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Most underrated Sox player ever is...


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Carlos Lee. Sure a lot of people talk about him, but to me he still doesn't get enough credit.


He's been good offensively pretty much every year and each year he's taking steps forward and becoming a better all around ball player.


Ocassionall you can question where he is in the ballgame (mentally) but even that he's improving on. You can never question his work ethic though. He took extra bp to improve his eye (mainly back with Manuel) and then worked his ass off to turn himself into a repsectable defender. He still needs work on his jumps but hell I'm even impressed with his arm. I used to whine that he had the worse arm in all of the majors (especially with his long release), but lately I've noticed more zip on the throws and a better release (maybe I'm crazy).


Anyway, he's no longer underpaid or anything, but I still say a lot of Sox fans really underrate him.


As far as most overrated player...by far and away Jose Valentin. People acted as if Jose being benched for Royce the Choice is the reason the Sox sucked for two years. They acted like he was an almighty god and such a reason this team made the playoffs. I got news for everyone...when you want to complain about the inconsitencies of the Sox offense, you gotta look directly at Jose Valentin. Now he isn't the only one to blame (by all means he isn't) but I've never seen a streakier hitter then him. He usually has a few hot streaks a year and then the rest of hte year he hits under the mendoza line. Sure he gets his homers, but the guys strikes out an assload and has one swing..thats it.


Defensively he's improved a bit the past two years, but he's still a liability...however he is a good baserunner, although his speed is definately starting to diminish as is his range at shortstop (which used to be a plus).


By and large, I'm still amazed that most of the years (less this year) very very few people would ever complain about Jose and notice that besides the homers and ocassional hot streaks, he was absolutely garbage. He also has the tendency to air the entire teams dirty laundry quite often.


I can't wait to say goodbye and goodriddacne to him. I'll wish him nothing but sucess, but I never want to see him in a White Sox uniform again.

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Carlos May was a pretty solid player you don't ever hear too much about anymore.  He was rookie of the year, and then he blew his damned thumb off.  Still went on to a respectable career.

Jorge Orta was a pretty solid second baseman with similar stats to May.

Orta could hit, Couldn't catch the baseball. He sucked with the Glove.

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