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Your suckiest job


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I was just thinking about this cause my cousin just got a job at where I used to do and work...dishwasher at the Radisson Hotel and I felt sorry for him..although i think the pay is a bit higher than when I worked there..

I got paid $5.50 an hour and was miserable every minute


The very first night I worked there I worked from 6pm to 1:30am on a night I wasn't suppose to come in..That same day I had just completed this seminar thing you have to go through when you get a job there.

That was like a Thursday..wasn't suppose to come in till Monday..


9 to 11 hours a night of torture..worked there 5 months right after HS...


What was your crappiest, suckiest job?

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Bag Boy at a grocery store. God did that suck ass. Number 2 s***tiest job was when I started a moving company during the end of high school. Pay was good and it was just one day a week (or whenever me and two of my buddies could get a job) but too f***ing tiring.



However, after work relaxation would feel amazing. Both jobs were awful though.

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  Chisoxfn said:
Bag Boy at a grocery store.  God did that suck ass.  Number 2 s***tiest job was when I started a moving company during the end of high school.  Pay was good and it was just one day a week (or whenever me and two of my buddies could get a job) but too f***ing tiring. 



However, after work relaxation would feel amazing.  Both jobs were awful though.

I guess anything in a grocery sucks. Stocking and bagging, bah.

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Being a night manager at a local grocery store (last part of HS and first part of college). I never could tell which was worse, the customers or the lazy cashiers who couldn't count and were always too busy trying to pickup the newest bag boy rather than work. GRRRRRRR!!! ;)

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This is more like my worst day at work:


I work at a hospital in the summers, and on of the patients had some of their stuff thrown out and wanted it back. Hmm, guess who they sent to the trash dumping site to sift through a weeks worth of hospital trash, yep me. After 3 hours of sifting through s*** we finnaly found what she had had thrown out:


A plastic flower

A christmas card

and a picture


i will never forget that day

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  Yoda said:


Is that your current job? I’m not over the age of 18, but I do get $5 an hour on Saturday mornings just to clean offices at my dad’s job. Not too shabby.  ;)

Not anymore.....got laid off as a result of budget costs at a restaurant...


I was fired by my cousin.... :rolly :unsure:

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It's not the s***tiest job ever, but right now my job is driving the zamboni at the practice rink. So much s*** finds a way to go wrong. The machine will just drop random chunks of ice in the middle of the rink and people yell at me like it's my fault. Tonight the pipes underneath the ice weren't cold enough so the water wasn't freezing quickly at all, and all these old-timers were yelling at me about it, even though I have no control over that s***.

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  Spiff said:
It's not the s***tiest job ever, but right now my job is driving the zamboni at the practice rink.  So much s*** finds a way to go wrong.  The machine will just drop random chunks of ice in the middle of the rink and people yell at me like it's my fault.  Tonight the pipes underneath the ice weren't cold enough so the water wasn't freezing quickly at all, and all these old-timers were yelling at me about it, even though I have no control over that s***.

Driving the zamboni is awesome, no way is that near the s***tiest job ever

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I worked fast food for 4 days. In these 4 days I had:


-the owner's 5 year old bite me in the leg

-got locked in the freezer with another co-worker cuz my boss shut it thinking nobody was in there despite my co-worker and I talking

-was forced to stay 5 hrs. overtime without getting paid (boss would clock us out at 9 and expect us to stay and clean everything and stay til everybody was all done which was usually 1-2 am)

-got paid a training wage of $4.60 an hour

-had to pick up 3 pizzas straight out of the oven with my bare hands after dumbass boss dropped them on the floor yelling "Holy s***! I didn't think they'd be that f***ing hot!" (as she is pulling them out of the industrial pizza oven)

-got yelled at for swearing by my boss who told me: "Goddamn, there is to be no f***ing swearing in this restaurant."

-got yelled at for going to the bathroom after being on the clock for 5 hrs.


After 4 days of that bulls***, I just stopped showing up. Getting bitten by that little bastard who should have been a blow job was the last straw. I got another job working for an independent farm which paid really well and was a lot easier workwise.

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  sideshowapu said:
I worked fast food for 4 days.  In these 4 days I had:


-the owner's 5 year old bite me in the leg

-got locked in the freezer with another co-worker cuz my boss shut it thinking nobody was in there despite my co-worker and I talking

-was forced to stay 5 hrs. overtime without getting paid (boss would clock us out at 9 and expect us to stay and clean everything and stay til everybody was all done which was usually 1-2 am)

-got paid a training wage of $4.60 an hour

-had to pick up 3 pizzas straight out of the oven with my bare hands after dumbass boss dropped them on the floor yelling "Holy s***! I didn't think they'd be that f***ing hot!" (as she is pulling them out of the industrial pizza oven)

-got yelled at for swearing by my boss who told me: "Goddamn, there is to be no f***ing swearing in this restaurant."

-got yelled at for going to the bathroom after being on the clock for 5 hrs.


After 4 days of that bulls***, I just stopped showing up.  Getting bitten by that little bastard who should have been a blow job was the last straw.  I got another job working for an independent farm which paid really well and was a lot easier workwise.:ph34r: 

i've been lucky enough to never have to work in fast food, i wouldn't mind being a head chief at a restaurant though, i'm a great cook so im told and i really like cooking

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Mine was a day-and-a-half stocking vending machines.

Holy s***, did that suck ass.

Get up at 3am, drive to the warehouse, load the truck, drive downtown, wait FOREVER for a spot on the dock to open up, then fill the f***ing things, take the money out and on to the next location.

And since I was "the new guy", of course I got the s***tiest route. There was a factory where I had to take so many turns that I eventually ended up on a dirt road and I had no idea where the f*** I was. Then NOBODY in the entire building spoke English. THEN as I'm removing the money, I see a bunch of these guys looking at me....you ever see the old-time cartoons where a wolf looks at a chicken and then you see the chicken turn into a cooked chicken on a plate? THAT was the look I was getting. I honestly, seriously thought I was gonna get attacked for like 25 bucks worth of change.

And to top it off, the pay was AWFUL. I guess you'd make good money once you were there 100 years and got the primo routes ( "primo" meaning you weren't waiting for 45 minutes for a downtown dock spot and nobody wanted to kill you for a bag of change ), but the new guys made NOTHING.


When I see their "roach coaches" driving around I still get a little pissed off, and it was a day-and-a-half, seven years ago. Thank God for my job now!

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