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Today's the big court date...


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But my witness can't make it so I'll likely get a continuance unless the judge decides to hear me and see my evidence. I hope that old fart is there...Can't wait till he finds out my insurance company is going to ask for a refund from his and he's going to be liable for his deductable.. :lol:

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Alright.. I get there at 12:30 (court is at 1) and I check in... and wait.. and wait.. and wait. Finally the prosecutor calls me up.. I say "I have a witness but she couldn't make it so I am asking for a continuance".. she said I have a witness and I plan to object. So now I see this asshole is there...


So I sit.. and wait.. and plan my attack...


at 3pm.. I finally get called - after her 2 failed attempts at getting me to pay $100 and take supervision. No way b****.. you aren't getting one dime out of me I'm repeating over and over again in my head...


So I go up to the judge and he asks what I want to do..


I shut the prosecutor down...


"Your Honor.. I am here to request a continuance and I understand that the prosecutor will be objecting to that, but without giving my defense away I'd like the court to know that my witness is the person that saw the entire incident as she was traveling east and I was behind a truck. Without my witness being heard I feel my rights to a fair trial are seriously violated".


The prosecutor is now kicking herself that she told me anything... :lol:


So the judge says he's going to swear in gramps and then I will come back on the 5th of Nov with my witness and he'll rule then...


So the old fart tells his story - which was filled with BS (there was no train he claims yet I have the RR activity report (thank GOD I got that) stating there was.. he also claims traffic was moving.. yet admits the light was red.. :dips*** )


Anyway.. after he's done... the judge tells him to sit down.. looks at me and my pile of evidence...


"case dismissed"





I admit.. I was worried without my witness there. And the judge was a real asshole, too. He gave a guy a $200 fine.. when the guy complained he said "I can go up to $1000 if you want...."


But justice prevails... :cheers

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