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Remembering September 11th


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Yup... To state a mere fact 3,500,000 people have not heard of 9/11 and WTC had not existed...





































Damn 3 year old kids...Gotta know their history. But to be honest, some people have no idea what you are talking about. I'm off to my field trip forum.

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I'm considering going to this 9/11 remembrance they have tonight here on campus. My uncle lives in NY, and he was really close to where everything took place.


That was definitely a crazy day. I remember we were just taking the first day of ISTEP, and we had a break somewhere in between our 3 of 4 hours of testing that day. I heard rumors of it while we were on break, and I really didn't have a clue what was going on. I really couldn't believe it. I'll always remember where I was when I heard about 9/11.

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I'm considering going to this 9/11 remembrance they have tonight here on campus.  My uncle lives in NY, and he was really close to where everything took place. 


That was definitely a crazy day.  I remember we were just taking the first day of ISTEP, and we had a break somewhere in between our 3 of 4 hours of testing that day.  I heard rumors of it while we were on break, and I really didn't have a clue what was going on.  I really couldn't believe it.  I'll always remember where I was when I heard about 9/11.

I will always remember it too. I was in 7th grade, so we didn't have to take the ISTEP that year. I was in first hour History class when I found out about it. The secretary came into our classroom in shock and we turned on the tv. It was a very long day, I couldn't turn the tv off all night.

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I was taking an english test when the Assistant Principal walked in and told us to turn on the tv so we did and we didnt have to take the test and we never made it up.

Same here. I was in Science class when it happend. My computer lab teacher comes in and tells us. The whole day we just basically watched the TV, in shock.

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Ah, back to 9/11.


I was going to school, finishing up some homework so I went in earlybird.


I got talking to the teacher about the Sox latest victory and how much Royce Clayton was a piece of s***. They played Cleveland the night before they were supposed to play New York.


At first, he said there was history in the making, and I really hadn't a clue of what was supposed to be going on, being a 7th grader, and when I saw that image, it has stuck with me since then.


A poor woman yelled, "My dad works in the Pentagon!" as she ran off in tears, luckally he was okay...


In 8th grade I cautiously went to Washington D.C. and paid my respects to the Pentagon, seeing as though there were new security measures in the "New Wing."


Some sort of radar or "green stuff" was implanted on the windows; and yet the government wouldn't tell me what it was, but I have my theories.


9/11 woke me up to say hey, this world really isn't safe, and that as a country, we were not prepared.

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Same here. I was in Science class when it happend. My computer lab teacher comes in and tells us. The whole day we just basically watched the TV, in shock.

i was sleepying and my mom came in screeming the world is coming to an end, i went back to bed because she is crazy and didnt belive, she turned on the T.V. just as the second one hit the wtc, and then went to school to watch it hit the buildings 1 million more times.

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It was a half day for us. I went to school early and everyone was around the T.V in the hallway. I was like wtf, then I found out and was really confused (kinda took a while to sink in that we were attacked) then I was praying that my aunt was okay and that was what everyone was talking about through the whole week.

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I worked on the floor of the CBOE at the time. I remember going upstairs to watch the news when the first plane hit the WTC. Then as a bunch of us were standing there, almost in slow motion we watched the 2nd plane hit. It was surreal. It still plays in my head more like a movie, than real life. Then they evacuated the building after calling off trading, and so there we are standing out on Financial Place, right in the shadow of the Sears Tower. It was eerie.

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R.I.P. to all of the innocent souls that were lost in the Twin Towers, the airplanes and of those in the Pentagon. It sure as hell was a crazy day. First thing that popped into my head when I saw that second plane crash on the second tower was World War III. Not a beautiful thought at all.

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I remember that day like it was yesterday. It seemed like just a normal day, nothing new happened. I went to my second period history class, and that's all we watched the whole period. I remember thinking right then how little sports, entertainment, hell, everything really meant on that day. I remember that was the week that the world just stood still and did nothing.


And I remember that the White Sox were in NY, and, unless I misunderstood what was said, I thought I remembered hearing or reading that the Sox were supposed to tour the WTC that day.



Doesn't seem like it was 3 years ago to me though either.

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I remember that day like it was yesterday.  It seemed like just a normal day, nothing new happened.  I went to my second period history class, and that's all we watched the whole period.  I remember thinking right then how little sports, entertainment, hell, everything really meant on that day.  I remember that was the week that the world just stood still and did nothing.


And I remember that the White Sox were in NY, and, unless I misunderstood what was said, I thought I remembered hearing or reading that the Sox were supposed to tour the WTC that day.



Doesn't seem like it was 3 years ago to me though either.

I also remember hearing that they were suppose to tour the building. Trying to find a article right now.

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From what I remember, there were several of the Sox that had planned on taking a tour of the WTC. A couple of guys overslept and were late, therefore they hadn't left the hotel. As I said, I'm only going from memory here and my facts may be inaccurate to some extent.


Also, Josh Paul, who was with the Sox at the time, lost a very close buddy that day.

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