesty I don't think he would of ever broke through the Sox system as a pitcher, because of the depth there. Now with another team he would of had a shot, but all the time it would of taken him, he probably wouldn't of had much of a shot.


The guy can flash the leather, make the throws and if he could figure out hitting, then he's got a job. I'd love to see him figure things out this season in AAA.

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Delarro was our opening day SS last year...but he went by the name Royce Clayton. We all know exactly how all field - no hit shortstops go over with the fans. Hopefully tho Jason has a little better range, and from what I have heard, a MUCH better arm than Royce ever did. He might have a chance if he could ever figure out how to use the stick.

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Delarro was our opening day SS last year...but he went by the name Royce Clayton.  We all know exactly how all field - no hit shortstops go over with the fans.  Hopefully tho Jason has a little better range, and from what I have heard, a MUCH better arm than Royce ever did.  He might have a chance if he could ever figure out how to use the stick.

You make the point that has been running through my mind - thank you -


every time someone says "I don't care if he hits 2409 if he fields so well" I think of how Royce Claytion got bashed.


We will never be happy with a player who hits 240 or 250 no matter what. And we have a lot of experience with disliking players who hit 240 and 250. Frank can hit 30 homers and hit 250 and get booed.


Thanks for pointing out what you did.

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Delarro was our opening day SS last year...but he went by the name Royce Clayton.  We all know exactly how all field - no hit shortstops go over with the fans.  Hopefully tho Jason has a little better range, and from what I have heard, a MUCH better arm than Royce ever did.  He might have a chance if he could ever figure out how to use the stick.

Royce wishes he could field in the same category as daellaro..

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Delarro was our opening day SS last year...but he went by the name Royce Clayton.  We all know exactly how all field - no hit shortstops go over with the fans.  Hopefully tho Jason has a little better range, and from what I have heard, a MUCH better arm than Royce ever did.  He might have a chance if he could ever figure out how to use the stick.

You make the point that has been running through my mind - thank you -


every time someone says "I don't care if he hits 2409 if he fields so well" I think of how Royce Claytion got bashed.


We will never be happy with a player who hits 240 or 250 no matter what. And we have a lot of experience with disliking players who hit 240 and 250. Frank can hit 30 homers and hit 250 and get booed.


Thanks for pointing out what you did.

There's a world of difference between a guy who hits a consistent .240 and a guy who hits .100 for the first 2 months of the season and then hits .300 for the last 2.


Frank get's booed for hitting .240/.250 because he's Frank f***ing Thomas... We're so spoiled seeing him as the best right handed hitter ever we don't like it when he's recouperating from injury. That and he's not a fan favorite.


Aside from Alex Rodriguez, I have no problem with a shortstop hitting in the .250s with limited gap power as long as he can play D. In a lineup that looks to be as stacked as ours, its OK to carry a little dead weight. That said, I prefer Valentin, who can at least hit and play adequate defense (and is a clubhouse plus) as opposed to Royce Clayton who's got to be the most overrated defender I've ever seen and can't use the bat at all.

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I have pretty much said all I can on this subject before, so I won't get into all the details and reasons.


JD will never play SS for the Sox and will ONLY play SS in the Majors if a hitting coach from another organization can get into his head. The Sox have him so screwed up mentally, he's toast with us. Actually, he has himself so screwed up mentally that he is toast.

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I have pretty much said all I can on this subject before, so I won't get into all the details and reasons.


JD will never play SS for the Sox and will ONLY play SS in the Majors if a hitting coach from another organization can get into his head.  The Sox have him so screwed up mentally, he's toast with us.  Actually, he has himself so screwed up mentally that he is toast.

I wouldn't say never, though that is likely the case. However, sometimes a guy is a late bloomer. Look at Miles, stuggled for years in A ball, then last year was MVP of the Southern League and he has damn near made the big club this spring. It may just click for JD at any given time.

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Rex, Dellaero must really be dense if he's not listening. I mean, this is a guy who hit well under .200 last year. Now I read the pitching experiment with him is over, ostensibly because he doesn't want to devote the time ... he still wants to be a SS.


The best thing they could do for Dellaero is give him a fresh start somewhere else. Plus, they're so high on Andy Gonzalez, it appears he's being groomed for the starting SS job by maybe '05 or '06. Mike Morse started coming around with the bat last year too. And, in a pinch, there's always Hummel. He could put himself right back in the infield picture with a solid AAA season.

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Rex, Dellaero must really be dense if he's not listening.  I mean, this is a guy who hit well under .200 last year.  Now I read the pitching experiment with him is over, ostensibly because he doesn't want to devote the time ... he still wants to be a SS.


The best thing they could do for Dellaero is give him a fresh start somewhere else.  Plus, they're so high on Andy Gonzalez, it appears he's being groomed for the starting SS job by maybe '05 or '06. Mike Morse started coming around with the bat last year too.  And, in a pinch, there's always Hummel.  He could put himself right back in the infield picture with a solid AAA season.

JD is a nice guy, but I really think he still believes in his heart that he can be a SS in the big leagues hitting 20+ HR and be at an elite level. He can't (or won't) make adjustments and has been trying to pull everything for 3 years since he stopped switch-hitting. And he has consistently made easy outs as soon as teams adjusted. Sometimes he swings and missed by a foot.


Think of it this way..... When you are a switch hitter, you bat LH 85-90% of the time because you are facing righties. JD did this for 3 years in the A ball and his first half year in AA. He finally started to get it and hit a solid .268 in half a season at Birmingham and then earned a promotion to Chicago in Sept. '99.


Then, after finally getting to the Show, he comes to ST in 2000 and declares that he is no longer going to switch-hit (his decision). So now after having 85-90% of his AB's the previous three years left-handed, and watching breaking balls from righthanders come at him, he is at this point going to watch AA curveballs and sliders move away from him with no experience at hitting them. He thinks hitting HR's will get him to the Big Leagues for good, so he pulls off the ball everytime and can't hit a breaking ball any better than a bad little leaguer. In reality, he should have been back in Bristol in terms of the level of experience batting RH against righties. But he was way too good a SS for that.


Unfortunately, JD never learned to go the other way and still, 3 seasons later, he is doing the same thing and pulling off the ball. He needs a whole new approach and a fresh start. Hopefully for him, he will get it, because he seems to be a good guy. Just not the smartest in terms of recognizing what he really needs to do to get back to the Majors.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
JD screwed himself up by quitting being a switch-hitter and then by refusing to listen to coaching.


He will never make it unless he gets a slap in the face and a fresh start with someone else.  And then begins to listen....

would a swift kick in the ass do ?????? ;)

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JD screwed himself up by quitting being a switch-hitter and then by refusing to listen to coaching.


He will never make it unless he gets a slap in the face and a fresh start with someone else.  And then begins to listen....

would a swift kick in the ass do ?????? ;)

From what I have heard, that and more have been tried to no avail.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
JD screwed himself up by quitting being a switch-hitter and then by refusing to listen to coaching.


He will never make it unless he gets a slap in the face and a fresh start with someone else.  And then begins to listen....

would a swift kick in the ass do ?????? ;)

From what I have heard, that and more have been tried to no avail.

ill bet he enjoys it too much then.......... :D

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From what I have heard, that and more have been tried to no avail.

ill bet he enjoys it too much then.......... :D

HSC, you kick him in the ass - he hasn't been kicked in the ass until he's been kicked by you - and you know how to handle those Italian smoothies :lol:

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