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8 year old Pregnant


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A GIRL aged eight has been found to be pregnant.


Police, who suspected that she was transporting illegal drugs in her stomach, rushed the girl to a hospital in Meissen, southern Bogota.


Doctors there found that the child was 32 weeks pregnant after being raped.


The girl said she had been attacked by an employee at a pharmacy near her home.

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IMO, I don't think that baby will live long. Her body isnt even fully developed yet. That's the rare times I've heard of a girl that young get pregnant.

Girls - as young as 7 - have been reported as carrying babies to full term in many 3rd world countries (who, btw, have crap medical care). The odds aren't great, but she's nearly to term now so I'd guess the baby will be born just fine.. and hopefully adopted by a loving family that can give it the life it should have.

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Girls - as young as 7 - have been reported as carrying babies to full term in many 3rd world countries (who, btw, have crap medical care). The odds aren't great, but she's nearly to term now so I'd guess the baby will be born just fine.. and hopefully adopted by a loving family that can give it the life it should have.

Me too I hope that little child find a very loving and happy home

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out of curiosity, all you conservatives... is this a time when an abortion would be a good option? if you say no, 2 people may die, if you say yes... one... and frankly this isnt a great situation since they found out so late because an abortion at this point is wrong IMO, but hypothetically if they'd found out earlier what do you think?

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