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I'm sorry, but I've never heard anything more shallow in my entire life. You don't want kids? Keep your f***ing dick in your pants! You think she's irresponsible? Why can't you come prepared? Why is it HER job to be protected? You thought this might be "the one"?? Let me give you a little advice: I found my "one" and I never lambasted her over something so stupid! IMO, you've got a lot of growing up to do before you're ready to have kids or get married.


Look, the thing I have the biggest problem with is you seem to forget that "it takes two to tango." She can't make a baby on her own. Step up to the plate and start being a man.

Shallow? Look, I've always wore protection, stopped, like i said after she been on the pill for 3 months cause that's why we BOTH agreed this was the form of birth control we would use.


And yes, she was irresponible...we talked about the Effectiveness of the pill to the doctor and he said taken in perfect use fewer than 1 outta a 100 would get pregnant..

That's pretty good odds in my book, hence not using a condom lets say 9 outta of 10 times we had sex..


And what kind of question is "Why is it HER job to be protected? "

Because we both agreed it would be her job...Its always been my job to be protected..going out and buying condoms, always made sure I had some.


It was my responsibility, not hers that I was protected..Why is this different? Like the condom was my responsibility, her taking the pill was hers.


And don't tell me I " lambasted" her when i didn't..You weren't there..

and I don't think this is something so stupid..forgetting to take the pill maybe once or so a month..hey, s*** happens..but being careless like that many times in a month?? It's like she was unconsciously trying to get pregnant by forgetting to take the pill in good use.


You have to trust the girl when you both agree that for birth control you'd be using the pill, cause it is some responsibility to remember to take it everyday..I reminded her to take it every damn day..I didn't forget s***..And even though i reminded her to take it every day, she still forgets to take it??? HA!


That's a bit shifty in my book...

and your statement on me having to grow up before I have kids is ridicules..Look, I don't want kids right now, that's why i got upset on her irresponsibility, but saying i need to grow up is s***less to say..I work 10-12 hours a day..I'm purchasing my own home..I make a decent living..I'm pretty responsible and if for uncertain circumstances to take place in which she was taking the pill normally and she got pregnant...well, then so be it. I'd be a great father..would be able to take care of everybody and would love it.


But I never or would never have sex with anybody if either party would be unprotected..This is the first girl I've ever had sex with without using a condem..ever

So I would really have to trust the person to have sex with her without one..I've always been safe.

So don't tell me I'm shallow..this is life changing s*** and i think i had a right to be suspicious..something didn't feel right..with me telling her a while ago i wanted to live alone in my new home and s***..

Things just didn't seem right..


I'm not saying she was absolutely or was planning on trying to get pregnant so she would have to move in with me..I don't think she did that consciously, but unconsciously? I don't know


and thank you for you wonderful cliché' "It takes two to tango..no s***

Maybe i was a little naive on just thinking the pill alone would be effective birth control by itself, without a condem..but when the DR. said fewer than 1 outta a 100 get pregnant using the pill, didn't think i was being irresponble..I thought her being on the pill was being responsible..I've always worn a condom, now it was her turn..

Thought that was ok..

But i think I had every right to be upset at her and don't think I was overreacting..and my explanations above I think gives my reasons..

You have the right to give your opinion on the situation as you might perceive it, but I don't think i was in the wrong..

That's all

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A red flag, sure, but to berate her and make her cry and then question if it was sincere or not? Sounds very immature to me.

And I didn't berate her..she was fine when I said my peace, but she started to cry cause i said I don't think we should see each other and walked out on her..I didn't yell at her until she started to cry, she just started to cry when I was just leaving..said goodbye, then she started to cry.


I'm not gonna yell at someone that it would make them cry, that's not in my nature..

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