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I know the criminal charges have been dropped.. but since a few here think this was all a sham from her to extort $$.. I thought this might be a bit interesting.


Two articles one from Denver Post and one Vail Daily with the following information:


1. Kobe denied having sex with the victim.


2. Kobe admitted he had at least one hand on her neck and bent her over the chair, saying "its just my thing"


3. Dana Easter says NO SEMEN was found inside the victim's vagina or cervix only sperm....it would seem to be impossible that a fresh deposit would leave only sperm and no semen.....


4. Three people vs. one saw the victim shortly after the attack and confirmed she was upset.


5. No mention of js in either article, interesting.





Basketball star Kobe Bryant admitted in a taped interview with investigators that he put his hand on his accuser's neck and bent her over a chair to have sex with her, saying it was "just my thing," according to a prosecutor in the case.




"Semen is the fluid in which sperm are carried," Easter said. "The only way sperm can get anywhere is in the semen. When you have sperm with no semen, you have an old sexual intercourse. Sperm can live up to 17 days on the cervix. DNA can remain in underwear even after washings. We had an expert witness ready to testify to that."


The Colorado Bureau of Investigations' reports did not necessarily support the prosecution's case, and CBI lab workers had been called to testify for the defense, which observers said was rare.


"Their report supported what we believe the facts to be," said Easter. "It was not inconsistent with what the victim had told us."



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So basically...if I'm reading between the lines right....minus all the legal mumbo jumbo...Kobe went back door and that's not what the victim signed up for!!


That's what this sounds like to me.


This is just an opinion since I really don't know all the facts here.


I think she wanted him and was all about gettin hot and heavy with him...and was a willing participant and then he turned her around over the chair and she was still willing cause she thought she was gonna get it doggy style and then Kobe, to use a baseball term, slid in under the tag. The victim has been arguing the call ever since.



But if this was all really the case....why didn't they say she was sodomized by Kobe??



Edit: I also would like to add, if the events I described above are accurate and Kobe went back door and that's when the accuser said STOP and he didn't......he raped her!! I don't care how into it they were. Hell, I don't care if they were having ALL KINDS of sex in different postions. IF in one of the postions he went diving for starfish and she said NO...then its NO. If he didn't stop...he raped her.

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Where are you getting that from...??  :huh



Testimony released on the Colorado legal site squashed that "rumor" during the preliminary hearings.

It's just my opinion from comments I heard throughout the trial to some facts that were presented, but mostly...it's what I get out of Kobe's statement.


It just sounds to me like underneath it all....that is what happened. I think she was happy to hook up with him...happy to go to his room, hell even happy to have sex, but not happy when she got something she wasn't expecting and rightfully so..IF it's what happened...she was raped.




Kobe's statement:

“First, I want to apologize directly to the young woman involved in this incident. I want to apologize to her for my behavior that night and for the consequences she has suffered in the past year. Although this year has been incredibly difficult for me personally, I can only imagine the pain she has had to endure. I also want to apologize to her parents and family members, and to my family and friends and supporters, and to the citizens of Eagle, Colorado.


“I also want to make it clear that I do not question the motives of this young woman. No money has been paid to this woman. She has agreed that this statement will not be used against me in the civil case. Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did. After months of reviewing discovery, listening to her attorney and even hearing her testify in person, I now understand how she sincerely feels that she did not consent to this encounter.”


“I issue this statement today fully aware that while one part of this case ends today, another remains. I understand that the civil case against me will go forward — that part of this case will be decided by and between the parties directly involved in the incident and will no longer be a financial or emotional drain on the citizens of Colorado.”

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I didn't know that was said all along...I thought the prosecution was saying she was raped...I never heard them say she was sodomized.

That is seriously all I've been hearing from friends, co-workers, etc.


And I never listen to Mancow, but I've heard that he's gone on and on about it at times. Not that Mancow is a credible source or anything like that.

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Sodomy:  The crime of oral or anal sexual contact or penetration between persons or of sexual intercourse between a person and an animal; especially : the crime of forcing another person to perform oral or anal sex.


He forced her to have anal sex "his way" is how the story goes. Maybe she was willing to engage in butt sex, but apparently Kobe took it to far. Maybe she wanted to stop, but he wasn't having it. In that case, he'd be forcing the action & we'd have a clear case of sodomy.

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I think she wanted him and was all about gettin hot and heavy with him...and was a willing participant and then he turned her around over the chair and she was still willing cause she thought she was gonna get it doggy style and then Kobe, to use a baseball term, slid in under the tag.  The victim has been arguing the call ever since.

Actually, this description is perfect. Ignore my previous post.


That's basically what I've heard all along. Not quite traditional sodomy in the sense that she was willing at first. Just butt sex gone wrong, I guess. It's kinda hard to botch that up, but Kobe found a way.

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Actually, this description is perfect.  Ignore my previous post.


That's basically what I've heard all along.  Not quite traditional sodomy in the sense that she was willing at first.  Just butt sex gone wrong, I guess.  It's kinda hard to botch that up, but Kobe found a way.

I think you just like my terminology :lol:

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I don't get it....



Bryant criminal case records sealed


DENVER, Colorado (AP) -- Attorneys for Kobe Bryant have won the first round in their bid to permanently seal documents and evidence from the sexual assault case against the NBA star.


In a ruling late Wednesday, District Judge Richard Hart approved an emergency request from defense attorney Pamela Mackey, who said Bryant would "suffer real, immediate and irreparable injury" if the records were released.


At least six requests had been filed seeking access to the records after prosecutors last week dismissed the case at the request of the 20-year-old alleged victim, Mackey said. Among those requests was one from The Associated Press.


The evidence includes recordings and transcripts of Bryant's interview with sheriff's investigators the night after the alleged attack at a Vail-area resort last summer and several hundred sealed court filings.


"No member of the public or media should be permitted to manipulate and abuse for salacious and other improper purposes the evidence, audio recordings and other materials in this case," Mackey said. "This case is over. Mr. Bryant is innocent. He should be permitted to move on with his life."


The Los Angeles Lakers star still faces a civil lawsuit seeking unspecified damages filed by the accusers attorneys in Denver federal court.


In granting a temporary restraining order, Hart prohibited various agencies and attorneys from disclosing any documents or other items related to the criminal case. He said the temporary order would remain in effect until Sept. 18 or he rules on Mackey's request.



If he did nothing wrong... what's the problem with unsealing the records/pictures/statements..? :rolly

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Kobe is a thug and a rapist and the cult of wealth and celebrity has triumped. This case is beyond awful and will have negative repercussions on female rape victims for years to come.

Kobe Bryant is soft. He was raised in France, for crying out loud.


He's not a thug. That's for damn sure. Allen Iverson? Now, THAT is a thug. He'd be in prison for certain if it wasn't for the fact that he could play basketball. For certain.

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