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NATO can act without the UN - they did in Kosovo -


NATO declared for the first time that becauyse one country had been attacked that all had been attacked, after September 11th. That is why there was the big coalition of troops then, and most NATO countries still have troops statoned in Afghanistan.


Obviously a lot of NATO countries feel differently about this thing.

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NATO can act without the UN - they did in Kosovo -


NATO declared for the first time that becauyse one country had been attacked that all had been attacked, after September 11th.  That is why there was the big coalition of troops then, and most NATO countries still have troops statoned in Afghanistan.


Obviously a lot of NATO countries feel differently about this thing.

just 3

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whatever -


so easy to sign the good luck card for the pr spin ploy from the White House as opposed to actual support -


if it comforts you, go with it though


goodness knows we didn't offer bribes, oops, I mean, all kinds of sweetners to get them to sign the card -

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Down with NATO! Down with the UN! Long live the USA! We dont need these pussies!


Look, who provides the muscle for these punks? You got it! The USA! So lets pull out the muscle and show them all that we can be! :headbang :headbang :headbang



Actually, kudos to Britain for actually having some balls and coming with us. Cheers to em...

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Down with NATO! Down with the UN! Long live the USA! We dont need these pussies!


Look, who provides the muscle for these punks? You got it! The USA! So lets pull out the muscle and show them all that we can be!  :headbang  :headbang  :headbang

This is so ridiculously stupid...


The U.S. has roughly 5% of the world's population (275,000,000 of 6,500,000,000). Whether or not you like to believe it, if it was a case of the world vs. the US, we would get whooped. Unfortunately, until we have a population to rival India's we sort of have to play along with everyone 'cuz we all live on this planet.


We got into all this mess because we thought we could do whatever the hell we wanted.

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Down with NATO! Down with the UN! Long live the USA! We dont need these pussies!


Look, who provides the muscle for these punks? You got it! The USA! So lets pull out the muscle and show them all that we can be!  :headbang  :headbang  :headbang

This is so ridiculously stupid...


The U.S. has roughly 5% of the world's population (275,000,000 of 6,500,000,000). Whether or not you like to believe it, if it was a case of the world vs. the US, we would get whooped. Unfortunately, until we have a population to rival India's we sort of have to play along with everyone 'cuz we all live on this planet.


We got into all this mess because we thought we could do whatever the hell we wanted.

doubleM23 this is true we have a small portion of People the world, but The UsA has a much larger military(best trained military) and technology. we have pretty much played god in some of these countrys with who was in control with the countrys we have choose to for about the past 25 years.

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whatever -


so easy to sign the good luck card for the pr spin ploy from the White House as opposed to actual support -


if it comforts you, go with it though


goodness knows we didn't offer bribes, oops, I mean, all kinds of sweetners to get them to sign the card -

you sound like believe past coalitions wernt built on favors and sweetners , bribes whatever...france did the same thing ..going to africa and bribing the 3 african countries on the security counsel to vote with them...but you count them in your coalition of the unwilling when you say the whole world is against us

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whatever -


so easy to sign the good luck card for the pr spin ploy from the White House as opposed to actual support -


if it comforts you, go with it though


goodness knows we didn't offer bribes, oops, I mean, all kinds of sweetners to get them to sign the card -

you sound like believe past coalitions wernt built on favors and sweetners , bribes whatever...france did the same thing ..going to africa and bribing the 3 african countries on the security counsel to vote with them...but you count them in your coalition of the unwilling when you say the whole world is against us

In most of these countries who are "with us," it's only the governments. Anti-war feelings are running rampant in many nations... the UK, France, Germany, Turkey, etc. The only reason these governments are with us are the sweetners and/or because they're scared to death of what could happen to them if they oppose the US machine.


Not the basis of a strong alliance, I might add.

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whatever -


so easy to sign the good luck card for the pr spin ploy from the White House as opposed to actual support -


if it comforts you, go with it though


goodness knows we didn't offer bribes, oops, I mean, all kinds of sweetners to get them to sign the card -

you sound like believe past coalitions wernt built on favors and sweetners , bribes whatever...france did the same thing ..going to africa and bribing the 3 african countries on the security counsel to vote with them...but you count them in your coalition of the unwilling when you say the whole world is against us

In most of these countries who are "with us," it's only the governments. Anti-war feelings are running rampant in many nations... the UK, France, Germany, Turkey, etc. The only reason these governments are with us are the sweetners and/or because they're scared to death of what could happen to them if they oppose the US machine.


Not the basis of a strong alliance, I might add.

im not disagreeing with that...but you guys are acting like thats never happened before...there were europeans protesting going into kosovo too...there are always gonna be large demonstrations against any war...


mostly because they are high school and college kids with too much time on their hands :lol:

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im not disagreeing with that...but you guys are acting like thats never happened before...there were europeans protesting going into kosovo too...there are always gonna be large demonstrations against any war...


mostly because they are high school and college kids with too much time on their hands :lol:

I don't ever remember things being this bad during Kosovo.

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Down with NATO! Down with the UN! Long live the USA! We dont need these pussies!


Look, who provides the muscle for these punks? You got it! The USA! So lets pull out the muscle and show them all that we can be!  :headbang  :headbang  :headbang

This is so ridiculously stupid...


The U.S. has roughly 5% of the world's population (275,000,000 of 6,500,000,000). Whether or not you like to believe it, if it was a case of the world vs. the US, we would get whooped. Unfortunately, until we have a population to rival India's we sort of have to play along with everyone 'cuz we all live on this planet.


We got into all this mess because we thought we could do whatever the hell we wanted.

doubleM23 this is true we have a small portion of People the world, but The UsA has a much larger military(best trained military) and technology. we have pretty much played god in some of these countrys with who was in control with the countrys we have choose to for about the past 25 years.

Yeah.. we've played God on several occasions. But without the UN collectively we'd be screwed. If it was us against everyone else... might as well just bend over and apply some of that KY right now.

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Down with NATO! Down with the UN! Long live the USA! We dont need these pussies!


Look, who provides the muscle for these punks? You got it! The USA! So lets pull out the muscle and show them all that we can be!  :headbang  :headbang  :headbang

This is so ridiculously stupid...


The U.S. has roughly 5% of the world's population (275,000,000 of 6,500,000,000). Whether or not you like to believe it, if it was a case of the world vs. the US, we would get whooped. Unfortunately, until we have a population to rival India's we sort of have to play along with everyone 'cuz we all live on this planet.


We got into all this mess because we thought we could do whatever the hell we wanted.



"ridiculously stupid" ??


That was extremely nice of you ;)

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im not disagreeing with that...but you guys are acting like thats never happened before...there were europeans protesting going into kosovo too...there are always gonna be large demonstrations against any war...


mostly because they are high school and college kids with too much time on their hands :lol:

I don't ever remember things being this bad during Kosovo.

one of the resons for that was most of these demonstrations are taking place in the US, europe , middle east


middle east is in this one because we are in their region...fighting arabs..in kosovo we were defending arabs...why would they protest kosovo???


europe..there were protest in europe but i agree no where near what they are now..but the bad guy was in europe that time...it was in their own backyard..bad guy is not in the region this time..makes sense that there would have been less protesting in europe then


USA..democratic president...how many of the protestors in the US are republican??..how many democrat???...if a republican was president in 99 and went into kosovo you would have seen protests on a similiar scale that you see now..


this war is no where near as popular as kosovo...doent mean it isnt any less just....everyone in this has a politcal agenda

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Down with NATO! Down with the UN! Long live the USA! We dont need these pussies!


Look, who provides the muscle for these punks? You got it! The USA! So lets pull out the muscle and show them all that we can be!  :headbang  :headbang  :headbang



Actually, kudos to Britain for actually having some balls and coming with us. Cheers to em...

Yeah, the US against the rest of the World is a good idea.



Pulling out of the UN and NATO are some of the worst moves we could make, mainly because we would be further alienated from many countries.

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Down with NATO! Down with the UN! Long live the USA! We dont need these pussies!


Look, who provides the muscle for these punks? You got it! The USA! So lets pull out the muscle and show them all that we can be!  :headbang  :headbang  :headbang



Actually, kudos to Britain for actually having some balls and coming with us. Cheers to em...

Yeah, the US against the rest of the World is a good idea.



Pulling out of the UN and NATO are some of the worst moves we could make, mainly because we would be further alienated from many countries.

36 countries support us. That enough support from me, you can't make everyone happy and part of the things wrong with society today is people think all 100% can always be happy, well right now that isn't realistic.


Oh ya, Nato and UN didn't do crap to enforce their policies. 1441 wasn't followed and the documentation was there. They sat on it for 12 years and did nothing. How people deny he had weapons is popostorious to me. Heck, he's used some of the banned weapons already, yet people act as if he hasn't.


After this is over, I think you'll see drastic changes to the UN and Nato. Does anyone think UN and Nato is perfect? I sure as hell don't. I think the idea is there and the point is for it to do good, but its not there yet, just like our founders didn't have things perfect when they took over, it evolved over time.

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I think they could do better jobs too, but I don't think there is any reason to say "We don't need these pussies!"

That isn't a quote from me. I try to be diplomatic about things. I think that the Un and Nato could be very helpful, BUT, I think for that to happen some serious changes have to be made. I don't necessarily know what those changes would be, but it isn't going to work in its current state.


I also think that Nato and the Un wants to get involved with building Iraq back up, but you'll see the coalitioin forces put in an Iraqi person and let Iraq run their country while the Un/Nato provides food and relief. This isn't a short fix, the war is just step one and to be honest, its probalby the easiest of all the steps. Building up a country or helping do so is tough work and it takes a great plan and ability to make changes for it to succeed.

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I think they could do better jobs too, but I don't think there is any reason to say "We don't need these pussies!"

That isn't a quote from me. I try to be diplomatic about things. I think that the Un and Nato could be very helpful, BUT, I think for that to happen some serious changes have to be made. I don't necessarily know what those changes would be, but it isn't going to work in its current state.


I also think that Nato and the Un wants to get involved with building Iraq back up, but you'll see the coalitioin forces put in an Iraqi person and let Iraq run their country while the Un/Nato provides food and relief. This isn't a short fix, the war is just step one and to be honest, its probalby the easiest of all the steps. Building up a country or helping do so is tough work and it takes a great plan and ability to make changes for it to succeed.

I know you didn't say it. I agree that building up a country will be hard to do, especially to get it right.

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36 countries support us.  That enough support from me, you can't make everyone happy and part of the things wrong with society today is people think all 100% can always be happy, well right now that isn't realistic.


Oh ya, Nato and UN didn't do crap to enforce their policies.  1441 wasn't followed and the documentation was there.  They sat on it for 12 years and did nothing.  How people deny he had weapons is popostorious to me.  Heck, he's used some of the banned weapons already, yet people act as if he hasn't. 


After this is over, I think you'll see drastic changes to the UN and Nato.  Does anyone think UN and Nato is perfect?  I sure as hell don't.  I think the idea is there and the point is for it to do good, but its not there yet, just like our founders didn't have things perfect when they took over, it evolved over time.

Great post Chisoxfn..... summed up my feelings in a nutshell :D

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Down with NATO! Down with the UN! Long live the USA! We dont need these pussies!


Look, who provides the muscle for these punks? You got it! The USA! So lets pull out the muscle and show them all that we can be!  :headbang  :headbang  :headbang



Actually, kudos to Britain for actually having some balls and coming with us. Cheers to em...

Yeah, the US against the rest of the World is a good idea.



Pulling out of the UN and NATO are some of the worst moves we could make, mainly because we would be further alienated from many countries.

36 countries support us. That enough support from me, you can't make everyone happy and part of the things wrong with society today is people think all 100% can always be happy, well right now that isn't realistic.


Oh ya, Nato and UN didn't do crap to enforce their policies. 1441 wasn't followed and the documentation was there. They sat on it for 12 years and did nothing. How people deny he had weapons is popostorious to me. Heck, he's used some of the banned weapons already, yet people act as if he hasn't.


After this is over, I think you'll see drastic changes to the UN and Nato. Does anyone think UN and Nato is perfect? I sure as hell don't. I think the idea is there and the point is for it to do good, but its not there yet, just like our founders didn't have things perfect when they took over, it evolved over time.

well stated

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