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Iowa State @ Iowa


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I was merely defending my statement. The Cheat being the smart ass he is had to attack Northwestern which had nothing to due with the fact that the thread is stupid. Besides, if I couldn't take losing and trash talk I wouldn't be a Northwestern fan or a Sox fan.

my god....college football nazi.

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Both team's D's looked pretty good. Both offenses thoroughly sucked. ISU lost because of their kicker. 3 missed FG's today.


Iowa played nowhere close to the #12 ranking they have. If you think they deserve that ranking, you must be crazy, because they were not looking real good today.


ISU needs to figure out that Austin Flynn is the better QB and quick.

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Iowa played nowhere close to the #12 ranking they have. If you think they deserve that ranking, you must be crazy, because they were not looking real good today.

Pre-season rankings are based largely on reputation and passed performance. Iowa finished the last two seasons ranked 8th in the country... Based on that they certainly "deserve" a high early season ranking.


That being said, Ferentz does need to take a look at his offensive style. He clearly doesn't have the offensive line he once did, which was the best in the nation 2 years ago and among the best last year.... He needs to go to a short and quick passing attack to set up the run, not the run to set up the deep play action pass.


Iowa won that game on conditioning though, even in a down year, Iowa's O-line was more powerful than ISU's D-line late in the game, and that was the difference.


They should finish the season with a ranking once again in the top 15... on thier remaining schedule I only see a few match-up problems.


Michigan - and their big talented recievers

Purdue - and their High powered pass-happy offense

and Ohio State - Who mirrors Iowa in style of play, with better athletes. Game will be won on special teams/kicking game.

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Yeah, Smith and Leaders are nice on the line, but I think Curvey got hurt today and the other lineman is TeBrink. My buddy is 2nd string nose guard. :)


I'm quite confident I'd find some way to be hammered if ISU could've won today.


I'd just like to see State pull out a big play at some point. I mean the TD pass from Flynn to Blythe is the biggest play of the year and that ain't right. Unless, of course, you consider Jansen's lack of kicking ability.

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