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Harold Reynolds

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ESPN's job isn't to do something for "us".  It is a national show.  Sorry if national interest isn't on the White Sox and they don't talk about them enough for you. 


If you could get your head out of your ass and see there is another world out there than just Sox baseball, you will see that ESPN is quite good.  Then again, based on what you have contributed to this thread, my guess is you already know everything so you can't see anything new. 


I wish I was as smart as you.

Hey, when did I ever say they didn't talk about the White Sox enough? Huh? Please point that out. I beg of you, POINT THAT OUT. I don't believe I ever said it. Want to know why I don't believe that? BECAUSE I NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT ESPN'S LACK OF COVERAGE ON THE SOX. Stop sniffing ESPN's brown hole and look at the BIG PICTURE. They are a company, a corporation, they want MONEY. They don't care about YOU, ME, OR HIM.


You pull your head out of your ass. Why not argue something without attacking me with words I never said? Can you do it? Are you man enough?


EDIT: Maybe I should get in my knees for Microsoft too. They did soooooo much for computers and the business world.

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Hey, when did I ever say they didn't talk about the White Sox enough? Huh? Please point that out. I beg of you, POINT THAT OUT. I don't believe I ever said it. Want to know why I don't believe that? BECAUSE I NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT ESPN'S LACK OF COVERAGE ON THE SOX.  Stop sniffing ESPN's brown hole and look at the BIG PICTURE. They are a company, a corporation, they want MONEY. They don't care about YOU, ME, OR HIM.


You pull your head out of your ass. Why not argue something without attacking me with words I never said? Can you do it? Are you man enough?


EDIT: Maybe I should get in my knees for Microsoft too. They did soooooo much for computers and the business world.

Man enough? That's a joke......


But I'll tell you what....... you go on believing what you want and I'll let you win this argument because this is assinine. I have said my piece and I think most people with a half a brain that can see the big picture would agree. It's funny, the only people I ever hear b****ing about ESPN, are people on message boards that are mad because they don't give their team enough coverage. Whether you personally fall into that category I could care less.


But what do I know, I know nothing about the game of baseball.


Reply all you want now..... my piece has been said and it will fall on deaf ears.



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Is ESPN could get their heads out of thier asses and see that there is more in the baseball world than the damn Yankmees and Red Sux, maybe people in the midwest would not think they suck as much.  I turn to it for fantasy baseball info, and I get 15 minutes on 'who is better, Yankees or Red Sox'.  I DON'T f***ING CARE about the Yankees and Red Sox that much, that I am interested in seeing them constantly.  And outside of NY and Boston area, is there really that much Yankee love?

YES! Why do you think they are almost always Fox' featured game on TV? It's not just ESPN. Those two teams draw the most national interest so they are the most talked about. Like it or not, it is what it is.

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Man enough?  That's a joke......


But I'll tell you what.......  you go on believing what you want and I'll let  you win this argument because this is assinine.  I have said my piece and I think most people with a half a brain that can see the big picture would agree.  It's funny, the only people I ever hear b****ing about ESPN, are people on message boards that are mad because they don't give their team enough coverage.  Whether you personally fall into that category I could care less. 


But what do I know, I know nothing about the game of baseball.


Reply all you want now.....  my piece has been said and it will fall on deaf ears.



Walk away, be the big man. Atta boy.


Harold Reynolds knows more about baseball as a game than most of us on this board do. About teams and players? Hardly.


I could care less about ESPN's coverage of the Sox. It's ridiculous you threw me into that category and dismiss me as an idiot because of a 'general rule'. If I want coverage on the Sox, I'll pick up the Chicago Tribune or the Sun-Times. I won't turn on ESPN because with a barely above .500 record, the nation doesn't want to hear about the White Sox. And on top of that, they don't have experts. Nobody is an expert. And because nobody is an expert, Baseball Tonight is a pathetic show because they market themselves as having experts. Harold Reynolds, Peter Gammons, John Kruck, Tim Kurkjian, if they are experts, than so the f*** am I. Two of those guys never saw a major league pitch, just like the majority of posters on this board. ESPN didn't make their mark with Baseball Tonight, so I'll bash Harold Reynolds lack of teams and players all I damn well care to.


What's asinine is that you grew the balls to say that I have less than a half of a brain because I disagree with you. What's asinine is that you can't finish off an argument. What's asinine is that you called something asinine without even spelling it right.


Keep walking...

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So ironic, that the people on this board curse out ESPN's shortcomings every possible chance they get, but they wouldn't even know half as much about sports in the first place if Shell Oil hadn't launched that satellite up into space a quarter-century ago.

So essentially, what you are saying is, either people wouldn't even know about this board, or this board wouldn't even exist, had it not been for ESPN.


And I agree 100%

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ChiSoxFan, I am going to use your quote here.......  I don't know how old you are so this rant may or may not be directed at you.............. but it is directed to all of you young spoiled brats that don't have a clue about ESPN.........


ESPN is the best thing for sports!  You guys have no clue what life is like without ESPN, without BBTN, without Sportscenter, without MLB being on TV on some station almost every night....... without the Internet.


ESPN is only 25 years old and when it started, people thought it was the dumbest idea in the world.  Everybody said there is no way it would work.  ESPN made it work.  They brought sports into millions of households that only got info on games in the paper the next day or a 5-second blip on the local news.  Without ESPN, there is no FoxSports Networks..... the face of sports and TV is 15 years behind what it is now......


Chris Berman and the nicknames many of you hate so much, made sports fun.  It allowed you to learn the players.  The personalities made you identify with sports, made them more enjoyable......


Those who take it for granted and weren't there for the beginning need to learn and accept the purpose of ESPN.  It is to entertain and provide news.  It is NOT to provide the most in-depth analysis on every single team.  There is no way Gammons or Reynolds can know every little thing about every player.  They use the information that is at their disposal.  When you are talking about programming on a national scale it will be more general.  Sometimes it will even be wrong.  Sometimes it will be a bit outdated.  SO WHAT!  ALL things on a national scale are like that.  Local broadcasters are ALWAYS better with information about the home team.  Personally I think it is good to listen to a different perspective on occasion.


I say long live Gammons, Reynolds, Kruk, etc.......  They do an absolutely fabulous job of providing a combination of entertainment and information.  If you have to evaluate every single word they say then first off get a life and second DON'T WATCH! Whether you like them or not, there is NO WAY in hell those guys are idiots.  Not one of us here could do that job, so just chill, sit back and be entertained!


No harm, no foul. But I gotta respond.


First of all, I am older than ESPN....by a few years. ;)


Secondly, I loved ESPN for what it always was: "The Worldwide Leader in Sports". Unfortunately, like I said, that's what they were. The great sports broadcasters and journalists they had have been replaced with a 24 hr sports edition of Entertainment Tonight. It's no longer about the essence of the sport, as it is now for the hot fad or the "it" team of the moment. Do I want exclusive coverage of the White Sox by ESPN? Not even. But I did enjoy at one time how ESPN was actually intuned with making sure every team got coverage, no matter how good or bad. That's what always separated them from all the major networks that did smaller segments on sports. But as a fan, I don't want to have to turn on ESPN and see the usual suspects on the air again and again. Yes, I know how good the Yankees are, or how fierce the Yankees-BoSox rivalry is, and if this is finally the year the Cubs win it all? I'm sorry, but I'm tired of the same subjects being force-fed down my throat night in/night out. Does that mean shift over to the plight of the Expos, the state of the Marlins stadium issue, or how injuries have affected the White Sox? Not likely, but how about combining the issues instead of going over the same ones over and over again.


I used to love MTV too, when they actually played music and cared about the type of music coming out. They too, are a former shell of themselves. The way that channel is now, you may as well take the M out of the name, because they no longer feel obligated to fulfill that portion of their name. Maybe it's a sign of change, and I just refuse to acknowledge it, but watching these 2 channels go from variety to the popular "in" event is enough for me to tune them both out, which I've done.


Thank you, and sorry about the long-winded rant.

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No harm, no foul.  But I gotta respond.


First of all, I am older than ESPN....by a few years. ;)


Secondly, I loved ESPN for what it always was: "The Worldwide Leader in Sports".  Unfortunately, like I said, that's what they were. The great sports broadcasters and journalists they had have been replaced with a 24 hr sports edition of Entertainment Tonight.  It's no longer about the essence of the sport, as it is now for the hot fad or the "it" team of the moment.  Do I want exclusive coverage of the White Sox by ESPN?  Not even.  But I did enjoy at one time how ESPN was actually intuned with making sure every team got coverage, no matter how good or bad.  That's what always separated them from all the major networks that did smaller segments on sports.  But as a fan, I don't want to have to turn on ESPN and see the usual suspects on the air again and again.  Yes, I know how good the Yankees are, or how fierce the Yankees-BoSox rivalry is, and if this is finally the year the Cubs win it all? I'm sorry, but I'm tired of the same subjects being force-fed down my throat night in/night out.  Does that mean shift over to the plight of the Expos, the state of the Marlins stadium issue, or how injuries have affected the White Sox? Not likely, but how about combining the issues instead of going over the same ones over and over again.


I used to love MTV too, when they actually played music and cared about the type of music coming out.  They too, are a former shell of themselves.  The way that channel is now, you may as well take the M out of the name, because they no longer feel obligated to fulfill that portion of their name.  Maybe it's a sign of change, and I just refuse to acknowledge it, but watching these 2 channels go from variety to the popular "in" event is enough for me to tune them both out, which I've done.


Thank you, and sorry about the long-winded rant.


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