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Ashcroft: 0 for 5,000 in Convicting Terrorists


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I was on The Memory Hole looking at the pics and vid from Gitmo on the Hudson during the RNC and found this story:




With the latest Detroit convictions overturned, Ashcroft has not convicted a single person of terrorism since 9/11.



Until that reversal, the Detroit case had marked the only terrorist conviction obtained from the Justice Department's detention of more than 5,000 foreign nationals in anti-terrorism sweeps since 9/11. So Ashcroft's record is 0 for 5,000. When the attorney general was locking these men up in the immediate wake of the attacks, he held almost daily press conferences to announce how many "suspected terrorists" had been detained. No press conference has been forthcoming to announce that exactly none of them have turned out to be actual terrorists.

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Tex, the US government lies about what "terrorism" is to try to inflate their conviction rate. For example, from Sept. 30, 2001 to that date in 2002 -- the Justice Department maintained that 288 terrorists had been convicted by the US of their heinous crimes. But the General Accounting Office found that at least 132 of these cases (approx. 42%) had nothing to do with terrorism. Out of 174 convictions for international terrorism, 131 (approx. 75%) were not about terrorism either according to the GAO. Due to their methodology, they could not do all the cases, so the current status of those cases is quite, as they put it, "questionable".


In 2003, of 56 cases of "terrorism", 41 were bogus according to the GAO. 8 were about the Puerto Ricans protesting the use of Vieques as a bombing range. The prosecutor who handled those cases said that she does not know why they were classified as terrorism. 28 men working at an airport with phony ID were arrested and a spokesman for the US attorny says they weren't even suspected of being involved in terrorism yet were put under the "terrorist" umbrella. And my personal hilarious favorite: the prosecution of a "terrorist" who passed bad checks. The proof he was a terrorist? He had the same name as a former Hezbollah leader.


Mass detentions and secret trials -- the illusion of safety.

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