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Debate Numero Uno--9/30


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Gonna put this post here too since I didn't see this thread when I first jumped on the site.


No doubt about it John Kerry. IT kills me to say that but Bush was lousy. It wasn't that Kerry was good, but Kerry came off as sounding like he knew what he talked about. He did a good job giving the swing voters the idea that he had these great new ideas and BUsh did nothing to kind of force him out of his shell and talk about his plan.


Bush also did a horrible job not rebutting when Kerry continued to say that Bush had no plan. Bush has a plan and he should of went here is my plan and I believe it is working. Bush did mention his plan for transitioning, but he didn't specifiy his actual plan during this debate, he has done so many times though (what is actual plan is) while Kerry kind of just talks about his plan (although he always says how he needs foreign people).


I just thought Bush had an opportunity to win this election tonigth and he didn't do it. I really hope everyone else saw this another way, but I was not very thrilled watching this knowing the person I feel is bet suited for president is not coming out well during a key debate that could of given him another 4 years easily.


I think both parties had a couple good sound bytes and the reason Kerry won this debate is simple...he didn't lose the election on this night and in fact I think he's made it closer.


However, I think the townhall debate suits president Bush very well and that he can really redeem himself from this first debate. He stuck to his guns, but he didn't seem to have a lot of new suggestions after a certain point. Hell, he didn't need to, but he had other things he could of added. He's not needed to come up with new ideas in a sense, but to point out the facts of why he was right and why he should be the president.

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I have to think that Kerry presented himself MUCH better on stage and as an undecided that's one of the first things you notice. Kerry seemed quite sure of himself, even with contradictions as he spoke clearly. Bush would take a while to get on track. Once he got started, he spoke with confidence, but Kerry appeared to be the better debater. I want to see what the TRUE undecideds on the boards think.

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Something I find cool. Yahoo! has pictures for the debate. All but three are from the actual debate. The other three are of students watching the debate. Where at the students? At my school. Yay GWU! I found that very cool. One of the Pictures, For Anyone Interested


Also cool, is Good Morning America was there talking to students watching the debates.


(Yeah, I wasn't there. My Thursdays are 11 hours long, I was too tired to go)

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I was shocked at how tired President George W. Bush looked. At times his pauses and struggles to find the right words were concerning. I think his campaign made a mistake by giving him a full schedule the day of the debate. The photo ops with hurricane victims were mostly negated by the debate.


I am still leaning towards the President but Kerry moved up a couple notches with me last night.

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BY the end of today, with 24 hours of non stop GOP cheerleading on all their radio shows, Bush will have won this debate in a landslide. I cannot wait to hear just how much cheerleading rush and hannity will do. I'd be surprised if they don't wear the skirts and pompoms.

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Still a republican.


Kinda sad...we have a debate/support group for each candidate at our school...I've already ripped down Kerry signs in protest... :)

Pardon my post here, but that is completely assinine and immature. What gives you the right to destroy someone else's property and the expression of their opinion? Don't answer, because you don't have that right. Grow up. Seriously.

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A draw in debate one is a help to John Kerry not George Bush. Right Track/Wrong Track polls have consistently shown that a majority of the American public don't see us headed in the right direction. You could make the argument, based on these polls that many people who support Bush in the polls are soft supporters and looking for an excuse to shift allegiance to Kerry. By Kerry looking presidential, and a viable option he wins.


Draws are a victory for the challenger in a debate.

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