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Anti French posters


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I know I am one of the biggest anti French people on this board, but Ive got a question for the others. How come you guys detest France and only France? Other countries are also protesting.


Well, heres my answer. The French are militarily weak and they are hypocrytes. Theyll fight wars with primitive people and then when a real enemy comes along, they step down and try to have others do the same. Not to mention they are so darn arrogant.


Well, thats my answer, what do you other anti French people think?

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Mine has to deal with their stance on many issues, but as far as this war is concerned, they are against us because their people hate the US. Also because they have helped feed the enemy (and no I'm not talking food).


Most importantly, they are saming some of the stupidest things ever. I'm sorry, but its very obvious to ME, that Saddam didn't meet 1441 and he had 12 years to do so, thats that. Why give him more time, 12 years is a long ass time. Its not like he's having to rebuild an economy, that could take 12 years, he just had to destroy some weapons and then his people could get their lives back together, but he doesn't care about them.


Their whole argument is wrong.

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DoubleM are you accusing peoiple of self-proclaimed bigotry? How dare you? Haven't you heard that it is the anti-war crowd that is guilty of everything and the pro war people are pure and spotless and without sin, without wrong, without any blemish. Hatred for those who do not do what we wnat is the only perfect way to be! Have you learned nothing?


Now if someone from France were to post why they hate Americans, that would be evil. But it is blessed of God to say the opposite, and the American way, because we are sinless and pure and without fault and God has chosen us to judge the rest of the world.


Get with the program, you gay hippie frenchie commie Saddam cock sucking hairy armpit loving quiche eating crepe smoking beret wearing antiAmerican. :fyou

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The people on Iraq actually support our goal of removing Saddam, so why are people in our own country not supporting it? Like Ive said about five times in the last ten minutes, you dont have to live under that tyrant, they do. If you lived with Hussein I bet youd want us to come take him out too...

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The people on Iraq actually support our goal of removing Saddam, so why are people in our own country not supporting it? Like Ive said about five times in the last ten minutes, you dont have to live under that tyrant, they do. If you lived with Hussein I bet youd want us to come take him out too...

Dude, do you seriously believe that when this war's over, everyone's going to just go home and pretend like everything's back to normal? Do you honestly think that all of the anti-American sentiment that has engulfed the world will just stop?


I will admit that there will be some good to come from this war, but to just blindly say that it's all good and not even consider the fact that we're spawning a new generation of anti-American terrorists, we're basically telling the world, "f*** you, we'll do whatever we want and you and your stupid opinions can eat s***," and we're spending billions of dollars to wage war on an enemy that's at best a minor threat to America (compared to other nations) and is, at worst, just an approval rating's scapegoat for George Bush since he can't find Osama bin Laden.


There are a lot of issues you're blatantly not taking into consideration when you say, "the protestors should just shut up."

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