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Sept 20th Game thread vs MN


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Does anyone else think that KW or maybe even JR tell Hawk and DJ to praise Willie Harris whenever they possibly can? I swear not an inning goes by when Hawk or DJ don't say something about how great Willie is or can be. It's like they're trying to promote him to White Sox fan. Just something that I've picked up on lately.

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Please clinch Minnesota.


Then the Sox should sit in the dugout for the entire celebration.

Whoever thinks they will matter to any team is a fool. Who gives a s***. These guys are pros, things on that level don't matter to them. Besides, fire isn't what this team needs. They need talent.

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anybody want to revive that IN or OUT thread from July?


Last chance.


Perfect way for this team to go down -- total embarrassment.

Quite a suitable ending for this dismal team.


Mark Buehrle verbally spars with Hunter, so what does Torii do? Hits a HR. It's almost comical how Minnesota appears to shove our faces in the dirt at every available opportunity.


Here's my prediction: Twins murder the Sox tonight and bring in Joe Nathan to strike out the side; just to shot down morale even further. Twins celebrate on the field while Ozzie Guillen puts on his Twins jersey and joins in on the champaign celebration. He seems so adament on praising them and ignoring his own team it would only be fitting.

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Whoever thinks they will matter to any team is a fool. Who gives a s***. These guys are pros, things on that level don't matter to them. Besides, fire isn't what this team needs. They need talent.

It's not about that.

It's about these b****es suffering through what should have been the,

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The Twins could walk nekkid around the park after a 27-0 win and it wouldn't mean a thing.


We need better players -- and a lot of them.


And after backing Ozzie last year and for most of this year, I wonder if the players are sick of his habit of criticizing them in the papers and taking the side of the other team.


Just wonder.

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Twins celebrate on the field while Ozzie Guillen puts on his Twins jersey and joins in on the champaign celebration.  He seems so adament on praising them and ignoring his own team it would only be fitting.

I still don't get why he said he wanted them to clinch here. Seriously.. what manager says he wants the rivals to clinch on their own field? so you can "prove" to your team what they already know? they know they've played bad baseball and that the twins are a better team. A team clinching at our field wont all of sudden give them a revelation about how bad they suck/should improve.

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Wow, Henry Blanco is making Buehrle his personal b****.

The sox manage to give up homeruns to the worst player on every team....Omar Infante, Gary Mathews Jr, Julio Lugo, just add Henry Blanco to the list of horrible players taking the sox yard....(and isnt that Blanco's third or fourth against us?)

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