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2003 All-Star game


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Of course we would all vote for Maggs. But why the hell would you vote for Clayton if you know he's not gonna make it? Instead, you COULD be the deciding votes between a close race of like Jeter and Nomar.

And don't tell me you seriously voted for Clayton last year?

Now I will exit this argument because it is getting way too political :D

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Of course we would all vote for Maggs. But why the hell would you vote for Clayton if you know he's not gonna make it? Instead, you COULD be the deciding votes between a close race of like Jeter and Nomar.

And don't tell me you seriously voted for Clayton last year?

Now I will exit this argument because it is getting way too political :D

If I had to go out on a limb..... I'd say cw DID vote for K-layton. He was one of his biggest supporters here after all :nono

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Of course we would all vote for Maggs. But why the hell would you vote for Clayton if you know he's not gonna make it? Instead, you COULD be the deciding votes between a close race of like Jeter and Nomar.

And don't tell me you seriously voted for Clayton last year?

Now I will exit this argument because it is getting way too political :D

I failed to make the point understandable.


Of course we vote for Mags - it is no one else who does so why in hell should I vote for anyone on their team?


All the Yankee and Seattle and Boston fans year in and year out vote for their guiys, and evidently so do you vote for their guys. :fyou :nono


And I voted for Greg Norton too when he was on the ballot. If the player wears silver and black, the player gets my vote for the All star game since it is the only way we will ever elect our own.


But I am not voting for you for Sox fan of the year, not now, not any more. :lol:

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If I had to go out on a limb..... I'd say cw DID vote for K-layton. He was one of his biggest supporters here after all  :nono

As always CK, you get things wrong. :angry:


I was not "one of [Clayton's] biggest supporters."


I was Clayton's only fan.


Not one of. Only. :lol:


And I was also the first to express relief when he was gone. It didn't take any bright light to see that his usefulness to the Sox was in the long gone historical past.

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there were others? I had no idea!


The closest I ever came to meeting another Clayton fan was a hooker in a home made #10 jersey at SoxFest 2002 and a small child with a Go Royce sign at a Sox game last season.


Now there are a total of 5 of us who stuck up for Royce - and other than the hooker, we may all be really glad he is gone!

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I never thought he was great or anything, but i thought he did what we needed him to do and I think he took too much heat, but I don't ever want to have to start these type of debates up again, cause now I am actually glad we have Jose back at shortstop (I never ever thought I'd say that)


And in hindsight after hearing somethings I didn't know before, he was definately a bad influence in the clubhouse. I'm glad we know longer have to discuss it, lol.

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I loved Clayton's hustle on the basepaths and his ability to lift his game despite all the pressure. I didn't know about his f***ing activities (I guess I mean that literally) that tore the team apart.


However, I can't say I am thrilled to see St. Jose the Only Reason We Win return to regular SS. I remember too many times in 2000 watching him make the spectacular play and then throw away the easy play. That was just too many damned errors. You have no idea how much I wish we could develop a real shortstop and end the debate about poor St. Jose the Martyr - however, we'll probably lose him anyway after this season.


And hell yes, I am voting for St. Jose the Immaculate for the all star game - unless he gets tarded before I vote, whcih he won't, so I am indeed voting for St. Jose aka JOS-E6.


(Why is there no "e" in the name "Valentin'? Because the scorekeeper used up all the Es gaving to constantly write E6...


the name was originally spelled Valentine6.


oh I could go for ever.)

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Good point..... especially since there is an outside possibility that Dusty Baker could, if the sCrUBS play way above their heads for the first half, load the NL team with sCrUBS. I pity the sCrUB player that makes the NL All-Star team. The booing has got to be ungodly and Sox fans MUST make it unforgetable.

I sincerely hope that if any Cub player makes it they don't get booed. Most Sox fans have more class than that.. Sosa might deserve it if he's spewing trash from his pie hole.. It's our time to nationally shine. I will be really embarrassed if the fans act like idiots.

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unlike other parks though, it is hard to get the ballots. 


maybe it is just me, but I always have a hard time finding the ballots at USC.

They are in holders at every concession stand and gift shop. At the entrance to the Stadium Club. And there are always stacks and stacks of them on the bar and tables in the Bull Pen bar. Not to mention the vendors carry them and all you have to do is ask. We must have voted 200 times last year during all the games we went to, not to mention the on line voting.

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Vote for Royce Clayton anyways.



    To a game in voting season since 98, but When I did I grabbed a bunch of ballots and marked Sox players only. I don't beieve there is anyone stopping you from grabbing about 50 ballots at a time and marking up all Sox players.

Nope there isn't. And that's what we do. Hold them all together and use your keys to break through about 15 at a time.


I'm still wondering about this not being able to find them. They are all over the place. :huh:

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unlike other parks though, it is hard to get the ballots.  


maybe it is just me, but I always have a hard time finding the ballots at USC.

They are in holders at every concession stand and gift shop. At the entrance to the Stadium Club. And there are always stacks and stacks of them on the bar and tables in the Bull Pen bar. Not to mention the vendors carry them and all you have to do is ask. We must have voted 200 times last year during all the games we went to, not to mention the on line voting.

Steff, you do better than me and it would seem Molto - I always have a hell of a time finding all star ballots at Comiskey aka the Cell. Luckily I have four different computers to vote online from! :lol:

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At Anaheim Stadium it is real easy, the ushers walk down the aisles and give them to you, otherwise you can find them in holders all around the stadium.



Since you live very near Anaheim Stadium, I'll assume you've been there more than once. Where's a good place to sit? I've been to 2 games there, so I really don't know a whole lot about it. I want to get my Sox/Halos tix ordered soon so I don't have to worry about getting them later.


Any input is appreciated.

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unlike other parks though, it is hard to get the ballots.  


maybe it is just me, but I always have a hard time finding the ballots at USC.

They are in holders at every concession stand and gift shop. At the entrance to the Stadium Club. And there are always stacks and stacks of them on the bar and tables in the Bull Pen bar. Not to mention the vendors carry them and all you have to do is ask. We must have voted 200 times last year during all the games we went to, not to mention the on line voting.

Steff, you do better than me and it would seem Molto - I always have a hell of a time finding all star ballots at Comiskey aka the Cell. Luckily I have four different computers to vote online from! :lol:

Well.. if you guys would put down your beers for a minute!!! :D


I bet this year they are all over the place though. I remember last year they had a display thing at the gift shop behind home plate with a box to put the completed ones in. I'm guessing they'll have a bunch of those. We'll be taking a few stacks home and I will bring them into work and offer girl scout cookies for a minimum of 50 completed ballots. That should help :headbang

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At Anaheim Stadium it is real easy, the ushers walk down the aisles and give them to you, otherwise you can find them in holders all around the stadium.



Since you live very near Anaheim Stadium, I'll assume you've been there more than once. Where's a good place to sit? I've been to 2 games there, so I really don't know a whole lot about it. I want to get my Sox/Halos tix ordered soon so I don't have to worry about getting them later.


Any input is appreciated.

Oh ya, last year went to like 25 games.


Umm, pretty much any seat is a good one as long as your near the field. Upper deck isn't too steap and if you sit somewhere between the bases your set. If your in the outfield, its difficult to see all parts of the field. The family zone is good if you want to go cheaper. Terrace and Field are both really nice though.

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