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Trade Frank Thomas?


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This board is full of talk of trading either Lee or Konerko to help fill other holes on the team. But, there is little talk of the possibility of trading Thomas. Consider the following:


1. Thomas turns 37 next May


2. Thomas is listed at 275 pounds, but is more likely closer to 300 pounds.


3. In two of the last four years, Thomas has had injuries which knocked him out of the lineup for more than half the season.


4. If Thomas exercises his option (which seems likely), he'll make $8 million in 2005.


Now, I fully believe that while he is healthy, Thomas will put up great offensive numbers to the tune of an OBP over .400 and a SLG over .500. But, can a team with limited resources afford to make an $8 million gamble on a big, aging player with a significant recent injury history? What are the odds that Thomas gets 500 at bats next year? I wouldn't bet a penny on it.


So, he's risky. But, teams with big payrolls might be willing to roll the dice on Thomas and make a trade for him. I know that Thomas is a 10/5 player and would have to ok a trade, but I think it is worth a try. Maybe the Sox couldn't get sufficient value for him in a trade, and maybe he'd veto a trade, but if he exercises his option, I think the Sox should definitely shop him and see what kind of offers they get.

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  SoxWatcher said:
This board is full of talk of trading either Lee or Konerko to help fill other holes on the team.  But, there is little talk of the possibility of trading Thomas.  Consider the following:


1.  Thomas turns 37 next May


2.  Thomas is listed at 275 pounds, but is more likely closer to 300 pounds.


3.  In two of the last four years, Thomas has had injuries which knocked him out of the lineup for more than half the season.


4.  If Thomas exercises his option (which seems likely), he'll make $8 million in 2005.


Now, I fully believe that while he is healthy, Thomas will put up great offensive numbers to the tune of an OBP over .400 and a SLG over .500.  But, can a team with limited resources afford to make an $8 million gamble on a big, aging player with a significant recent injury history?  What are the odds that Thomas gets 500 at bats next year?  I wouldn't bet a penny on it.


So, he's risky.  But, teams with big payrolls might be willing to roll the dice on Thomas and make a trade for him.  I know that Thomas is a 10/5 player and would have to ok a trade, but I think it is worth a try.  Maybe the Sox couldn't get sufficient value for him in a trade, and maybe he'd veto a trade, but if he exercises his option, I think the Sox should definitely shop him and see what kind of offers they get.

Carlos and Pauly have more trade value then frank and Frank is still a better hitter then both of them. That's why we shouldn't trade Frank over those two.


EDIT: By the way, Welcome aboard!!! :cheers

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  SoxWatcher said:
This board is full of talk of trading either Lee or Konerko to help fill other holes on the team.  But, there is little talk of the possibility of trading Thomas.  Consider the following:


1.  Thomas turns 37 next May


2.  Thomas is listed at 275 pounds, but is more likely closer to 300 pounds.


3.  In two of the last four years, Thomas has had injuries which knocked him out of the lineup for more than half the season.


4.  If Thomas exercises his option (which seems likely), he'll make $8 million in 2005.


Now, I fully believe that while he is healthy, Thomas will put up great offensive numbers to the tune of an OBP over .400 and a SLG over .500.  But, can a team with limited resources afford to make an $8 million gamble on a big, aging player with a significant recent injury history?  What are the odds that Thomas gets 500 at bats next year?  I wouldn't bet a penny on it.


So, he's risky.  But, teams with big payrolls might be willing to roll the dice on Thomas and make a trade for him.  I know that Thomas is a 10/5 player and would have to ok a trade, but I think it is worth a try.  Maybe the Sox couldn't get sufficient value for him in a trade, and maybe he'd veto a trade, but if he exercises his option, I think the Sox should definitely shop him and see what kind of offers they get.

You can't trade Frank, he is the best hitter on the team. He has a very high OBP, SLG and is pretty clutch. Also, there is a time when you have to show some loyalty. He hasn't complained about money in a while and wants to finish up here, I say let him.

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  SoxWatcher said:
This board is full of talk of trading either Lee or Konerko to help fill other holes on the team.  But, there is little talk of the possibility of trading Thomas.  Consider the following:


1.  Thomas turns 37 next May


2.  Thomas is listed at 275 pounds, but is more likely closer to 300 pounds.


3.  In two of the last four years, Thomas has had injuries which knocked him out of the lineup for more than half the season.


4.  If Thomas exercises his option (which seems likely), he'll make $8 million in 2005.


Now, I fully believe that while he is healthy, Thomas will put up great offensive numbers to the tune of an OBP over .400 and a SLG over .500.  But, can a team with limited resources afford to make an $8 million gamble on a big, aging player with a significant recent injury history?  What are the odds that Thomas gets 500 at bats next year?  I wouldn't bet a penny on it.


So, he's risky.  But, teams with big payrolls might be willing to roll the dice on Thomas and make a trade for him.  I know that Thomas is a 10/5 player and would have to ok a trade, but I think it is worth a try.  Maybe the Sox couldn't get sufficient value for him in a trade, and maybe he'd veto a trade, but if he exercises his option, I think the Sox should definitely shop him and see what kind of offers they get.

all of those things you listed are great reasons why the sox would never get value for frank.

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  valponick said:
You can't trade Frank, he is the best hitter on the team.  He has a very high OBP, SLG and is pretty clutch.  Also, there is a time when you have to show some loyalty.  He hasn't complained about money in a while and wants to finish up here, I say let him.

You also can't trade him because he has a player option for next year and is a 10/5 guy.

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It's an interesting thought, but will not happen.


This team seems to just roll over and die when Frank is not out there. He is the life of the team. The bloodline if you will.


Trading Lee or Konerko makes much more sense due to their value and that they are not as good as Thomas is.

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How much good would it do the Sox to pay Frank $8 million next year and for him to get on 250 at bats? $8 million is a lot for this team, and I don't think the Sox can afford to take a gamble that Frank will be able to play a full season. His high OBP and SLG don't help the team much if he plays less than half a season.

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  Tony82087 said:
Frank aint going anywhere just based on the fact Maggs isnt going to be back.  Maggs and Frank are the two faces of the Sox, and there not going to let both go in 1 off-season. Not going to happen.

You are probably right. A lot of things that should happen this offseason won't happen, given the quality of this team's front office.

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  SuperSteve said:
What about when Frank made $6 million this year? You must show him loyalty. Why would guys want to come here if we just dump one of our best, and easily most recognizable faces? Frank will finish his career here, JMHO.

Loyalty shmoyalty. Teams don't win pennants by being loyal. They win pennants by putting the best talent on the field. If the Sox can upgrade by trading Thomas, then they should do it. Would you rather the Sox be loyal or win?


And, I am firmly convinced that 95% of free agents go to the team that makes them the most lucrative offer. Everything else is secondary at best. Free agents aren't going to turn down Sox offers because they had the cajones to dump the great Frank Thomas. If the Sox put bigger numbers on the offer sheet than the rest of the teams, then they'll get the FA's.

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  SoxWatcher said:
Loyalty shmoyalty.  Teams don't win pennants by being loyal.  They win pennants by putting the best talent on the field.  If the Sox can upgrade by trading Thomas, then they should do it.  Would you rather the Sox be loyal or win?

Haha. Not all players are in it for the money. Look at Andruw Jones a few years ago. How about Craig Biggio playing every position in Houston. Guys do look at how players are treated, you're kidding yourself if you think differently. Big name guys are a little different, but what about guys who aren't superstars? You're only looking at a very small part of baseball.

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I am sure this will be a very unpopular post and I am not going to go into a lot of detail here. If you disagree with me fine, but I am not going to argue back and forth on it.


The White Sox have tried to find ways to get rid of Frank for several years. The problem is, no one else wants him. Frank is widely viewed as selfish and a negative influence in the clubhouse. Other teams know this as well. That, combined with the fact that he cannot play defense, means there is VERY limited opportunity to move him.


When they restructured his contract a few years ago, the Sox were hoping he would decline one of his options so they could let him walk. Unfortunately, Frank knew the market for his services was almost nil, so he stayed pat, taking less money because he knew he would the Sox would not exercise their option.


All I will say is that I have gotten information from several different sources, all which have at least a certain amount of inside information. I know this is vague, but that is the way it has to be.


The Sox will be a better team once Frank is gone. To clarify, they will be better when they are able to replace him and know he will no longer be there. It may take two years based on other pieces of the puzzle, but there are people in the Sox organization that believe this to be true.

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  SoxWatcher said:
Loyalty shmoyalty.  Teams don't win pennants by being loyal.  They win pennants by putting the best talent on the field.  If the Sox can upgrade by trading Thomas, then they should do it.  Would you rather the Sox be loyal or win?


And, I am firmly convinced that 95% of free agents go to the team that makes them the most lucrative offer.  Everything else is secondary at best.  Free agents aren't going to turn down Sox offers because they had the cajones to dump the great Frank Thomas.  If the Sox put bigger numbers on the offer sheet than the rest of the teams, then they'll get the FA's.

They can't upgrade by trading Thomas. That's why he won't be dealt.


That, and the fact that he really has very little value.

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  Tony82087 said:
I sure hope so. I really will lose alot of repsect for Thomas if he plays like 1 season in NY or something. That shouldnt make me lose respect for him, but he is a White Sox. No doubt about it. This needs to be his only uniform.

Tony, every time I see your avatar I crack up. BEST. MOVIE. EVER!!!!!!

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  SoxWatcher said:
Loyalty shmoyalty.  Teams don't win pennants by being loyal.  They win pennants by putting the best talent on the field.  If the Sox can upgrade by trading Thomas, then they should do it.  Would you rather the Sox be loyal or win?


And, I am firmly convinced that 95% of free agents go to the team that makes them the most lucrative offer.  Everything else is secondary at best.  Free agents aren't going to turn down Sox offers because they had the cajones to dump the great Frank Thomas.  If the Sox put bigger numbers on the offer sheet than the rest of the teams, then they'll get the FA's.

I don't see us being able to upgrade from Frank anyways. We've seen what the Sox do with him in the lineup versus him out of the lineup. Frank's apparently still productive; I don't see us getting anything making me consider trading him.

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