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Internet Police


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Well guys and gals...


Long story, but I won't be around during the days anymore.


And, since I don't have internet at home (except dialup, gag) I doubt I am around much at night either.


The job situation is just not good, some of you all know that. It's gotten 10 times worse, probably to the point where all this is being monitored. So I need to watch what I say.


If you guys need to get ahold of me for any reason, get ahold of ss2k and he can get ahold of me. (server issues, etc)


Once I get my high-speed back, we'll probably upgrade to the new board version... and yea, this time I'll make sure I'm around first. :P , Gage.


Everybody stay cool...



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It could have been worse, they just had layoffs here today.  About 10 people got let go.  I really need to get out of here :ph34r:


Good luck on the job search, call me if you need anything.

Damn I just found out one of the guys had been here 18 years and got 3 months of serverence to show for it :fyou dickheads

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Damn I just found out one of the guys had been here 18 years and got 3 months of serverence to show for it :fyou dickheads

Brian was at his company for 10 years and they got 1 week of severance regardless of how long they were there. The only good thing they received was that they were paid for unused vacation at the time of the lay offs, which for their fiscal year was their entire vacation amount.

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Well guys and gals...


Long story, but I won't be around during the days anymore.


And, since I don't have internet at home (except dialup, gag) I doubt I am around much at night either.


The job situation is just not good, some of you all know that.  It's gotten 10 times worse, probably to the point where all this is being monitored.  So I need to watch what I say.


If you guys need to get ahold of me for any reason, get ahold of ss2k and he can get ahold of me.  (server issues, etc)


Once I get my high-speed back, we'll probably upgrade to the new board version... and yea, this time I'll make sure I'm around first. :P , Gage.


Everybody stay cool...



Hell I figured I"d just take a vacation the next time you guys wanted to do an upgrade. That way when all hell breaks lose, everyone will scream for me to come back and I can rescue the situation...instead of blowing it up :lol:


That sucks though Kap, you'll be missed. Maybe I'll call you one day just to piss you off and tell you Alex decided to do the upgrade and we got a call from the server company that it just flat out exploded :o


And since they are reading this, I'd like to say that from my experience with dealing your company Kap....I think your hands down the best employee ever to grace the office and that you deserve a one million dollar raise :cheers

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Now I'm home today - so here's the story.


Basically I told my boss on Monday night that the lack of respect shown to employees who are busting their ass is at an all-time low and something needs to change. The example that happened Monday night was the executive assistant played my boss in front of my employees, was really s***ty about something AFTER HOURS about something that needed to be done. I had company in from out of state, so I couldn't stay until 7 like I do most every other night.


So after she was s***ty, I told her "that was it" for the shannanigans. She got pissed and had the IT guy run my internet logs - because there were people "talking about me being on there too much".


Meanwhile, my boss was logged on my computer and frankly, I think he lied about why. IMO, he was on there so that our IT guy could go in and get the logs as an administrator.


The executive assistant ran her mouth and the whole office knew I was "in trouble for internet abuse" before my boss had ever talked to me.


So I went in and confronted him. He said that he trusted me... and I proceeded to tell him that is what you call trust? What bulls***. The funniest line in the whole thing was "I wasn't even going to say anything to you about it" OF COURSE NOT, that way you can just continue to run logs every time you want with out me knowing! Dumb ass.


So now, an example is being made of me in the whole office. And, we have to log our activities in 15 minute increments in a journal to be handed in to my supervisor every week.


Yesterday I went in to resign and he wouldn't accept it. I told him that I was going to look, so get ready, because I am not staying there anymore, seeing as how when they "trust" people they run their internet logs without just straight up telling them what's going on.


On Wednesday, the IT guy was on my computer at lunch. They installed a monitor that looks at keystrokes and activity. He called in yesterday and proceeded to tell the receptionist that "I was pissed"... the only way he would have known anything was either to read what I sent via email, or talk to my boss, either way, he violated confidentiality - and that is exactly what I talked to my boss about and it happened AGAIN right away.


Oh, by the way, the IT guy is the CEO's (aka DICKtator's) brother.


Now. I think they are out to get me because how dare I upset their little apple cart. f*** 'em.


Now my boss has soxtalk.com's url - he'll probably read this.


Note for you workers and managers out there. The truth will get you farther ahead every time. Lies and deceit is what this crap turns into.


Good example of how NOT to manage a company.


Anyway, I have this morning to take it easy, and this afternoon I'm working from home. Needed a break.


Why the hell am I typing all this on here? :lol:


See ya... :)

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Now I'm home today - so here's the story.


Basically I told my boss on Monday night that the lack of respect shown to employees who are busting their ass is at an all-time low and something needs to change.  The example that happened Monday night was the executive assistant played my boss in front of my employees, was really s***ty about something AFTER HOURS about something that needed to be done.  I had company in from out of state, so I couldn't stay until 7 like I do most every other night.


So after she was s***ty, I told her "that was it" for the shannanigans.  She got pissed and had the IT guy run my internet logs - because there were people "talking about me being on there too much".


Meanwhile, my boss was logged on my computer and frankly, I think he lied about why.  IMO, he was on there so that our IT guy could go in and get the logs as an administrator.


The executive assistant ran her mouth and the whole office knew I was "in trouble for internet abuse" before my boss had ever talked to me.


So I went in and confronted him.  He said that he trusted me...  and I proceeded to tell him that is what you call trust?  What bulls***.  The funniest line in the whole thing was "I wasn't even going to say anything to you about it"  OF COURSE NOT, that way you can just continue to run logs every time you want with out me knowing!  Dumb ass.


So now, an example is being made of me in the whole office.  And, we have to log our activities in 15 minute increments in a journal to be handed in to my supervisor every week.


Yesterday I went in to resign and he wouldn't accept it.  I told him that I was going to look, so get ready, because I am not staying there anymore, seeing as how when they "trust" people they run their internet logs without just straight up telling them what's going on.


On Wednesday, the IT guy was on my computer at lunch.  They installed a monitor that looks at keystrokes and activity.  He called in yesterday and proceeded to tell the receptionist that "I was pissed"... the only way he would have known anything was either to read what I sent via email, or talk to my boss, either way, he violated confidentiality - and that is exactly what I talked to my boss about and it happened AGAIN right away.


Oh, by the way, the IT guy is the CEO's (aka DICKtator's) brother.


Now. I think they are out to get me because how dare I upset their little apple cart.  f*** 'em.


Now my boss has soxtalk.com's url - he'll probably read this.


Note for you workers and managers out there.  The truth will get you farther ahead every time.  Lies and deceit is what this crap turns into.


Good example of how NOT to manage a company.


Anyway, I have this morning to take it easy, and this afternoon I'm working from home.  Needed a break.


Why the hell am I typing all this on here? :lol:


See ya... :)

I thought people were stoic and quiet in Maine. ;) You sure have a lot to say. :lol:

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BTW, any decent size company monitors who goes where when on their time. IMHO it is there right, same as looking at your phone bill. I always received a report, but was a bit more calm and less prickish about how I used it. For example I know that one employee always had a browser window opened to the sports scores. As long as he shared the news, no problem. I could also see by getting off my ass if they were just browsing or working and flipping back and forth.


Also the courts have ruled you have no expectation of privacy with email or telephone conversations.

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BTW, any decent size company monitors who goes where when on their time. IMHO it is there right, same as looking at your phone bill. I always received a report, but was a bit more calm and less prickish about how I used it. For example I know that one employee  always had a browser window opened to the sports scores. As long as he shared the news, no problem. I could also see by getting off my ass if they were just browsing or working and flipping back and forth.


Also the courts have ruled you have no expectation of privacy with email or telephone conversations.

Tex.. interesting you brought up phone calls... what exactly is the deal with that? Does a supervisor have the right to listen in on a call without you knowing..? And can that legally result in termination? Something just happened here on Wednesday and Jim wants to ram the phone receiver up this guys ass and kick him to the curb, but the HR idiot says the lawyers told her that we can't do that just yet..? I thought the company owned the phone and the usage of it.. no??


Long story short.. a director is badmouthing management and other employees to agent/owners and board members - and the idiot board members are doing the same (it's only 2 so far that we're aware of out of the 30, but it should make for an interesting next few months around here.. :rolly ).

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Generally, the company must have a stated policy that all calls may be monitored. If they do not have a stated policy they must notify the employee that their calls will be monitored. It is also considered a good idea to have a separate line for personal calls that is not monitored and any employee can use, (with permission).


What most companies find beneficial is to announce that call logs will be kept, same as kap's internet logs. Sounds like his company has hired a employment attorney. Of course they would have been counseled to accept the resignation and avoid any termination issues.


The other possibility if it was the employees words that caused the problem see if there was a possibility that someone overheard the conversation, then no such privacy iddue would apply.


Of course this is just from my experience as a manager in a company that prefered to have attorneys around every corner than let adults work like adults.

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Hey Kaps boss, if you are reading this.... :fyou


(unless you are registered here, because that would be a direct violation of the personal attacks policy)

Isn't kap working in China? Would his boss be able to read Chinese?


If he can read English remember there aint been a tree yet that has grown too big for a small dog to lift his leg on it.

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Isn't kap working in China? Would his boss be able to read Chinese?


If he can read English remember there aint been a tree yet that has grown too big for a small dog to lift his leg on it.

I've been to China, and I tell ya now, if you don't speak Chinese, you are really, really, really, really......screwed.


Anyways Kap, I hope things work out for the best for ya in this difficult time. It would be particulary hard for ppl like you, Steff and Mike to post here while you are at work, and I don't know if I'd be able to do it if I had a full - time job.

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I've been to China, and I tell ya now, if you don't speak Chinese, you are really, really, really, really......screwed.


Anyways Kap, I hope things work out for the best for ya in this difficult time. It would be particulary hard for ppl like you, Steff and Mike to post here while you are at work, and I don't know if I'd be able to do it if I had a full - time job.

[embarrased] damn I need a copy editor and staff like southsider :lol:

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Anyways Kap, I hope things work out for the best for ya in this difficult time. It would be particulary hard for ppl like you, Steff and Mike to post here while you are at work, and I don't know if I'd be able to do it if I had a full - time job.

It's actually not so bad. Posting doesn't really take more than a few minutes unless it's a long winded analysis post (of which Rex.. I am still working on what we discussed the other day.. :lol: Gimme a break.. I'm gettin old ya know. :P )

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