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mr eye and southsider2k4


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ok guys. I will know in the next day or so if I at least get the interview - I would think I have a decent shot (which means I am one of 5 - the director is flying down here Monday and only doing 5 interviews) - but they want a Big 4 experience person (Big 4 for you nonaccounting people would be the 4 biggest CPA firms in the world), so that would be my only limitation. If y'all can keep digging up some info, that would be awesome because the more background I have to talk about in this the better shot I have, obviously.

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ok guys.  I will know in the next day or so if I at least get the interview - I would think I have a decent shot (which means I am one of 5 - the director is flying down here Monday and only doing 5 interviews) - but they want a Big 4 experience person (Big 4 for you nonaccounting people would be the 4 biggest CPA firms in the world), so that would be my only limitation.  If y'all can keep digging up some info, that would be awesome because the more background I have to talk about in this the better shot I have, obviously.

They wanted big 4 exp when I interviewed here also (I mean hell.. I'm only responsible for the profitability of this crappy little moving company that has approx $20 million per revenue.. a month :rolly ) But what sold them was that I knew how to be creative in squeezing pennies into dimes. Cutting corners (on the cost) side was a huge plus for me. I taught them some small business practices that have saved us millions over the past 5 years. In the first year alone SG&A was reduced over 18% without cutting salaries. In this industry where fixed costs are... fixed :lol: .. that's huge. :headbang


Regardless.. good luck kap. If you want it, I'm sure you'll get it.

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They wanted big 4 exp when I interviewed here also (I mean hell.. I'm only responsible for the profitability of this crappy little moving company that has approx $20 million per revenue.. a month  :rolly ) But what sold them was that I knew how to be creative in squeezing pennies into dimes. Cutting corners (on the cost) side was a huge plus for me. I taught them some small business practices that have saved us millions over the past 5 years. In the first year alone SG&A was reduced over 18% without cutting salaries.  In this industry where fixed costs are... fixed  :lol: .. that's huge. :headbang


Regardless.. good luck kap. If you want it, I'm sure you'll get it.

I have done that with a company about the same revenue stream (until it was bankrupt... airplanes cost a hell of a lot of money to fly) but the reason I was kept is because I can really focus people on what needs to be focused on (except at this POS company where dictators rule or should that be DICKtators).


I feel as though I was one of the key reasons why the company I worked for made it out of bankruptcy. I had many a fights with the COO, CEO, and CFO about why certain things needed to be looked at a certain way. My advice was taken for the most part, and it's damn hard to get an airline out of bankruptcy court. We did it. I think that's a testament.


Anyway, yea, I think I can do a lot of things, if left to my own devices. Our CEO here thinks he knows it all, including CPA s***. :ph34r:

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We were just about in BK.. it was a long 2 years. We used to be owned by GeoLogistics.. who controlled the checkbook. When the AR came in they paid their own bills (they were in serious financial troubles and have since gone belly up). It was not a good situation. Those that were loyal were rewarded very well here...

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We were just about in BK.. it was a long 2 years. We used to be owned by GeoLogistics.. who controlled the checkbook. When the AR came in they paid their own bills (they were in serious financial troubles and have since gone belly up). It was not a good situation. Those that were loyal were rewarded very well here...

I wish that were the case at my old job. I loved it, I loved the people that I worked with and for. Those people were awesome, but the ones who had the financing coming out of bankruptcy basically did not allow anyone to be paid except the executives coming out of bankruptcy. I was at a place where I had very little upside (I reported to CFO-COO split and made half of what some of the others did that did very little) so I left to go into health care - a small company that should have a lot of potential. If it weren't for DICKtatorship, this company would make a mint, I can see it and I can even tell you how to get there, but the guy who runs this place is a total control freak.


It's too bad, because otherwise this is a great place. Aw, hell, I may end up here anyway because there is that much potential. I just wish we could be left alone to do our jobs.

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(Big 4 for you nonaccounting people would be the 4 biggest CPA firms in the world )

Hey, I'M a "non-accounting people" and I work for one of the Big Four.

NO, I can't get anyone in - I have LESS than zero influence.



Seriously, GOOD LUCK, Kap - it's all in the interview! Just show what you know and you should be golden!

:headbang GO KAP!

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Yea, more info... there's only going to be three of us interview.  If the company is a fit I think I will be pretty hard pressed to get beat out.


Now I need you CBOE people to get me some scoopage that I can use in the interview! :headbang

On it. Waiting for a phone call back. I never realized how small that damned place was :ph34r:

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350 people in Chicago and 58 people in the Dallas office.  They want to expand the Dallas office to 110 by July 1, 2005.

To put it in perspective, there are about 1000 employed by just the CBOE. That isn't including any of the members, firms, or support staff. Plus you have the Board of Trade right accross the street and the Cincy and Chicago Stock exchange's all in the same building.


Its like the old needle in a haystack thing. :bang

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To put it in perspective, there are about 1000 employed by just the CBOE.  That isn't including any of the members, firms, or support staff.  Plus you have the Board of Trade right accross the street and the Cincy and Chicago Stock exchange's all in the same building. 


Its like the old needle in a haystack thing. :bang

Founded in 1885, the Exchange changed its name on November 7, 2003 to the National Stock Exchange from the Cincinnati Stock Exchange.


get it right!

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Meh...We were just talking about that in Accounting the other day.  Our midterm for the class is already this coming Monday... :crying ...It's only an 8 week course.

The good ol Big 4, and the CPA, what I'll prob be doin in 2 to 3 years after I get my degree, unless something comes up in the sports industry. Good luck with your interview there Kap, sounds like a nice oppurtunity you got going.

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The good ol Big 4, and the CPA, what I'll prob be doin in 2 to 3 years after I get my degree, unless something comes up in the sports industry. Good luck with your interview there Kap, sounds like a nice oppurtunity you got going.

ahhh... the CPA... Can't Pass Again or Certified Pain (in the) Ass.


I'm glad I have that damn thing behind me. :lol:

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I hate interviewing with an HR person. You never know what they really are thinking or doing.


Anyway, the company seems pretty kick ass. From my standpoint, though, it was said in the interview that I have too much analysis background - ok, whatever. I countered that pretty quickly by saying that it doesn't matter what I do, I'm adaptable, it matters who is on the team that makes it worth while.


Supposed to hear back for round two by the end of the week.


I get to spend lots of lovely winter time in Chicago if I get this.


Oh, and they fly the wife up for weekends and what not - that's pretty damn cool. For that reason alone I hope it works out cause then we get to see ss2k and ms. ss2k a little more in the next few months. :)

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