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Another reason why North Korea...


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Actually, in 1994 the Clinton administration orchestrated a deal called the Agreed Framework. This deal would put a halt to the development of the North Korean nuclear program in exchange for heightened humanitarian aid and light water (non weapon capable) Nuclear Power plants. The Republican congress never funded implementation of this agreement. Further, there is evidence that by and large the North Koreans did not persue a nuclear agenda during the remainder of the Clinton era. Granted, they were not exactly our friends - but they weren't proliferating either - despite our refusal to honor our own agreement. Maybe it was Clinton's speech. He spoke of inclusion. He spoke of bringing them into the world community. When Bush got into office, he framed North Korea in terms of exclusion and isolation. One thing Bush needed to learn, appearances matter. Despite no material change in the foreign policy towards North Korea, the change in language may have signalled some sort of shift. By 2001, the North Koreans - at their own admission - began a uranium enrichment program. If you recall, 2001 was not the Clinton watch. In 2002, North Korea sent signals that it was gearing its nuclear weapons program up - and we did nothing saying something about unacceptable "nuclear blackmail." Now they are either nuclear, or close to it. And we're heading back to the table, now that they actually have enough material to make a good dozen nukes or so. If they haven't already made it. Way to blame the last president for the current president's mess.

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Actually, in 1994 the Clinton administration orchestrated a deal called the Agreed Framework. This deal would put a halt to the development of the North Korean nuclear program in exchange for heightened humanitarian aid and light water (non weapon capable) Nuclear Power plants. The Republican congress never funded implementation of this agreement. Further, there is evidence that by and large the North Koreans did not persue a nuclear agenda during the remainder of the Clinton era. Granted, they were not exactly our friends - but they weren't proliferating either - despite our refusal to honor our own agreement. Maybe it was Clinton's speech. He spoke of inclusion. He spoke of bringing them into the world community. When Bush got into office, he framed North Korea in terms of exclusion and isolation. One thing Bush needed to learn, appearances matter. Despite no material change in the foreign policy towards North Korea, the change in language may have signalled some sort of shift. By 2001, the North Koreans - at their own admission - began a uranium enrichment program. If you recall, 2001 was not the Clinton watch. In 2002, North Korea sent signals that it was gearing its nuclear weapons program up - and we did nothing saying something about unacceptable "nuclear blackmail." Now they are either nuclear, or close to it. And we're heading back to the table, now that they actually have enough material to make a good dozen nukes or so. If they haven't already made it. Way to blame the last president for the current president's mess.

Mega Dittos winodj, that's how I remember it. Oops, but that was the damn liberal media coverage. Let me listen to Rush tomorrow and I'll let you know what I think.

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Actually, in 1994 the Clinton administration orchestrated a deal called the Agreed Framework. This deal would put a halt to the development of the North Korean nuclear program in exchange for heightened humanitarian aid and light water (non weapon capable) Nuclear Power plants. The Republican congress never funded implementation of this agreement. Further, there is evidence that by and large the North Koreans did not persue a nuclear agenda during the remainder of the Clinton era. Granted, they were not exactly our friends - but they weren't proliferating either - despite our refusal to honor our own agreement. Maybe it was Clinton's speech. He spoke of inclusion. He spoke of bringing them into the world community. When Bush got into office, he framed North Korea in terms of exclusion and isolation. One thing Bush needed to learn, appearances matter. Despite no material change in the foreign policy towards North Korea, the change in language may have signalled some sort of shift. By 2001, the North Koreans - at their own admission - began a uranium enrichment program. If you recall, 2001 was not the Clinton watch. In 2002, North Korea sent signals that it was gearing its nuclear weapons program up - and we did nothing saying something about unacceptable "nuclear blackmail." Now they are either nuclear, or close to it. And we're heading back to the table, now that they actually have enough material to make a good dozen nukes or so. If they haven't already made it. Way to blame the last president for the current president's mess.


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first off i think powell is just trying to hide the truth... but as to texsox:


liberal media? when bush comments about kerry it's a "criticism" but when kerry comments about bush it's an "attack"


there are numerous small things like that that the media (FOX) uses to put its views accross to viewers. If you look for them you'll notice that I'm right. It's amazing the impact such a small thing can have though on the mind of the viewer. Those media people know their psychology

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first off i think powell is just trying to hide the truth... but as to texsox:


liberal media?  when bush comments about kerry it's a "criticism" but when kerry comments about bush it's an "attack" 


there are numerous small things like that that the media (FOX) uses to put its views accross to viewers.  If you look for them you'll notice that I'm right.  It's amazing the impact such a small thing can have though on the mind of the viewer.  Those media people know their psychology

Yes. It is all a plot by the media to take over the country. They are trying to over throw the government. Too bad conservatives like us can't get jobs in the media. Too bad consevatives cannot own media companies or rise to the editorial boards. Amazing that newspapers and the networks would rather suffer low ratings and lie about us conservatives.


Remember the US will be better served without the media. We need a TAAS style news agency. Get the news directly from the government, unfiltered, that way it will not be biased. If we want to know about what the President is doing, he'll issue a statement. What could be more unbiased then that? Just print press releases from the government. Make it illegal to edit. Totally unbiased reporting.


At least entertainers like Rush and Hannity are available until that great day when the media is made meaningless and the population only believes entertainers like Rush, then we win. :headbang :headbang Mega Dittos!

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Back to N. Korea, why do we have the right to tell them they can't use nukes?

#1 Because we send so much food grain when their crops fail, which seemingly is every other year.


#2 Because they are part of the "Axis of Evil" that Bush has warned us about.


Clinton screwed up and didn't take out Bin Laden, we cannot make the same mistake with North Korea. We need to send in our ground Troops now. You know they have weapons of mass destruction and harbor terrorists. All the same reasons we took on Iraq. :usa We also do not need to wait for any UN Resolutions or weapons inspectors.


From President George W. Bush's State of the Union Address


But some governments will be timid in the face of terror.  And make no mistake about it:  If they do not act, America will.  (Applause.)


Our second goal is to prevent regimes that sponsor terror from threatening America or our friends and allies with weapons of mass destruction.  Some of these regimes have been pretty quiet since September the 11th.  But we know their true nature.  North Korea is a regime arming with missiles and weapons of mass destruction, while starving its citizens.


We must go to war before it's too late.

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NK is saying that the explosion was a part of a dam being built.



I do not believe the NK as far as I can throw them. Which right now is 0 feet, 0 inches. Ronald Reagan stopped communism in the Soviet Union, it will be up to President George W. Bush to stop the communists in Korea.

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Yes. It is all a plot by the media to take over the country. They are trying to over throw the government. Too bad conservatives like us can't get jobs in the media. Too bad consevatives cannot own media companies or rise to the editorial boards.  Amazing that newspapers and the networks would rather suffer low ratings and lie about us conservatives.


Remember the US will be better served without the media. We need a TAAS style news agency. Get the news directly from the government, unfiltered, that way it will not be biased. If we want to know about what the President is doing, he'll issue a statement. What could be more unbiased then that? Just print press releases from the government. Make it illegal to edit. Totally unbiased reporting.


At least entertainers like Rush and Hannity are available until that great day when the media is made meaningless and the population only believes entertainers like Rush, then we win.  :headbang  :headbang Mega Dittos!

OK, Tex. It is official. The Mega-dittos horse has been confirmed dead. You can stop beating it now.

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OK, Tex. It is official. The Mega-dittos horse has been confirmed dead. You can stop beating it now.

Compassionate Conservatism Catch-It :headbang


BTW there is a link at President George W. Bush's :usa web site to contact talk radio and news organizations. It works great for getting the message out. We also need volunteers in key swing states. This election is too important to sit still.

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Get the news directly from the government, unfiltered, that way it will not be biased. If we want to know about what the President is doing, he'll issue a statement. What could be more unbiased then that? Just print press releases from the government. Make it illegal to edit. Totally unbiased reporting.




You've gone off the deep end, Tex. Stop snorting your ritalin.

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