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New Hitler movie in Germany


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Right now I'm reading a very well done biography on Hitler, and in my mind he is by far the greatest politician the world has ever seen. To go from a small party of roughly 26 people to basically controlling all of Europe is very, very impressive. Also worth noting that after the failed putsch, Hitler gained the Chancellorship legally.


But human? He wanted to marry his niece and commit genocide. Eh....

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well for what Germany was when he got it and how he took over all of europe was pretty epresive i must say, the only reason he lost was because he got greedy and went for russia after the U.S. entered the war.

Incorrect, the Soviet-German nonaggression pact was broken on June 22nd 1941, and America really started conducting its military operations in Northern Africa in 1942-1943.


While Hitler was a political genius, he was militaristic dumbass. He had every opportunity to win the Battle of Britain, Stalingrad among others, and pissed them all away.

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Bruno Ganz is a great actor, and I would LOVE to see him in this film! It sounds like a great film.


Germany wonders why it can't escape Hitler? Sheesh, should we ask them why so many people outside of the US associate Al Capone with Chicago? I think Hitler did a little more "damage" than Capone.

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