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The Gollum Voters


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"Vote for him," the Republican Smeagol will hiss, "he's a man of faith and valueses. Lovesss Jesus and smitesss the infidels." "No," their Gollum whispers, "He's sneaky, tricksy. Does everything for power. Gives tax cuts to orkses.'


Meanwhile, traditional Republicans, dismayed by Bush's foreign policy, fiscal irresponsibility, and assault on civil rights, will hear their own Gollums saying, "Four more yearses, ahhh, we'll be bankruptses. Iraq's a messss. And what does Assshcroft have in his pocketses? The Constitution?" But their Smeagols will reply, "Hold your noses, sillies, get to the fire, sssupport the Massster."


Solid metaphor that I think applies to alot of people (at least around here).

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Just for the record, Gollum is a mickey take on a mythical creature in ancient Hebrew lore. They are meant to be mindless creatures that simply take orders--they are neither evil nor good--but become that way by whatever controlls them. So, while the above little antedote is interesting the true ideology behind the Gollum, I thnk better fits with politics. Although, I do wonder if it it is the general people that are the gollum or our politicians....


Shrinks back into self-imposed exhile.

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