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Desperate DEMS, Part 2


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Hostile Takeover: Clintonistas Pull Coup


Like they could ever beat a Texan. Clinton should just go back to harrasing interns. After nearly destroying America and allowing Bin Laden free reign, dismanteling our military until they were impotent, eliminating our intelligence gathering, crushing our economy until George W. Bush saved us, he should be living in shame in some third world country and take his carpet bagging ugly wife with him.


God Bless Texas and God Bless George W. Bush and Alan Keyes.

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Hostile Takeover: Clintonistas Pull Coup


Like they could ever beat a Texan. Clinton should just go back to harrasing interns. After nearly destroying America and allowing Bin Laden free reign, dismanteling our military until they were impotent, eliminating our intelligence gathering, crushing our economy until George W. Bush saved us, he should be living in shame in some third world country and take his carpet bagging ugly wife with him.


God Bless Texas and God Bless George W. Bush and Alan Keyes.

Huh? What did I miss over the weekend?

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