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going to the ball park


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just wondering how many games everyone went to this year.


i went to 13 total games...


10 at USCF


i was in miami for work during the marlins series and went to two games (planned that one on purpose)


and went to detroit (the WORST city EVER) for a game in July



i would have gone to more Tues night games, but i had softball on tues and wed nights for the majority of the year.


anyways, 13 is the most ive ever seen the sox in person in one year (last year was about 10).

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4 games. Toronto double header, Cubs/Sox game where Zambrano melted down on the mound and gave up 5, and some weird game with a 90 min rain delay and 12-8 final or something that we lost.

This is going to sound really sick, but I went to over 42 games, not sure of the number yet. I went to all 27 of the games in my weekend plan. PLus almost all of the cubs/sox, so that adds 4 more. Then 2 games in detroit. 4 extra twins games.

And im guessing around 5 randoms during the year, maybe more. SO this is a rough guess, but jeez.....thats alot of baseball. Hopefully someone else is more pathetic than me

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I went to 9 games this year. Wanted to get to as many as I could because I am soon moving to Nashville, Tennessee. So, I'll have to get the baseball package to watch the Sox starting next year, or just head over to sports bar that shows it. But, don't worry - you can bet I'll hang a Sox flag on the porch to REPRESENT THE SOUTH SIDE SOX!


The Sox are the only Chicago sports team I'm a fan of, so leaving the Sox will be the only hard part about leaving Chicago. Otherwise, I'm looking forward to living in Music City USA and just a 4 hour drive from the Smoky Mountains. Nashville is only an 8-hour drive from here, so I'm sure I'll make it back up for a few games next year.

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just wondering how many games everyone went to this year.


i went to 13 total games...


10 at USCF


i was in miami for work during the marlins series and went to two games (planned that one on purpose)


and went to detroit (the WORST city EVER) for a game in July



i would have gone to more Tues night games, but i had softball on tues and wed nights for the majority of the year.


anyways, 13 is the most ive ever seen the sox in person in one year (last year was about 10).

I went to 3. All 3 Cub games at the Cell :headbang

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