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Bending the truth

Rex Kickass

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Since the debates are tonight and there isn't enough b****ing about liberals or conservatives on the site lately, I thought I'd stir things up.


Here's a quote on December 4, 2001 during a Presidential Press Event from George W. Bush.


Thank you, Jordan.  Well, Jordan, you're not going to believe what state I was in when I heard about the terrorist attack.  I was in Florida.  And my Chief of Staff, Andy Card -- actually, I was in a classroom talking about a reading program that works.  I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on.  And I used to fly, myself, and I said, well, there's one terrible pilot.  I said, it must have been a horrible accident.


But I was whisked off there, I didn't have much time to think about it.  And I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy Card, my Chief of Staff, who is sitting over here, walked in and said, "A second plane has hit the tower, America is under attack."


Sounds innocent, right? Well, the problem is that this never happened. The first plane crash into the World Trade Center was not televised live.


On FNC's The O'Reilly Factor, George Bush said that he solely went on that ship in May to say Thank You for the troops, not that a mission was accomplished. Here's a quote from that Presidential Press Event.


In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed.




On the creation of the 9/11 commission, the President now denies being initially opposed to it. On Larry King Live last month, he was asked if he was originally against it. His response - "not really." Here's a quote from May 2002 to the press from the President.


Since it deals with such sensitive information, in my judgment, it's best for the ongoing war against terror that the investigation be done in the intelligence committee.




If we can't trust a president to remember or be honest about what he saw, thought or said on pretty momentous occasions, why should we trust him to run this country?

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Sounds innocent, right? Well, the problem is that this never happened. The first plane crash into the World Trade Center was not televised live.


There was video of the first crash broadcast shortly after it happened. Maybe that's what he say before walking into the classroom.

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There was video of the first crash broadcast shortly after it happened.  Maybe that's what he say before walking into the classroom.


I believe the video was found and was shown after Bush had left the school. All the networks were scrambling to see if anyone had footage. It wasn't like they had cameras pointed at the Towers when it happened. There was even some on air comments wondering if anyone had footage.


There was a timeline prepared by the 9/11 Commission that showed that.

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I believe the video was found and was shown after Bush had left the school. All the networks were scrambling to see if anyone had footage. It wasn't like they had cameras pointed at the Towers when it happened. There was even some on air comments wondering if anyone had footage.


There was a timeline prepared by the 9/11 Commission that showed that.

Could be. I just through it out there as a possibility.

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I believe the video was found and was shown after Bush had left the school. All the networks were scrambling to see if anyone had footage. It wasn't like they had cameras pointed at the Towers when it happened. There was even some on air comments wondering if anyone had footage.


There was a timeline prepared by the 9/11 Commission that showed that.

I work at a telecommunications company. We also have another company that works in the same offices who sell bandwidth and satellite time to TV stations. They are also responsible for monitoring and maintaining these links. There was most definitely TV coverage of the first plane prior to the 2nd hitting. I had the same thought as GWB that morning. I was sitting at my computer, looked up because other folks in the office starting talking about a plane, and on the big screen in front of me I see a f***ing plane embedded in the WTC. I also thought this was an accident and was sitting there asking myself how the hell they were going to get it out of there. Then the 2nd plane hit, I saw that 2nd plane hit live. At that moment I knew it was an attack, not before. The story the president told is not only possible, but probable. I can say that being I had the same thoughts at the same times.

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Do you mean you saw the tape of the plane actually hit the 1st tower before the second plane hit, or you just saw the tower when it was already smoldering?


Did they just not broadcast the first plane hitting the tower in Iowa that day? Because I was glued to the TV that night and I don't remember seeing it that night.

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Do you mean you saw the tape of the plane actually hit the 1st tower before the second plane hit, or you just saw the tower when it was already smoldering?


Did they just not broadcast the first plane hitting the tower in Iowa that day? Because I was glued to the TV that night and I don't remember seeing it that night.

the first footage of the plane hitting the tower was not til later that day IIRC

they did COVER the 1st plane hitting but no footage of it hitting

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This is not stupid. Bush promised to return honesty and dignity back to the White House. He won in 2000, in part, by painting Al Gore as a liar. If you can't hold your President to a higher standard, then you don't have a lot of respect for the traditions of your country.

Out of curiousity, who is the last honest President we have had in your opinion?

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Jimmy Carter, even though he was an abject failure. George HW Bush had his moments but was generally honorable in intentions. His lies seemed more accidental than well-placed. Bill Clinton was a liar, but a bad one - and the non-stop investigations of his administration made it one of the most transparent ones since before FDR.


I don't expect100% honesty - but when it comes to the big stuff, I want the damn truth. Shutting off government reports that say violence in Iraq is increasing because it doesn't fit with the spin is not being honest. Talking about bringing a terrorist network to justice when not a single person in this network has been killed, prosecuted or otherwise not pardoned (e.g. AQ Khan) is not being honest. Lying about a blow job is not being honest. Lying about setting up a shadow government to sell arms to rogue states in order to fund covert operations in Latin America is not being honest.

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Jimmy Carter, even though he was an abject failure. George HW Bush had his moments but was generally honorable in intentions. His lies seemed more accidental than well-placed. Bill Clinton was a liar, but a bad one - and the non-stop investigations of his administration made it one of the most transparent ones since before FDR.


I don't expect100% honesty - but when it comes to the big stuff, I want the damn truth. Shutting off government reports that say violence in Iraq is increasing because it doesn't fit with the spin is not being honest. Talking about bringing a terrorist network to justice when not a single person in this network has been killed, prosecuted or otherwise not pardoned (e.g. AQ Khan) is not being honest. Lying about a blow job is not being honest. Lying about setting up a shadow government to sell arms to rogue states in order to fund covert operations in Latin America is not being honest.

I would totally agree with you on Carter. personally I always thought GB was more into Iran-Contra than we ever knew

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SO then when he was elected he told the voters that he would be an abject failure...how the hell did he win!?!?

Carter lost because people were not satisfied with his governance. Bush 41 lost for the same reason. Carter isn't going to call his own presidency an abject failure.


SS2k4: I'll agree with you about Iran/Contra and Bush. There's more there than we know - but the actual four years he spent in office - I think he generally did honorably, even if he did lay the Somalia landmine for Clinton.

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I assume this is the video everyone's thinking of.


I do not remember seeing it til the second day. The date inside the link confirms it to me at least because I would have to think CNN would release this as soon as they got their hands on it.

You're right. I'm making the whole story up.


I'm not trying to imply that we had a continuous feed of the WTC prior to 9/11 that was on a big screen. I'm saying that moments after the first plane hit they had live coverage of the plane in the building. They had that live feed up PRIOR to the 2nd plane hitting. If you're strictly talking about live footage of the first plane actually HITTING the tower, which I think is taking the president's statement out of context, then I don't recall when that footage became available, it could have been the next day. The fact is that prior to the 2nd plane hitting, which most definitely proved the act was intentional, the public could see pictures of the first plane and had no reason to believe it was a terrorist attack but rather a f***ed up pilot.

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