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Harold Reynolds

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Says the Twins won't make it far into the post-season. Agree or disagree with that, but what got to me was his reasoning:


"In the playoffs it's different. You bunt, you hit and run, you manufacture runs. You eliminate a lot of those free swingers."


C'mon Harold, watch the team before you make a comment like that.

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Says the Twins won't make it far into the post-season. Agree or disagree with that, but what got to me was his reasoning:


"In the playoffs it's different. You bunt, you hit and run, you manufacture runs. You eliminate a lot of those free swingers."


C'mon Harold, watch the team before you make a comment like that.

WTF Was he thinking....that's exactly how the Twins are Harold.


:lolhitting :lolhitting Stupid comment, for the sake of making a comment on the Twins....He couldn't come up with a good enough excuse for them to suck in the playoffs or what???

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K's - (by batters)

Boston - 996

NY - 840

Oak - 893

Minn - 844

Chisox - 894


Sacrifice hits

Boston - 11 (last in ML)

NY - 34

Oak - 18 (only Boston has fewer)

Minn - 38

Chisox - 52 -- (most in AL)


Stolen Bases

Boston - 56

NY - 73

Oak - 40

Minn - 103

Chisox - 65


Never let the facts get in the way.

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Says the Twins won't make it far into the post-season. Agree or disagree with that, but what got to me was his reasoning:


"In the playoffs it's different. You bunt, you hit and run, you manufacture runs. You eliminate a lot of those free swingers."


C'mon Harold, watch the team before you make a comment like that.

Wait, I thought the Royals were winning the AL Central? :huh:

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I hate to defend an idiot like Harold Reynolds, but I believe, and I could of heard it wrong, he was saying that Santana and Radke may not be as effective in the post-season because of the mentioned style of baseball. (Now whether that is as stupid is up to the individual reader, but I'm pretty sure that is what he said)

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I hate to defend an idiot like Harold Reynolds, but I believe, and I could of heard it wrong, he was saying that Santana and Radke may not be as effective in the post-season because of the mentioned style of baseball.  (Now whether that is as stupid is up to the individual reader, but I'm pretty sure that is what he said)

I think he was making seperate points. But either way...

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I really dislike Harold Reynolds (and all things ESPN for that fact), but he was partially right about one thing: The Twins won't go far in the postseason and all because of 3 little initials: NYY. Even though they beat around the Yanks a couple of weeks ago in the dome, the Yankees become an entirely different team in the playoffs. I can't see that changing anytime soon....




































































of course, I also had the Sox winning the AL Central too, so what do I know. :P

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I really dislike Harold Reynolds (and all things ESPN for that fact)


ChiSoxFan, I am going to use your quote here....... I don't know how old you are so this rant may or may not be directed at you.............. but it is directed to all of you young spoiled brats that don't have a clue about ESPN.........


ESPN is the best thing for sports! You guys have no clue what life is like without ESPN, without BBTN, without Sportscenter, without MLB being on TV on some station almost every night....... without the Internet.


ESPN is only 25 years old and when it started, people thought it was the dumbest idea in the world. Everybody said there is no way it would work. ESPN made it work. They brought sports into millions of households that only got info on games in the paper the next day or a 5-second blip on the local news. Without ESPN, there is no FoxSports Networks..... the face of sports and TV is 15 years behind what it is now......


Chris Berman and the nicknames many of you hate so much, made sports fun. It allowed you to learn the players. The personalities made you identify with sports, made them more enjoyable......


Those who take it for granted and weren't there for the beginning need to learn and accept the purpose of ESPN. It is to entertain and provide news. It is NOT to provide the most in-depth analysis on every single team. There is no way Gammons or Reynolds can know every little thing about every player. They use the information that is at their disposal. When you are talking about programming on a national scale it will be more general. Sometimes it will even be wrong. Sometimes it will be a bit outdated. SO WHAT! ALL things on a national scale are like that. Local broadcasters are ALWAYS better with information about the home team. Personally I think it is good to listen to a different perspective on occasion.


I say long live Gammons, Reynolds, Kruk, etc....... They do an absolutely fabulous job of providing a combination of entertainment and information. If you have to evaluate every single word they say then first off get a life and second DON'T WATCH! Whether you like them or not, there is NO WAY in hell those guys are idiots. Not one of us here could do that job, so just chill, sit back and be entertained!


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Sorry dbaho, they are not idiots.......    you have no clue what you are talking about......... and OBVIOUSLY just missed my whole point........

Ok, personally I don't mind Kruk and even Gammons from time to time. Kruk's played the game and seems to be respected by most on these boards, Gammons' is the lead baseball writer on ESPN and I actually enjoy reading his columns. But I don't like Reynolds at all, and that's just my opinion.

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Ok, personally I don't mind Kruk and even Gammons from time to time. Kruk's played the game and seems to be respected by most on these boards, Gammons' is the lead baseball writer on ESPN and I actually enjoy reading his columns. But I don't like Reynolds at all, and that's just my opinion.

Let's not forget that Reynolds played 12 years in the big leagues. You may not like him and that is fine. They all say dumb things from time to time, and I have my list of color analysts I don't like........ but to call him an idiot makes it sound like you think you can do better or know more.


Reynolds is on a national network's top baseball show for a reason. He is no idiot. He knows baseball better than any of us here. He has experienced baseball on a level none of us have. He has more contacts in the game than any of us. That, my friend, does not an idiot make.

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Sacrifice hits

Chisox - 52 -- (most in AL)



I do not want to start this, because I may get my head bitten off...but am I the only one that thinks that this team may have won just a few more games under Jerry Manuel? I really do not want to beat a dead horse...but, I can't resist the urge.


And, while I agree completely with Rex's rant, I do not like Reynolds. And I am allowed to not like Reynolds.


Another thing...if Reynolds thinks that small ball will beat the Twins, he has another thing coming. They are one of the best fielding, most fundamentally sound teams in the game today. They play the game right. I would almost be surprised if they didn't make it to the ALCS, and it wouldn't surprise me to see them make it to the World Series, and possibly even win it. When you get 1 dominant starter like Santana, who will give you a quality start EVERY time he takes the mound(and usually it is a very good start, not just a quality start...and he rarely allows more hits and walks/innings pitched).


They will be tough as nails to beat in the postseason, and I honestly only think two teams can...the Sawks, and the A's.

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I do not want to start this, because I may get my head bitten off...but am I the only one that thinks that this team may have won just a few more games under Jerry Manuel?  I really do not want to beat a dead horse...but, I can't resist the urge.

Other things you have to consider if Jerry Manuel was still managing.

1 - Would the likes of Paul Konerko have had comeback seasons if JM was still managing.

2 - Would Juan Uribe have even been given starting time at the start of the year?

3 - What type of season would Jon Garland have had. Better or worse? He was in JM's junkhouse a lot.


All in all, the team is better for Ozzie managing than JM. If Frank and Maggs were still healthy, we'd be right up there with the Twinkies.

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ChiSoxFan, I am going to use your quote here.......  I don't know how old you are so this rant may or may not be directed at you.............. but it is directed to all of you young spoiled brats that don't have a clue about ESPN.........


ESPN is the best thing for sports!  You guys have no clue what life is like without ESPN, without BBTN, without Sportscenter, without MLB being on TV on some station almost every night....... without the Internet.


ESPN is only 25 years old and when it started, people thought it was the dumbest idea in the world.  Everybody said there is no way it would work.  ESPN made it work.  They brought sports into millions of households that only got info on games in the paper the next day or a 5-second blip on the local news.  Without ESPN, there is no FoxSports Networks..... the face of sports and TV is 15 years behind what it is now......


Chris Berman and the nicknames many of you hate so much, made sports fun.  It allowed you to learn the players.  The personalities made you identify with sports, made them more enjoyable......


Those who take it for granted and weren't there for the beginning need to learn and accept the purpose of ESPN.  It is to entertain and provide news.  It is NOT to provide the most in-depth analysis on every single team.  There is no way Gammons or Reynolds can know every little thing about every player.  They use the information that is at their disposal.  When you are talking about programming on a national scale it will be more general.  Sometimes it will even be wrong.  Sometimes it will be a bit outdated.  SO WHAT!  ALL things on a national scale are like that.  Local broadcasters are ALWAYS better with information about the home team.  Personally I think it is good to listen to a different perspective on occasion.


I say long live Gammons, Reynolds, Kruk, etc.......  They do an absolutely fabulous job of providing a combination of entertainment and information.  If you have to evaluate every single word they say then first off get a life and second DON'T WATCH! Whether you like them or not, there is NO WAY in hell those guys are idiots.  Not one of us here could do that job, so just chill, sit back and be entertained!


Harold Reynolds is still stupid. :ph34r:

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Let's not forget that Reynolds played 12 years in the big leagues.  You may not like him and that is fine.  They all say dumb things from time to time, and I have my list of color analysts I don't like........ but to call him an idiot makes it sound like you think you can do better or know more. 


Reynolds is on a national network's top baseball show for a reason.  He is no idiot. He knows baseball better than any of us here.  He has experienced baseball on a level none of us have.  He has more contacts in the game than any of us.  That, my friend, does not an idiot make.

Playing 12 years in the big-leagues doesn't automatically make you smarter. Afterall, Theo Eptstein and Brian Cashman, the AL's two most prominant GM's never saw a Major League pitch, yet, they call the shots for two major clubs and decide the fate of some of the games best players.

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I'm sure you are much smarter........

Sarcasm goes in green.


Besides, playing 12 years in the bigs and being on a television show doesn't automatically make you smarter.


And I don't care what ESPN has done for sports. They didn't do it for us. They did it for themselves. For the money. ESPN has a tendency to market themselves as having 'experts' and I haven't seen it yet. So f*** ESPN.

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ChiSoxFan, I am going to use your quote here.......  I don't know how old you are so this rant may or may not be directed at you.............. but it is directed to all of you young spoiled brats that don't have a clue about ESPN.........


ESPN is the best thing for sports!  You guys have no clue what life is like without ESPN, without BBTN, without Sportscenter, without MLB being on TV on some station almost every night....... without the Internet.


ESPN is only 25 years old and when it started, people thought it was the dumbest idea in the world.  Everybody said there is no way it would work.  ESPN made it work.  They brought sports into millions of households that only got info on games in the paper the next day or a 5-second blip on the local news.  Without ESPN, there is no FoxSports Networks..... the face of sports and TV is 15 years behind what it is now......


Chris Berman and the nicknames many of you hate so much, made sports fun.  It allowed you to learn the players.  The personalities made you identify with sports, made them more enjoyable......


Those who take it for granted and weren't there for the beginning need to learn and accept the purpose of ESPN.  It is to entertain and provide news.  It is NOT to provide the most in-depth analysis on every single team.  There is no way Gammons or Reynolds can know every little thing about every player.  They use the information that is at their disposal.  When you are talking about programming on a national scale it will be more general.  Sometimes it will even be wrong.  Sometimes it will be a bit outdated.  SO WHAT!  ALL things on a national scale are like that.  Local broadcasters are ALWAYS better with information about the home team.  Personally I think it is good to listen to a different perspective on occasion.


I say long live Gammons, Reynolds, Kruk, etc.......  They do an absolutely fabulous job of providing a combination of entertainment and information.  If you have to evaluate every single word they say then first off get a life and second DON'T WATCH! Whether you like them or not, there is NO WAY in hell those guys are idiots.  Not one of us here could do that job, so just chill, sit back and be entertained!


No, you're right. Without ESPN, people might still be relegated to box scores in the paper and 5 minutes at the end of the local news. It has many annoying personalities on it, but on the whole it's the best thing to happen to sports in this century. It brought athletics from a sub-culture of cult-like status to a mainstream, marketable way of life. It cannot be overstated the path that ESPN blazed in 1979. You take the bad with the good, and the latter far outweighs the former. So ironic, that the people on this board curse out ESPN's shortcomings every possible chance they get, but they wouldn't even know half as much about sports in the first place if Shell Oil hadn't launched that satellite up into space a quarter-century ago.

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Sarcasm goes in green.


Besides, playing 12 years in the bigs and being on a television show doesn't automatically make you smarter.


And I don't care what ESPN has done for sports. They didn't do it for us. They did it for themselves. For the money. ESPN has a tendency to market themselves as having 'experts' and I haven't seen it yet. So f*** ESPN.

ESPN's job isn't to do something for "us". It is a national show. Sorry if national interest isn't on the White Sox and they don't talk about them enough for you.


If you could get your head out of your ass and see there is another world out there than just Sox baseball, you will see that ESPN is quite good. Then again, based on what you have contributed to this thread, my guess is you already know everything so you can't see anything new.


I wish I was as smart as you.

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ESPN's job isn't to do something for "us".  It is a national show.  Sorry if national interest isn't on the White Sox and they don't talk about them enough for you. 


If you could get your head out of your ass and see there is another world out there than just Sox baseball, you will see that ESPN is quite good.  Then again, based on what you have contributed to this thread, my guess is you already know everything so you can't see anything new. 


I wish I was as smart as you.

Is ESPN could get their heads out of thier asses and see that there is more in the baseball world than the damn Yankmees and Red Sux, maybe people in the midwest would not think they suck as much. I turn to it for fantasy baseball info, and I get 15 minutes on 'who is better, Yankees or Red Sox'. I DON'T f***ING CARE about the Yankees and Red Sox that much, that I am interested in seeing them constantly. And outside of NY and Boston area, is there really that much Yankee love?

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