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Russia's Worst Enemy


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MOSCOW - The heavily armed militants behind a deadly school raid in southern Russia passed through a region dotted by checkpoints whose chief purpose is to keep violence from spreading outside the breakaway Chechnya region.


How did they manage? To many people here, suspicion falls on police corruption that could be crippling Russian attempts to fight terrorists.


This comes after the Russian officials released that the militants may have had help from the police (on Sept. 6 - release date) Initial investigation looked into a conspiracy with the police working with the Chechens to carry out the attack.


As for the plane crashes, the independent Russian media, what's left of it after years of brutal crackdown, are saying that the planes were not hijacked and bombed by terrorists on board, but that the Russian air defenses purposefully shot down the airliners to then blame the Chechens.


The apartment bombings of the late 90’s which were blamed on the Chechens, were actually carried out by the Russian FSB. A particular example was in a place called Ryazan, where people witnessed FSB agents planting hexogen explosives and Putin's pals got caught. (Putin used to be part of the FSB).


More information like policy complicity and the fact that the Russians admitted that none of the terrorists spoke Chechen is a little fishy on these recent acts of terrorism.

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And after reading Putin's idea's for how to fix the Russians problems, I could believe this was all conspiracy. The guy is practically pulling a Blues Brothers and putting the band back together... except he is putting the USSR back togther. I highly recommend people read up on Putin's proposals and read between the lines.

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Can somebody help out an idiot here? Are the Chechen's after the rebirth of Communist Russia? I get it that is what you think that Putin is after, but is that what those wacky Chech folk are all about?

The Chechens want a free independant county. There is a big Islamic movement within Chechnya that wants to form an Islamic Republic.


Putin is the one who is looking to remake mother Russia.

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So...the two sides with power (in one way shape or form) don't want Russia to remain as it is? So, in other words, those folk are f***ed in one way shape or form?

Really there is only one side with power, and that is Russia. The state governments are puppets of Russia, climaxing with the Kremlin basically handpicking the next Presidnet, and then fixing the election to make sure that he got elected.


But yeah the ordinary people there are pretty much stuck between a rock and a hard place.

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