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Would you fight


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hell no. i would be up in canada or jamaca or some other country before i fought a war. im a lover not a fighter. But if we had some f***ing guys attacking our country i would be in the streets with my f***ing machine guns. and i would be hooking people up with illegal machine guns :) o yea and dont forget sniper rifles. but thats only if they where attacking the u.s.

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ive done my 7 years and since i just had surgery on my neck so if they ever needed me its definately then end of the US as we know it :lol:


i have until august of this year until my eligability runs out..by then if im heathly(and my divorce would have had to go through) ill go...ill go through basic all over again at 41 and be willing to go where ever my country needed me...


after being laid off now it would be a good career move...13 more years i could retire ;)

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Guest hotsoxchick1

would i fight.....hell yes...... was there once before and i would gladly go back again if called upon to do so..........why??? because i feel its my duty as an american, enjoying the freedoms i have and the rights i have to help out my country when called upon.............i believe that each and every person in america should do at least two years of manditory military service at age 18........other countries do it why shouldnt we??? you all enjoy the rights and privledges you all have why not do something for their preservation or a show of thanks for those before you who fought to keep them..... i am kinda disenchanted to see so many no's on here......makes me fear for my old age days.... espically if all of you chicken s***s are running the country with that attitude..........someone like saddam can easily waltz in here and take things over... and youll all be hiding behind the senior citizens for protection..........geez us...............what a bunch of pussys............... :bringit

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1. I am not a citizen of this country. Electively so.


2. If Saddam invades (yeah, um, right!), I will have no other option but to take arms. Self-preservation much? There is no need to take your generational crankiness and "defending to the last breath" rhetoric out on us, "pussies". I guess I don't want to have an anonymous grave just so some shmuck pays 10 cents less for a gallon. Invasion/mandatory draft? Yes. Otherwise, see ya!


3. I enjoy partying, White Sox, writing, readin, acting and LIVING. Why in hell would I want to give all that up? I left my home country for that very reason- TO AVOID a draft in the future...



You want to institute a 2-year mandatory draft during the highly globalized and thriving free market era? Are you f***ing nuts? I'd like to see a PRACTICAL reason behind your logic, hotsoxchick...Other countries don't have the military technology we do, so they try to compensate with man-power. They also know that keeping young and dumb teens off the street in military "camps" for 2-3 years without paying them ANYTHING is a great way to "boost" the economy and minimize crime. Nationalism plays well- just look at the hopeless and fanatical faces of Iraqui soldiers who are nothing but pawns in Saddam's game and are as worthless and helpless as insects as far as mattering is concerned...Luckily, US is not "other countries"...

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someone like saddam can easily waltz in here and take things over... and youll all be hiding behind the senior citizens for protection..........geez us...............what a bunch of pussys............... :bringit

Ummm... HUH? FIrst, I doubt vvery much that Saddam has the abilty to take over Rhode Island let alone the country. Secondly, do you really think that we'd just roll over. I fight for protection, I fight for what i beileve in and when I feel threatened... I don't feel threatened at all by Iraq. I have yet to see what they have that posses a threat to us. What missles do they have that can reach here? f***, what ships or planes do they have that could just slip by undetected?


And I am hardly a pussy, I will fight to the death when it calls for it, and I have the scars to prove it.


- Pete

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Guest hotsoxchick1
1. I am not a citizen of this country.  Electively so.


2. If Saddam invades (yeah, um, right!), I will have no other option but to take arms. Self-preservation much?  There is no need to take your generational crankiness and "defending to the last breath" rhetoric out on us, "pussies".  I guess I don't want to have an anonymous grave just so some shmuck pays 10 cents less for a gallon.  Invasion/mandatory draft? Yes. Otherwise, see ya!


3.  I enjoy partying, White Sox, writing, readin, acting and LIVING.  Why in hell would I want to give all that up?  I left my home country for that very reason- TO AVOID a draft in the future...



You want to institute a 2-year mandatory draft during the highly globalized and thriving free market era?  Are you f***ing nuts?  I'd like to see a PRACTICAL reason behind your logic, hotsoxchick...

hey you asked for an honest opinion i gave you one, its not crankiness..its just my opinion as i see things....you all said no... flat out no...so i say to you all, if you dont like the freedoms you have here and arent willing to fight to keep them, then leave... its that simple.....i happen to cherish my every right to do what ever it is that i want to, ei.. free enterprise, free speach, freedom to keep arms, free to choose, ect. ect. ect... i happen to believe in those very freedoms, i have, of my own free will elected to help preserve them by enlisting in the military.............why should there be a mandatory 2 years you ask..... so each and every american can give their contribution to preserving those freedoms they enjoy on a daily basis.. call it a pay back if you will........... saddam attacking is not that far fetched, a no name piss ant like bin laden already sent over his men and they did attack.....whats to stop saddam from doing the same??? is that a pratical enough explaniation for you.............while your drinking beer and acting like a fool someone is out there preserving your right to do that..... when does it become your turn to contribute???????????

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would i fight.....hell yes...... was there once before and i would gladly go back again if called upon to do so..........why??? because i feel its my duty as an american, enjoying the freedoms i have and the rights i have  to help out my country when called upon.............i believe that each and every person in america should do at least two years of manditory military service at age 18........other countries do it why shouldnt we??? you all enjoy the rights and privledges you all have why not do something for their preservation or a show of thanks for those before you who fought to keep them..... i am kinda disenchanted to see so many  no's on here......makes me fear for my old age days.... espically if all of you chicken s***s are running the country with that attitude..........someone like saddam can easily waltz in here and take things over... and youll all be hiding behind the senior citizens for protection..........geez us...............what a bunch of pussys............... :bringit

i dont like that attitude either HSC.. but thats their right...

that was funny about them hiding behind us old geezers..lmao..i was cracking up reading that :lol:


hsc and i are ready to defend the western suburbs :bringit

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Guest hotsoxchick1

hey like i said he asked a question i gave an answer.......if he didnt like what i had to say tough s***.. i tell it like it is.. and anyone who wouldnt defend their country or fight for it when asked is a pussy plain and simple........if it werent for us old geezers and the old geezers before us and so on and so on who fought to keep this place free, these little pussys wouldnt have half the s*** they do today.. and they surely wouldnt be drinking beer at a frat party.... they would be speaking japaneese, german , russian or something other than english and they darn sure wouldnt have any rights.............

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i believe that each and every person in america should do at least two years of manditory military service at age 18....


I am not a veteran, though I regret that decision today. I agree with this statement.

Not everyone is "able" to.

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i believe that each and every person in america should do at least two years of manditory military service at age 18....


I am not a veteran, though I regret that decision today. I agree with this statement.

Me neither. I was at the last step prior to being shipped off to the Marine Corps right after HS graduation when my father stepped in and said he'd pay my college tuition. I guess he wanted to see how committed I was to actually going through the steps to pay my own way through college. Still, after 09/11, I wish I would have enlisted even though my tenure would have been after Desert Storm and before 09/11.

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Hotsoxchick I am not bashing your honesty. It's commmendable in fact. So is your courage to stand up and volunterily fight. I do not wish to belittle your cause because you did what I know I couldn't do. And I am a man...


But you need to recognize MY kind of honesty, too. I have said all along that I was against war because I MYSELF WILL NOT BE WILLING TO GO, so what right would I have sending others like a couple of fellers on this board...It;s not cowardice either as I have had about a dozen of school fights for the honour of my girlfriends in which I put my "pretty acting face" in jeopardy. :)


HOWEVER, comparing Pearl Harbor semi-invasion to 9/11 only makes sense because of the number of lives lost. How would extra millions of recruitees have stopped the TERRORIST attack, I'd like to know? I mean, when I say the draft is not practical or necessary in a free, highly-evolved society of US size, I MEANT exactly that. And don't get me started on the NUCLEAR f***IN' AGE and the sheer irrelevance of it all...Dimplomacy and super-evolved covert intelligewnce is the GAME of the future, not Battle of Stalingrad (which BTW was THE turning battle of the WWII, not some pansy ass North African scrap they teach you in school, but I digress...). Saddam will be taken down expediently WITHOUT my talented ass's help. Not that I would fight for oil in the first place, but I think that distinction is lost on your pro-war/pro-gun ass. Whatever.


Your unequivocal "you must fight" rhetoric is knee-jerk, plain and simple; it takes into account no circumstances or other factors and it doesn't distinguish. Most men in the history of the world had fought because they had NO CHOICE. I do. I am not a clog in the machine, an interchangeable pawn (remember the Kissinger quote, miss smartypants) or an ant. I am a HUMAN f***in' BEING with dreams and goals and a will to live. I will only risk that in case of severe national emergency. That doesn't make a "pussy"; it makes me "smart" and "ambitious". Boris Pasternak once said during Stalin's regime no less, paraphrased, "In order to fully realize one's individual potential, one needs to rise beyond blind patriotism and, in essence, disown his own country". You'll be surprised how many people YOU respect have adhered to that principle consciously or not. "I would no more be willing to train our children in the military art than I would teach them arsony, robbewry and murder". I fogot who said it...


Acting like a fool? Now that;s just idiotic. If you discount the value of art (and entertainment) when it pertains to our very essences and lives, then you are a fool. Plain and simple. Freedom and survival are nice, but once they are out of the way (and Iraq is NOT a f***ing do-or-die threat like Hitler was, remember that, missy;)



I am sorry to break it to you, but you live in the PAST (the 40's-50's to be precise). Gone are the days when 100,000 had to die because of some f***ing asshole's whim or war-mongering or profit...Poll majority of young people today about the draft issue and if they have ANY honesty left in them, 85% or so would say something along the lines of "Risk my life for Bush? No effin' way!".


Russia/Soviet Union, Pakistan and China among others have mandaroty drafts. Great examples of successful and evolved societies...

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i believe that each and every person in america should do at least two years of manditory military service at age 18....


I am not a veteran, though I regret that decision today. I agree with this statement.

Not everyone is "able" to.

most countries that have a draft also have other alternatvies for those that cant serve or claim conscientous objector status...i just think everyone should give back a little to this country

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i just think everyone should give back a little to this country


So, like, hypothetically speaking, if I make movies that entertain and/or make people feel and think, that's NOT "contributing"?


If yes, then get off your high military horse.


And don't get me started on paying high taxes and consuming as a way of "giving back"...

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i just think everyone should give back a little to this country


So, like, hypothetically speaking, if I make movies that entertain and/or make people feel and think, that's NOT "contributing"?


If yes, then get off your high military horse.


And don't get me started on paying high taxes and consuming as a way of "giving back"...

a little defensive arnt you??


youre not making any sacrifices making a movie..its what you want to do..probably what you love doing...its your choice...giving back is sacrificing two years of your life to help this country....look at the make up of the young men and women who are defending your right to make your movies??...your freedoms shouldnt be defended only by kids who dont have a rich mommy and daddy to put them through college...


military isnt the only way either...volunteering at fire depts , police depts , humanitarian organizations...these could all be used to fullfill that obligation too


if you disagree thats fine..but thats how i see it

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your freedoms shouldnt be defended only by kids who dont have a rich mommy and daddy to put them through


But that my friend is how it ALWAYS worked. I don;t have a rich mommy or daddy. The latter lived 1000s of miles away from me for most of my adolescence in fact. Not to toot my own horn, but I certainly participate in assorted charities, food drives and worked with elderly. Always have. Dragged a few of my friends with me once in a while, too if you must know.


As far as "comparing" goes, your arguement is VERY simplistic: just imagine your life without books, movies, museums, plays, video games, sports, music and other things that comprise the very fiber of CULTURE and LIFE...Why, there would be NOTHING worth fighting for. We need the military to protect against invasion. Once we are protected (and we have been for 30 to 60 years now dependingon who you ask), you NEED to start living. That's where movie comes in...


Not that this matters as far as pertaining to the topic, but you obviously have never seen how much work and preparation goes into making a film if it's to be of HIGH quality. Hell, 70% of work is actually GETTING to the point where you have a CHANCE to make it... Nearly every single moment of my day is dedicated to my craft one way or another even when I am not ware of it. The sheer amount of physical, intellectual and psychological work is enourmous. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not there. This is most highly competitive field, after all. By far.


But then again it's not considered as "noble" as science, politics, medicince or soldiering :)

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Well, depending on the situation, if the US needed more people and they said so, then I would do my part.


I'm a patriot. Do I want to fight in this war? No, but would I, YES. I don't want to fight in the war, because I'm not in the military, I almost went straight out of highschool, hoping to get into one of the military academy's, but had no luck. I slacked off too much in highschool.


I'd be damn willing and do what the military thought they needed me to do. Personally, I'd think that would more likely be intelligence, but thats not saying I wouldn't go out and fight on the ground. I may get my ass whooped, but at least I know I'm a good shot or I used to be, haven't shot a gun since Boy Scouts ended many ions ago.


Am I afraid of War, ya, but I think everyone is because there is a lot of uncertainty with it. Will I do my part, Hell Yes I would. Am I volunteering right now? No, but thats not because I'm a coward, I'm enjoying myself at school getting my education. Also, I'm not partying up a storm getting hammered while everyone is putting their life on the line, but even if people were, thats there right. Thank god we don't have to get forced into the military, thats like saying people should all be forced into college for 2 years, some people just aren't meant to do some things.

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your freedoms shouldnt be defended only by kids who dont have a rich mommy and daddy to put them through


But that my friend is how it ALWAYS worked. I don;t have a rich mommy or daddy. The latter lived 1000s of miles away from me for most of my adolescence in fact. Not to toot my own horn, but I certainly participate in assorted charities, food drives and worked with elderly. Always have. Dragged a few of my friends with me once in a while, too if you must know.


As far as "comparing" goes, your arguement is VERY simplistic: just imagine your life without books, movies, museums, plays, video games, sports, music and other things that comprise the very fiber of CULTURE and LIFE...Why, there would be NOTHING worth fighting for. We need the military to protect against invasion. Once we are protected (and we have been for 30 to 60 years now dependingon who you ask), you NEED to start living. That's where movie comes in...


Not that this matters as far as pertaining to the topic, but you obviously have never seen how much work and preparation goes into making a film if it's to be of HIGH quality. Hell, 70% of work is actually GETTING to the point where you have a CHANCE to make it... Nearly every single moment of my day is dedicated to my craft one way or another even when I am not ware of it. The sheer amount of physical, intellectual and psychological work is enourmous. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not there. This is most highly competitive field, after all. By far.


But then again it's not considered as "noble" as science, politics, medicince or soldiering :)

i admit i dont know diddly about the film industry...but im not asking you to give up your life long dreams or ambitions , am i???.,..just asking for 2 years...dont you think if every 19-20 year old did that in some capacity the US would be much better off???


we used to have a draft..2 year commitment...none of those things you mentioned died...plus mine would be national gaurd and reserves....so it would only be a part time commitment..unless of course you got called up :o


but i really dont see a situation where we would ever go back to the draft..

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