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Steve Stone

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I don't know exactly what the story is, but it sounds like Steve Stone made some comments about Dusty Baker and now Baker and Cub management is pissed off at him.


Maybe the Sox can dump DJ and sign Stone for the booth. That would be a big improvement.

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I don't know exactly what the story is, but it sounds like Steve Stone made some comments about Dusty Baker and now Baker and Cub management is pissed off at him.


Maybe the Sox can dump DJ and sign Stone for the booth.  That would be a big improvement.

And PR coup. I would love Steve Stone in the booth with Hawk. :wub:

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I don't know exactly what the story is, but it sounds like Steve Stone made some comments about Dusty Baker and now Baker and Cub management is pissed off at him.


Maybe the Sox can dump DJ and sign Stone for the booth.  That would be a big improvement.

That would be a HUGE improvement. If they can get steve stone and hawk together then :headbang :headbang :headbang no more awkward 2 minute pauses all the time from our announcers

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Honestly, I doubt Reinsdorf would fire DJ in place of Steve Stone. He's shown exceptional loyalty to his employees. I recall an article written on the chairman where the author describes JR as "visibly shaken" up following the rare firing of an employee. A quote along the lines of "It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do" was used.


While DJ adequately fills his role as White Sox analyst, you have to wonder how Steve Stone would interact with the dominant personality of Hawk Harrelson. Would Stone be inclined to continue making predictions through the game or openly question an Ozzie Guillen move?

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Basically Stone said a few things before, during, and after the game yesterday.


Before the game- Stone said that the Cubs players have to stand up and win this game for Dusty since he stood up for them all year long, and basically covered for them when they did things wrong on and off the field.


During- He came out and said what should be done BEFORE things happened, such as they should keep an eye on Dunn in the 12th on 1st (which they didn't and he scored), that Remlinger shouldn't be pitching to Dunn at all (then Dunn got a single which made him something like 6-7 off of him). Then he said they shouldn't pitch to Javier Valentine, which they did and he hit the game winning double.


It should be stressed that he said all of this before things went wrong, they weren't second guessing, and then after the plays happened you could hear the disgust in his voice.


After- Stone went on WGN and RIPPED on the Cubs for being such a talented team and struggling so much.


then today Dusty and Henry were asked about it and they both said that they don't understand why he was saying these things and said it got "personal". The personal statement is absolutely ridiculous, the comments by Stone were not personal at all, they were all baseball related...

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Thanks for the recap :)


Like I have said a few times, the stress has just ripped that team apart. They are whining and sniping over nothing. Many teams have that much pressure everyday. This Cubs team just is mentally weak. All of the BS that has gone on this season is just a byproduct of that weakness.

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Cubs shocked by Stone's comments


Associated Press

CHICAGO -- WGN-TV analyst Steve Stone met Friday with Chicago Cubs president Andy MacPhail, general manager Jim Hendry and manager Dusty Baker after the broadcaster questioned managerial strategy and criticized the team's approach.


During a postgame TV show Thursday, Stone wondered about Baker's moves in the 12th inning of a 2-1 loss to the Reds.



Later that night, he went on a talk show on WGN radio and criticized the team for making excuses. WGN and the Cubs are both owned by the same company, Tribune Co.



Stone, in his 20th year as a Cubs broadcaster, is a former major league pitcher with the Cubs who won the Cy Young Award for Baltimore in 1980 when he went 25-7.



His comments have angered several players during the season. Reliever Kent Mercker called the booth during one August game to complain.



Hendry said Stone's comments Thursday went beyond constructive criticism.



"I think it was pretty clear yesterday that it was personal," Hendry said.



"It shocked me," Baker said. "I don't understand it, I don't understand the timing of it. It's bad timing. If there is something personal, you need to talk about it with somebody instead of broadcasting it to everyone else."



Stone didn't spare his opinion when he was interviewed by WGN-AM radio Thursday.



"You want the truth. You can't handle the truth," Stone said. "The truth of this situation is an extremely talented bunch of guys who want to look at all directions except where they should really look and kind of make excuses for what happened.



"At the end of the day, boys, don't tell me how rough the water is, you bring in the ship."



Stone went on to say that the Cubs should have already clinched the NL wild card by six or seven games, instead of trailing by one entering play in the final weekend.



Asked Friday about his future, Stone said: "What happened was I had extended conversations with Andy MacPhail, with Jim Hendry and with Dusty Baker at length. And I think we resolved everything. That's pretty much it."



"We all have things that if we had them to think over again we might change them. But my comments are my comments," he said.



After the Cubs lost to the Braves 5-4 on Friday, Stone said he plans to be back next year. The Cubs' final two games of the regular season are on national TV, so he won't be working.



"I'm a Cubs broadcaster," he said.



Stone said he and Baker had a good conversation and there is mutual respect. "He has his job to do and I have mine," Stone said.


If I ever see you Stone... I'll gladly buy you a drink or two.

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Give it a listen for yourself:




It's a VERY honest, very accurate analysis of this year's Cub team by a guy who WANTS the Cubs to win, but isn't an embarrassing senseless howling homer dope like their brain-dead toupeed radio "analyst".

Stone's the best and I'd LOVE to see him broadcasting, managing or generally managing for the White Sox. The man knows baseball and I think he'd be great at anything he wanted to try.

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If this has been posted already my bad but this needs to come out.


Stoney gets on the radio and lets it fly about how f***ed up this organization is and I give him mega props for it. What he did took balls and nobody better to do it than him. I've always stated that he was the only person in Flubbs nation with a brain and this goes a long way to back that up.



:headbang Stoney!

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STONE IS f***ING RIGHT! I've never seen a commentator be SOOOOO right about one team! The cubs are the model for wasted talent, I believe he used the phrase "at the end of the day dont tell me how choppy the water is, just make sure you bring in the boat."


The Cubs were the biggest bunch of f***ING BABIES THIS YEAR. They worried waaaaaay to much about useless s***, and focused little on the games and a astute broadcastor had enough balls to call em out on it. f*** you cubs - The truth hurts dont it?


I honestly wish the cubs fire stoney and the sox find a way to get him in this organization somehow.... I really honestly believe he is good people and the cubs really dont appreciate what he brings to the table. He's corny and whatnot, but the guy has a pair and that pisses people like Moises Alou off.

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I don't know exactly what the story is, but it sounds like Steve Stone made some comments about Dusty Baker and now Baker and Cub management is pissed off at him.


Maybe the Sox can dump DJ and sign Stone for the booth.  That would be a big improvement.

Stone is the best in the biz to have him instead of DJ would be fantastic , Scrubs took Harry, we will take Stone.

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STONE IS f***ING RIGHT! I've never seen a commentator be SOOOOO right about one team! The cubs are the model for wasted talent, I believe he used the phrase "at the end of the day dont tell me how choppy the water is, just make sure you bring in the boat." 


The Cubs were the biggest bunch of f***ING BABIES THIS YEAR. They worried waaaaaay to much about useless s***, and focused little on the games and a astute broadcastor had enough balls to call em out on it. f*** you cubs - The truth hurts dont it?


I honestly wish the cubs fire stoney and the sox find a way to get him in this organization somehow.... I really honestly believe he is good people and the cubs really dont appreciate what he brings to the table. He's corny and whatnot, but the guy has a pair and that pisses people like Moises Alou off.

What makes this all the more amazing is that the guys worrying about all the crap are veterans (Alou, Remlinger and as always, Sosa). Sosa didn't get too involved in the broadcaster fiasco, but all his crap about being booed and not hitting down in the lineup were also similar. These guys are the type you count on to nip all this s***, not start it.

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Baker is to blame for so much of this.

Not only did he NOT tell his players to grow a pair, shut up and play better, he actually FED the fire by defending his players' selfish, whiny, misdirected complaints in the media.

I guess that's why he's a "player's manager", right? Do whatever you want and he'll back you up, no matter how wrong you are.

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Baker is to blame for so much of this.

Not only did he NOT tell his players to grow a pair, shut up and play better, he actually FED the fire by defending his players' selfish, whiny, misdirected complaints in the media.

I guess that's why he's a "player's manager", right? Do whatever you want and he'll back you up, no matter how wrong you are.

Baker will never get any credit from me as long as he rolls out his young son everytime something goes wrong. I can't believe that Hendry hasn't told him to knock that crap off. It's ridiculous that he uses his son as a shield in press conferences

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"I'm a Cubs broadcaster."


Forget Stone.  We don't need his s*** on the South side.

What do you expect him to say?

He IS a Cubs broadcaster.

If he were to be let go, he would NO LONGER be a Cubs broadcaster.

Doesn't diminish the fact that IMO he is the best analyst I can ever remember in Chicago sports, and would be a great asset to any organization he worked for.

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Yeah I especially love how he makes personal attacks on the players while up in the booth.  It really boosts the morale of the organization.

Interesting claim.

I've never heard him disparage a player personally. I've heard him comment on a player with regards to what he does on the field, or any off-field things which could negatively affect their on-field play, such as calling the booth to whine while a game is being played. But I cannot remember him ever attacking a player's personality.

If you have some exact quotes, I'd love to read them.

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