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Who won the Debate?


Who won the Debate?  

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  1. 1. Who won the Debate?

    • Bush
    • Kerry

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Kerry one round 1...no question.


Kerry was eloquent, and was able to explain his flip flops. He did contradict himself at least three times, but his ability to mask his errors gives him a clear advantage.


Bush was not articulate and it affected his ability to clarify his points. It looked like Bush was not prepped, he was clearly looking to fill time and began segments with periods of silence that lasted several seconds. He also used way too many verbal crutches.


Bush's problem is that he did not go for the juggular by bringing up 9/11. Rather than consistently promise safety, he preffered to attack Kerry for not exemplifying the traits of a good leader.


Kerry on the other hand at least made the race a wee bit closer.

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No doubt about it John Kerry. IT kills me to say that but Bush was lousy. It wasn't that Kerry was good, but Kerry came off as sounding like he knew what he talked about. He did a good job giving the swing voters the idea that he had these great new ideas and BUsh did nothing to kind of force him out of his shell and talk about his plan.


Bush also did a horrible job not rebutting when Kerry continued to say that Bush had no plan. Bush has a plan and he should of went here is my plan and I believe it is working. Bush did mention his plan for transitioning, but he didn't specifiy his actual plan during this debate, he has done so many times though (what is actual plan is) while Kerry kind of just talks about his plan (although he always says how he needs foreign people).


I just thought Bush had an opportunity to win this election tonigth and he didn't do it. I really hope everyone else saw this another way, but I was not very thrilled watching this knowing the person I feel is bet suited for president is not coming out well during a key debate that could of given him another 4 years easily.


I think both parties had a couple good sound bytes and the reason Kerry won this debate is simple...he didn't lose the election on this night and in fact I think he's made it closer.


However, I think the townhall debate suits president Bush very well and that he can really redeem himself from this first debate. He stuck to his guns, but he didn't seem to have a lot of new suggestions after a certain point. Hell, he didn't need to, but he had other things he could of added. He's not needed to come up with new ideas in a sense, but to point out the facts of why he was right and why he should be the president.

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15-7 in favor of bush???


Look at the polls heads had up this summer, I voted for bush.


Anyone who thinks bush won this debate either A-did not watch or B-is blinded by their own opinions

I was really surprised to see that, but at the same time, i think the site is pretty much dead split repub/democrat so I can't see where the bias got in, especially when two of the conservatives on the site (me and you) obviously voted John Kerry in this poll.


I know my dad felt the same way after talking with him on the phone just after the debate.

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Kerry one round 1...no question.


Kerry was eloquent, and was able to explain his flip flops.  He did contradict himself at least three times, but his ability to mask his errors gives him a clear advantage.


Bush was not articulate and it affected his ability to clarify his points.  It looked like Bush was not prepped, he was clearly looking to fill time and began segments with periods of silence that lasted several seconds.  He also used way too many verbal crutches.


Bush's problem is that he did not go for the juggular by bringing up 9/11.  Rather than consistently promise safety, he preffered to attack Kerry for not exemplifying the traits of a good leader.


Kerry on the other hand at least made the race a wee bit closer.

Good analysis. One thing as a Bush supporter that I'm hoping for is for people to take notice of how Kerry continued to point out about Saddaam and what not and how the war wasn't right and then near the end he completely contradicted himself. I don't want to give any quotes cause I Don't have the exact quote in front of me but I was just like, what the hell.


Another thing that really stood out that I heard none of the pundits talk about was Kerry of all people talking about the lack of bullet proof vests and what not for the troops. This is coming from the guy that made his big political stance on the 87 billion dollar initiatve that he voted against, after saying how anyone that wouldn't vote for this was a fool (once again, dont' hvae the exact quote so if someone does post it :) ). Where the hell was BUsh capitalizings on this.


I think Bush tried to kind of just go with the flow and not lose instead of go out on the offensive. He was winning this thing early on and then fell apart, mainly because he just flat out ran out of lines when he clearly had a lot more stuff he could of said and this all comes down to preperation.


Not trying to make light of the fact and I have no idea what a president goes through, but I wonder how much time each candidate typically spends prepping for this and whether Bush's time was drastically shortened by whats going on in Florida.

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I only watched for about 5-10 minutes and I couldn't even count the number of times Bush used the word "uh", stuttered, or stood silent for a few moments before making his point. That man can not speak, end of story. Again I didn't watch the entire thing, but at least Kerry can talk.

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I don't know what debate any of you were actually watching if you think the President did anything to help his cause tonight.


In Bush's favor, I don't know what the hell that scary growth on John Edwards' face was during his carry-over commentary, but it could have sent some swing voters running to the other side...

Edited by FlaSoxxJim
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Kerry most definitely won, Bush looked extremely uncomfortable. I watched the O'Reilly/Bush interview and to compare that interview with his debate performance speaks volumes about GWB's personality. He IS NOT comfortable at formal speaking events. Tonight he stuttered, word crutches, lost track of his thoughts, gave away which questions he expected and which he didn't, it was an awful debate for Bush. In the O'Reilly interview, which was much less formal, Bush was outstanding. He confronted each of O'Reilly's questions and had intelligent, informed, decisive things to say. He came across as a man in control, tonight he did not. Those questions O'Reilly gave him were less softball questions than those that were given tonight.


On the other hand, I've always felt that challengers tend to have an upper hand going into the debates. They've been pounding every issue, nearly every day for atleast 1 year. If you're not prepared with facts, buzz words and phrases, and not have your public speaking abilities at their pinnacle after spending over a year of your life practicing those things for over a year, you're horrible. The incumbent on the other hand actually has a job to do while preparing for the election and debates. Bush couldn't pull a Kerry and let down his constituents to pursue a larger personal goal.


The one point I do give to Bush is when he cited several positive things about Kerry during the character question. He really reinforced the idea that this is not personal to him, it's pure politics. Kerry, on the other hand, stuttered horribly when trying to say nice sings in return.

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+Lots of statistics and information

- Kept repeating some of them to the point of being annoying ("90% troops, 90% cost" and "it will take 13 years under the Bush plan to get rid of this nuclear s***")

+ Decent attempt to explain flip-flopping

+ Explained his plans a little bit

+ Caught Bush after he said "we take out the people that attack us" in reference to Iraq



+ Did a good job of getting the last word in by interrupting, though he didn't come across as being too rude

+ Mentioned flip-flopping

- Did not seem to have anything to say other than about flip-flopping


The Whole Thing

--- Too repetitive. "You f***ed up." "You're a flip-flopper." "Yeah but you f***ed up." "At least I didn't change my opinion about f***ing up."

- Couldn't talk to each other directly


Despite having considerably more +s above, I think the debate was pretty even, giving the edge to Kerry. I doubt either one of them won over or lost many voters.

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You can only call a guy a flip flopper so many ways and so many times.


Kerry was confident and brought up some interesting points. He also made sure he didn't always look like an arsehole when Bush bashed him, I couldn't say the same thing for Bush tonight.


Hats off to Kerry tonight.

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The Whole Thing

--- Too repetitive.  "You f***ed up."  "You're a flip-flopper."  "Yeah but you f***ed up."  "At least I didn't change my opinion about f***ing up."

- Couldn't talk to each other directly

And that's exactly why I wasn't excited about the debate and don't think too much about the debates.

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I DO understand that appearance definitely counts for something when people decide who was better and Bush was a stumbling, bumbling, and innarticulate.... but I really feel sorry for anyone who would totally base their opinion just on that. Kerry's arguements were often wrong, and he even contradicted himself a few times. Kerry may have been a more coehesive speaker.... but my god LISTEN TO WHAT IS COMING OUT HIS MOUTH! It was complete garbage.


edited: Do was replaced instead of Don't... that was a mistake.

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