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Prayer's needed, really sad story


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I just found out of a real tragedy in my wife's family.


For some backround, my wifes uncle died about 15 years ago of a heart attack at 33. He was fairly newly married (only a couple of years) and had an awesome 9 month old baby when it happened. The wife has been included in my inlaws family as if she were a blood aunt since they married. She is a huge part of Angie's family to this day. Then as time went on Angies other uncle was married. In a strange twist of fate, the woman her uncle married's brother, fell in love with Angie's aunt. Soon they were married, and he practically adopted the son as his own. This was made all of the more special by the fact that the man had MS and couldn't have any kids of his own.


Fast forward to the last few years... The marriage had fallen on hard times because the new father fell depressed because of his slowly worsening condition. He turned to drinking and smoking to try to cope. This culiminated with the new father getting into a car accident with the son, now a freshman in HS, while drunk. This was the final straw for the aunt. No one endangered her son, and she asked the new husband to leave. It was an amicable split and she helped him get off of his feet as much as possible, helping to pay for a down payment on an apt, and helped him to get a job (with the MS, he couldn't do anything hard) as a clerk at a Blockbuster. They still communicated well, and he even entered AA to try to win her back.


Well yesterday they went to the bank to sign the soon-to-be former husband off of the mortgage. After this happened, he went home and committed suicide. Angie's family is crushed, both for the son and aunt, and for the death of basically a man who had been in their family for over 10 years.


Please keep them in your prayers, they need it.


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That's awful. Really, it hits you somewhere that rarely gets touched.


I think it is the part of you that presides over the cold, hard realities of life. The part that doesn't like to admit they exist, because really, thinking about them will drive you to the brink yourself.


I feel bad for everyone involved. Everyone who lost a husband, father, son, uncle. It's not easy. It never gets easier, either.


If you've been there and back you know what I mean.






You'd think that God wouldn't be so hard

When you see all the little children running, running in the backyard


-Joe Strummer

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