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Bush's Forged Documents

Gene Honda Civic

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Dude. They invented proportional type font typewriters in the 1940s. And superscript can be done on a Selectric Typewriter if you're anal about s***.


If this memo turns out to be a fake, what does this change about the story? The genesis of this latest Bush Guard story is that he failed to meet the demands of the Guard and didn't get punished for it. It doesn't change the fact that he gamed the system, it just changes that one memo.

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I am not to certain I want a President who couldn't take advantage of a well connected daddy. I know I thought a President that couldn't figure out to inhale was an idiot. :lol: Bush was just one of many thousands of priviledged white males who avoided getting shot at in some far away rice paddy for no reason.


Throughout history it is the minorities in a society that fight and die in wars. Not all, but many. Soldierd never look like the men who order them into combat.

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Little Green Footballs! They are amusing. That site really dislikes my friend Adam for being part of the International Solidarity Movement and being Jewish and wanting to take a trip to Israel. (Don't really know why but they were trying to get him taken off the trip he was going on with a bunch of other people)


Sorry for that aside, as for the documents...there is a definite possibility that this document could be forged. Does that mean all the 2 dozen that the Pentagon turned over via FOIA/AP lawsuit are fakes? Possibly. But as winodj said, it doesn't change the fact that he didn't live up to the demands of the Guard that he didn't get punished for it.

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I finally saw the pics of the document. They do look suspicious. But it still doesn't change the core issue. Oh yeah, salon had a great story a few weeks back about Bush's job with the Blount campaign in 1972. Apparently, the biggest contribution he made to the campaign was walking in the office about noon and bragging on how drunk he got.

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What is fun to speculate about is this, if it is a forgery, was it done by the Dems or the GOPs?

Who knows...


there is irony in all of this. John Kerry is off screaming his head off about this stuff already. Meanwhile the biggest source of quotes in all of this, Ben Barnes, is a (surprise) huge fundraiser for Kerry.


http://www.johnkerry.com/pressroom/release...2004_0319b.html (look at name #3 on the list)


Once again how come when the Swifties are out doing this, Kerry is screaming bloody murder and there are all kinds of investigations linking republican donors to all of this. When almost the exact same situation happens to the GOP, there are no mainsteam media investigations, and there are no talks about who is funding the attacks and research.


It is more hypocracy.

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Of course the entire world is against the GOP.


I heard that Clinton may have had a problem with an intern, did you hear anything about it?


I hear Kerry may not have earned those medals, I wonder why that hasn't been reported?


I heard Rostenkowski years ago may have cheated on his franking priveleges? Iwonder why that was never reported?


I heard Ted Kennedy may have had a problem with a drunk driving situation, I wonder why no one knows about that.


I heard that Jesse Jackson may have fathered a child out of wedlock, I wonder why that wasn't reported?


As soon as the GOP gets in a jam they immediately blame the messenger.

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And if John Kerry wasn't throwing temper tantrums about people investigating his activities 30 years ago, that arguement might hold some water with me. He is so eager to run with the samethings that he is decrying. That is what pisses me off about John Kerry.


This whole election f***ing sucks. W is an ass clown who doesn't deserve to be President, and the only person I despise more right now is running against him.

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Bush really should not be able to criticize Kerry about what he did with his medals or about VVAW, because at least Kerry fought in the war while Buush was too rich and privilaged to do so. Is there some type of double standard that allows this? I think the true mark of a good politician would bve to do what they believe is best for the country, and not have their biggest concern to be reelected.

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I don't need Ben Barnes to tell me what kind of scum Bush is.  Bush and his administration have lied a million times and people ignore it, so why does this matter.

This matters because one candititate is running on the platform that he is not George W Bush. Silly question then, why is he doing the exact samethings as W? John Kerry is just like George W Bush no matter what anyone tells you. They both are lying, cheating, stealing, and would sell their families into slavery to win this election, I have no doubts.

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This whole election f***ing sucks.  W is an ass clown who doesn't deserve to be President, and the only person I despise more right now is running against him.


This whole election f***ing sucks. JK and W are ass clowns who don't deserve to be President, and the only people I despise more right now are the people who have allowed leaders, people of integrity, people with visions, to be chased away from public service.


This is by the far the worse choice we have faced in my life time. I'd take Bob Dole or Al Gore over these two.


I actually had high hopes for W.

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Page 30 of today's Sun times. No mention of it on the front page.



Critical memos on Bush's Guard service faked?


September 10, 2004




A day after CBS News presented documents questioning President Bush's National Guard service, the veracity of those papers is coming into question.


The development comes in a campaign in which charges continue to fly about the authenticity of Bush's time in the Guard and Sen. John Kerry's Web site listing of medals and naval service.


On "60 Minutes II" on Wednesday night, CBS' Dan Rather introduced four documents he claimed were written by Lt. Col. Jerry Killian, 1st Lt. George W. Bush's superior, establishing that Bush failed to meet the standards required by the Texas Air National Guard in the early 1970s.


These appeared to support charges by Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe and Kerry that Bush had been "AWOL" and had failed to meet his Guard commitments.


The documents were presented by CBS as coming from Killian's secret personal files. In them, Killian appears to complain that he was being pressured by his superior officers to "sugarcoat" Bush's substandard performance in his official records and described how Bush had asked him "how he could get out of coming to drill," among other things.


Forgery experts take a look




The morning after the "60 Minutes II" airing, the Internet was buzzing with claims that the documents were forged.


Powerlineblog first aired speculation that there was persuasive evidence from the typefaces and spacing that the documents supposedly prepared in the age of typewriters in the early 1970s showed the unmistakable characteristics of computer printing.


Another blogger, Bill Ardolino at INDC Journal, who had read Powerline, said, "I decided to find a top typeface expert and ran his analysis on my Web site."


Ardolino's expert, Philip D. Bouffard, is a nationally recognized forensic authority in typewriter and electronic typefaces.


Bouffard has the largest collection of full letter impact typewriter specimens in a private collection today. Having worked at NCR and a forensic laboratory for more than 30 years, Bouffard still works with entities such as the State of Ohio on Medicare fraud cases.


Bouffard said the CBS documents appear to have been copied about 10 times in the state he saw them. Nevertheless, he states, "All the documents have been created on the same printer. And the proportional spacing and the common characteristics of numbers like 4 and 7 and letters like lower case c and upper case G are beyond the capabilities of any of the typewriter impact specimens I have in my collection. The centering of headings is also beyond the capabilities of any typewriter I know of."


His conclusion: "It is remotely possible there is some typewriter that has the capability to do all this ... but it is more likely these documents were generated in the common Times New Roman font and printed out on a computer printer that did not exist at the time they were supposedly created."


Bouffard is a registered Democrat planning to vote for Kerry.


In a related story, the Associated Press has reported that the son of Killian, Gary Killian, has questioned the authenticity of the documents as well and said they didn't come from his family.


CBS says it stands by its story and claims that the handwriting and document experts it consulted believe the documents are genuine.


Did CBS make a mistake?




The White House released these documents after obtaining them from CBS and did not question their accuracy, according to AP.


Late Thursday, Matt Drudge reported CBS has launched an internal probe into whether "60 Minutes II" had aired fraudulent documents. According to Drudge, a top CBS source said, "The reputation and integrity of the entire news division is at stake. If we are in error, it will be corrected."



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Of course the entire world is against the GOP.


I heard that Clinton may have had a problem with an intern, did you hear anything about it?


I hear Kerry may not have earned those medals, I wonder why that hasn't been reported?


I heard Rostenkowski years ago may have cheated on his franking priveleges? Iwonder why that was never reported?


I heard Ted Kennedy may have had a problem with a drunk driving situation, I wonder why no one knows about that.


I heard that Jesse Jackson may have fathered a child out of wedlock, I wonder why that wasn't reported?


As soon as the GOP gets in a jam they immediately blame the messenger.

Clinton DID have a problem with an intern.


Rostenkowski DID abuse his franking priveleges.


Teddy DID have a drunk driving problem.


Jessie DID father a child out of wedlock.


If all you did was HEAR that they MAY have done these things, you may need to read more.


As for Kerry, whether he earned those medals or not, I don't care. What has he done since he has been an elected official? That will tell me more about how he will be President that whether or not he injured himself during combat, or shot 20 enemy soldiers during the course of duty. I don't care what he has done back then. In the words of another Jackson (Janet!), What have you done for me lately?

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You wanna know what Kerry's done? Here's a clip from a Salon article back in July about Kerry's acheivements as a Senator.



While the numerical comparison of bills passed makes for an easy tit-for-tat, Congress experts agree that it's a simplistic way of measuring relative senatorial success. "I don't think, taken by itself, that it's a fair way to compare," says Yale political science professor David Mayhew. "It's easy to get your name on something if you're the chairman of a committee." Besides, he says, "legislating is not the only thing that they do that makes them important." Mayhew says there are three ways for a member of Congress to distinguish himself: as a legislator, as a leader of the public discourse -- think Sunday talk regulars like Jesse Helms or Joseph Biden -- or as an investigator.

Kerry has made his mark as the latter. As freshman senators in 1985, Kerry and Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin sent themselves on a fact-finding mission to Nicaragua to assess the dangers posed by the Sandinista government. Upon their return, Kerry began to receive tips suggesting that the Reagan administration was illegally funneling aid to the Nicaraguan Contras, the rebels struggling to overthrow the Sandinista government, and that the Contras were using supply chains established with U.S. assistance to carry on a bustling drug trade. Kerry took it upon himself to launch a probe. In the months ahead, he developed enough information to persuade more senior members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to conduct a full-scale investigation.


In a follow-up investigation, Kerry developed information that Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega was trafficking in drugs and sending money out of the country to the Bank of Credit & Commerce International, or BCCI. Kerry launched another investigation and developed information leading to criminal indictments and the collapse of BCCI in 1991.


A year later, Kerry and Sen. John McCain led a Senate select committee assigned to investigate whether American prisoners of war were still being held in Vietnam. After an exhaustive investigation, they reported finding no evidence that any American was still being held. Based on that finding, the two Vietnam veterans, one a Democrat, the other a Republican, worked together in an effort that would ultimately lead President Clinton to normalize relations with Vietnam in 1995....


While Kerry led the National Journal's liberal rankings during the first few years of his Senate tenure, he moved to the middle after he was reelected in 1990. "Kerry was especially moderate in his second term when it came to foreign policy issues," the National Journal's Richard E. Cohen wrote in February as the magazine unveiled its 2003 rankings. "He opposed the liberal position in key Senate showdowns on missile defense and intelligence spending in 1993 and on procurement of additional F-18 Navy fighters in 1996 ... Kerry also voted with President Clinton and congressional Republicans, but against many liberals, in favor of welfare reform in 1996, and he occasionally split from organized labor on workplace issues."


The Bush-Cheney claims about Kerry's defense record are of a piece. In a charge circulated so widely on the Internet that the folks at Snopes.com have felt the need to debunk it as an "urban legend," Republicans say that Kerry has voted against the B-1 and B-2 bombers, the F-14, F-15 and F-16 fighters, the Apache helicopter, the Bradley fighting vehicle, the Abrams tank and a host of other critical weapons. In fact, Kerry did not vote against these weapons specifically. Rather, as the Annenberg fact check explains, Kerry simply voted against the overall defense appropriations bills in 1990 and 1995. Having voted in support of such bills at least 16 other years, Kerry is, on balance, a supporter of the weapons systems the Republicans accuse him of opposing. Moreover, Annenberg says, the first President Bush and his defense secretary, Dick Cheney, also advocated eliminating some of the same weapons Kerry opposed.


There's a little bit about the actual record.


(edited to make the quote actually fit)

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You wanna know what Kerry's done? Here's a clip from a Salon article back in July about Kerry's acheivements as a Senator.





There's a little bit about the actual record.


(edited to make the quote actually fit)

Well here is somewhere of what Kerry has done...


Is looking to reform the tax code with the direct benefit of enriching his own fortune




Was in Cambodia in 1968... or was he?




Took money from a Chinese arms supplier in exchange for putting him front of the SEC.






Admitted to being a war criminal




Had extensive dealings with Ken Lay even defending him after his indictment




Once again, don't tell me how great John Kerry is. It is complete garbage.

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John Kerry and George W. Bush are both corporate whores, neo-conservatives advocating wars all over the globe and destructive policies for the American pubic.


The one thing that John Kerry has that George W. Bush doesn't is an ability to not horribly butcher the English language.  :lol:

And that is my point. This is election makes me want to :puke


Give McCain, give me Edwards... hell at this point where is Ross Perot?

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Clinton DID have a problem with an intern.


Rostenkowski DID abuse his franking priveleges.


Teddy DID have a drunk driving problem.


Jessie DID father a child out of wedlock.


If all you did was HEAR that they MAY have done these things, you may need to read more.


As for Kerry, whether he earned those medals or not, I don't care.  What has he done since he has been an elected official?  That will tell me more about how he will be President that whether or not he injured himself during combat, or shot 20 enemy soldiers during the course of duty.  I don't care what he has done back then.  In the words of another Jackson (Janet!), What have you done for me lately?

Are you saying that the media also reports when Dems do wrong!? :o To hear the GOP talk; all the media does is slam the GOP and refuses to cover any Dem wrong doings.


Maybe the media isn't so bias after all.

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