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When do you get excited about a prospect?


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I think the way B-Mac has pitched this season from low A, to high A and now in double AA for B-Ham, it's pretty hard NOT to get excited about him. But generally it depends on the prospect, and how old they are. Someone like Felix Hernandez who's 18, and in double AA for the Seattle Mariners, is probably the best pitching prospect in the game.

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As I get older I get a little more realistic, or maybe it's pessimistic, and I tend to take more of a wait and see approach.


With pitchers, I like to see an impressive strikeout-to-walk ratio. That means they've got command, and it generally means they know how to pitch. A good example is McCarthy. A guy whom many here like but I've definitely got a wait-and-see is Sean Tracey. No doubt Sean has a good arm and good stuff, but damn he walks a lot of guys ... too many for high A, especially at his age. He may make the big show and I certainly hope he does, but he needs to make strides.


For hitters, what's important to me more and more is good plate discipline. Since most of us rarely see these prospects play on tv or in person, we have to look at stats. I watch these players a lot in Tucson and I try to get to a few farm team games every year ... but by no means am I an expert. I do watch the stats though, and try to see a guy maintain consistency for the level he's at ... an example would be not falling into extended slumps, being able to battle his way out. What's also important is on base percentage. I guess I'm much more in tuned with it because I see the White Sox really struggle in that regard.


With hitters, power will show itself over time. Power doesn't get me all that impressed, unless it's really something spectacular, and consistent.


Hitters in the system who intrigue me but I'm not excited about yet are Chris Young, Josh Fields, the kid catcher in Bristol Francisco Hernandez, Mike Spidale, and Brian Anderson.


The hitter I'm most excited about is Sweeney, because I watched him very closely and it's so obvious he's a great talent. Also, he scuffled a bit to start the year but then came on very strong at the end ... a very good sign. Several multi hit games, against both left and right handed pitching, doubles power, and not a ton of strikeouts. Plus he's so young.


I really like to see at least 1/2 year of good performance, along with definite improvement. Add in my own observation, albeit limited, and that's what makes me think a guy's got it or doesn't.

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When they are mentioned as MLB Rookie of the Year candidates. Sorry, I do not get excited about their chances until I see them play against MLB players in real games.


As individuals, I get excited almost from the moment they lace on the spikes. For many it is a life-long ambition to get paid to play baseball and I'm excited for them to reach that goal.

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What difference does it make?  Kenny's going to trade them, anyway.  Everyone likes Sweeney and Anderson, including other GM's.  It's tough getting excited about Jeremy Reed now that he's traded.

Have you ever considered adding something to this board, other than your same old tired griping about trading prospects?


The thread is about "when do you get excited about a prospect?".


It's no shock to me whatsover that you feel the need to add your usual


"Kenny's going to trade them anyways."


Good grief, man, we get your fricken point, about 1000 times over already.

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