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Hard drive crash

Wise Master Buehrle

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Yep, the mother of all annoying f***ing computer things. My hard drive is toast. All started with some problems booting up my profile, then I booted up to where it was 3 days earlier and these problems hadn't occurred. It worked nicely, but then the next time trying to boot, it wouldn't boot at all, Windows refused to. Using the Windows XP Pro CD I have, I attempted to repair/reinstall Windows but got errors telling me drive C: was corrupt and unrepairable. Right now I am attempting to format, but I don't know if it will go on or not.


If my whole HDD is gone, then I will be saddened at the losses. This really sucks. 22 gigs of music, most unburnt but going to be burnt in the future.


Needless to say I will be frequenting Soxtalk and anywhere else much less. During school I have about 10 minutes a day to visit, but hardly enough to post much. I may use my mom's computer sometimes, but it's a real f***ing piece of s*** (brand new, go figure) that's already loaded with spyware and adware that not even spybot S&D or Adaware can get rid of (thanks sister), and it's a royal pain in the ass. I'm spoiled with no popups.


f*** this s***. :bang

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Good news for those of you that like me. Heh.


I fixed it. Had to wipe out C:, but thank goodness for partitions I didn't lose my D:, and all my music survived. I'm also back to XP Home rather than XP Pro, but that is an insignificant loss.


ALl I gotta do is reinstall stuff to fix my registry, get Firefox, BT, AIM, and I think I'm set...

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Good news for those of you that like me. Heh.


I fixed it. Had to wipe out C:, but thank goodness for partitions I didn't lose my D:, and all my music survived. I'm also back to XP Home rather than XP Pro, but that is an insignificant loss.


ALl I gotta do is reinstall stuff to fix my registry, get Firefox, BT, AIM, and I think I'm set...

I bought a 2nd HD(80gig) for backup of my main HD..which is a 30 gig.

I got all my songs,docs, and pics backed up on the 80 gig

Just in case..

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Bad news for those of you that like me. :)


It's officially dead. The reinstall worked once, twice barely, but the third time is crashed again. I'm taking to my COmputer Tech class tomorrow to see if we can do anything with it, but it's as good as dead for the time being... might put another hard drive in it.

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