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MSNBC on Captured Soldiers


I also heard on tv that the images the Arab network showed of the captured and dead soldiers were to gory for U.S. Television...I have the Al-Jazeera network, I don't hate muslims or anything but it has become apparent since 9/11 that this crappy arab network hates americans, it constantly critizices the U.S. and now it is showing no respect for our wounded, f***ing arab tv, probably owned by Saddam himself. I hope whoever owns that network is killed in this war. Damn does this get me pissed off :angry:

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MSNBC on Captured Soldiers


I also heard on tv that the images the Arab network showed of the captured and dead soldiers were to gory for U.S. Television...I have the Al-Jazeera network, I don't hate muslims or anything but it has become apparent since 9/11 that this crappy arab network hates americans, it constantly critizices the U.S. and now it is showing no respect for our wounded, f***ing arab tv, probably owned by Saddam himself.  I hope whoever owns that network is killed in this war.  Damn does this get me pissed off :angry:

are they showing this tape on BBC???...ive been looking for it but cant find it??

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Would it be called BBC tv?  I got digital cable, but don't really know what all the channels it comes with.

i have it on comcast cable (formerly att)..its called BBC america

10 were captured. 5 shown dead. with wounds to there fore heads. They appear to have been executed. One female captured. She was shown with her boots missing and clothes torn.... its going to start getting nasty now...

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Would it be called BBC tv?  I got digital cable, but don't really know what all the channels it comes with.

i have it on comcast cable (formerly att)..its called BBC america

10 were captured. 5 shown dead. with wounds to there fore heads. They appear to have been executed. One female captured. She was shown with her boots missing and clothes torn.... its going to start getting nasty now...

thats why im so against females in combat..the things thats gonna happen to that girl...they will use her torture against the male POWs to try and get them to give up info....its normal for males to want to protect females..thats gonna be used against them

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Would it be called BBC tv?  I got digital cable, but don't really know what all the channels it comes with.

i have it on comcast cable (formerly att)..its called BBC america

10 were captured. 5 shown dead. with wounds to there fore heads. They appear to have been executed. One female captured. She was shown with her boots missing and clothes torn.... its going to start getting nasty now...

I don't doubt that they could have been executed, but gunshot wounds to the forehead certainly do not mean this was the case.

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This is such a crappy situation, the sad thing is they have no reason to follow the Geneva Convention, afterall this regime is going to die anyways...damn I hate those bastards, and to do that to a woman...s*** this sucks

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international red cross have said that iraq is already in violation of geneva convention...gotta pray for those guys bigtime...

Bush's execution of the war is in direct violation of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Protocol I thereof as well.


I've said it once and I will say the old Nixon quote again, "Fighting for peace is like f***ing for virginity." This entire war sickens the f*** out of me. f***ing Bush and his lying and warmongering destroying so many f***ing lives. f***ing Saddam being out of his f***ing mind and then the US selling him the f***ing weapons of mass destruction. What kind of US geniuses cooked up that plan?

Piss poor foreign policy at it's finest.

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MSNBC on Captured Soldiers


I also heard on tv that the images the Arab network showed of the captured and dead soldiers were to gory for U.S. Television...I have the Al-Jazeera network, I don't hate muslims or anything but it has become apparent since 9/11 that this crappy arab network hates americans, it constantly critizices the U.S. and now it is showing no respect for our wounded, f***ing arab tv, probably owned by Saddam himself.  I hope whoever owns that network is killed in this war.  Damn does this get me pissed off :angry:

Al Jazeera is from Qatar, who is supposedly our ally. Yeah right. Al Jazeera is the product of a jealous and impoverished culture which cant cease to blame other cultures for their own failures and problems.


"Hey guys, weve got no money and a moron dictator so lets go KILL AMERICANS!"


Not all Arabs are like this but quite a few are. Never in history have they learned to solve problems peacefully, its always been about violence. They need to stop blaming others for their problems and start looking at the problems they have amongst themselves...

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Also Saddam is murdering US POWs, as has been mentioned in this thread. I hope the US captures both him and his demented sons, takes em out in front of his palace and gives em all a round in the head. Or heck, deliver em in chains to surviving victims of the Halabja bombing in 1988. Im sure theyll have loads of fun playing around with em...

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Al Jazeera is from Qatar, who is supposedly our ally. Yeah right. Al Jazeera is the product of a jealous and impoverished culture which cant cease to blame other cultures for their own failures and problems.


"Hey guys, weve got no money and a moron dictator so lets go KILL AMERICANS!"


Not all Arabs are like this but quite a few are. Never in history have they learned to solve problems peacefully, its always been about violence. They need to stop blaming others for their problems and start looking at the problems they have amongst themselves...

There have been a lot of people, not just Arabs, that look to solve problems with violence. (I mean, look at LBJ and the Gulf of Tonkin event that was fabricated in order to get us into Vietnam which cost the world 58,000 Americans and 2-3 million Vietnamese)


And Baggs, when I said that Joe Miller had said that he had forgiven the vast minority that called him "baby killer" he was just speaking from his own experience. He never really had people do that to him. That is what I was saying, not that it didn't happen to people.


"War is over (if you want it)" - John Lennon

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Arabs are just the most notable example. All the suicide bombings in Palestine and Al Qaida. Ok, so other people solve problems with violence too but they do it of a valiant manner. The Arab way consists of gutless terrorism and tyrranic dictators who destroy primitive and innocent people (well shucks, I guess the French are in that last group too, oh well). Im not saying violence in war is good, but it is much more noble and courageous than terrorism...

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And Baggs, when I said that Joe Miller had said that he had forgiven the vast minority that called him "baby killer" he was just speaking from his own experience.  He never really had people do that to him.  That is what I was saying, not that it didn't happen to people.

okay ,thanks for the clarification..my mistake..

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Would it be called BBC tv?  I got digital cable, but don't really know what all the channels it comes with.

i have it on comcast cable (formerly att)..its called BBC america

10 were captured. 5 shown dead. with wounds to there fore heads. They appear to have been executed. One female captured. She was shown with her boots missing and clothes torn.... its going to start getting nasty now...

I don't doubt that they could have been executed, but gunshot wounds to the forehead certainly do not mean this was the case.

The Iraqi military sucks. Theres no way those maggots were going to shoot an American Marine in the borehead in combat. They were executed, I have no doubt in my mind. I just hope the US gives Saddam the same treatment when they find him. But dont even shoot em in the head. Take em out to the desert and and cut their wrists and watch the tyrant bleed to death...

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a clip from a law list I am on (none of these are my words, I just cut and paste, but how interesting a perspective):


"All the American tv networks have refused to show this Iraq video even though it is available to the rest of the world on Al-Jazeera and many European stations. CBC television showed most of the footage. You can see it at the following site: http://www.cbc.ca/stories/2003/03/23/priso...ers_video030323

Just click on the little video camera at the end of the story. It shows the whole CBC news segment


CBC will probably catch a lot of s*** for it too. Excellent reporting on their part, even highlighting the refusal of the US media to show it to an American audience-- a rare criticism.


Ironically, ABC evening news with Peter Jennings announced the president of ABC had decided they would not show the tape and 10 minutes later they had a piece with Ted Koppel who, lo and behold, showed dead Iraqi soldiers, one of their main objections to the tape. Of coure the American media has been showing Afghan pow's for months, shuffling around in their orange suits, blindfolded with their feet shackled. What a hypocritcal bunch they are!"


The US media has been hyping this military adventure like it was a walk in the park, with their glorious soldiers and high tech equipment rolling across the desert. But as we learned in Vietnam, war is blood and death and agony and suffering and humiliation, and yes, it happens to Americans soldiers too. Surprise! Of course the media didn't prepare the brainwashed public for this little turn of events in their pro-war cheerleading, and the death of a dozen soldiers today and the crash of a helicopter in Afghanistan too, does not fit the script. Bad day at the OK Corral.

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a clip from a law list I am on (none of these are my words, I just cut and paste, but how interesting a perspective):


"All the American tv networks have refused to show this Iraq video even though it is available to the rest of the world on Al-Jazeera and many European stations.  CBC television showed most of the footage. You can see it at the following site:  http://www.cbc.ca/stories/2003/03/23/priso...ers_video030323 

Just click on the little video camera at the end of the story. It shows the whole CBC news segment


CBC will probably catch a lot of s*** for it too.  Excellent reporting on their part, even highlighting the refusal of the US media to show it to an American audience-- a rare criticism. 


Ironically, ABC evening news with Peter Jennings announced the president of ABC had decided they would not show the tape and 10 minutes later they had a piece with Ted Koppel who, lo and behold, showed dead Iraqi soldiers, one of their main objections to the tape. Of coure the American media has been showing Afghan pow's for months, shuffling around in their orange suits, blindfolded with their feet shackled.  What a hypocritcal bunch they are!"


The US media has been hyping this military adventure like it was a walk in the park, with their glorious soldiers and high tech equipment rolling across the desert.  But as we learned in Vietnam, war is blood and death and agony and suffering and humiliation, and yes, it happens to Americans soldiers too.  Surprise!  Of course the media didn't prepare the brainwashed public for this little turn of events in their pro-war cheerleading, and the death of a dozen soldiers today and the crash of a helicopter in Afghanistan too, does not fit the script. Bad day at the OK Corral.

cw, isn't the difference that we (the US media) has not been shown interviewing them? Or shown them bloodied?


I also don't remember seeing Iraqi "POW's" scared s***less like the American's did.

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