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Did anyone hear Jeff Brantley's comments on ESPN earlier today after they were going over the Cub Collapse? They were discussing Nomar and what they think will happen with him next season. Brantley said he doesn't believe he will be on the Cubs next season and they were talking about West Coast and Yankee possibilities. Then near the end Brantley said that he may be playing in Chicago next year but it won't be for the Cubs. He said that he thinks that he has a chance to go to the Sox.


Anyone see this and/or have any opinions on this?

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Uribe has basically been named starter for 2B or SS...but not SS.


KW will go after the best available 2B or SS for the Sox, and then Uribe will play the other, simple as that.


Let me just say that I would like to get Garciaparra, so long as it didn't cost us $15 mill a year...hell, $12 mill is probably too much.


Get a starter, get some bullpen help, move some money around, get some other key guys to fill other holes, and then worry about getting Nomar. JMO

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That better not happen. He is way overrated and is not worth the $12 mil plus. He never plays a full season, he is bad defensively, his most productive years are well in his past, and does not have the speed or on base percentage we need. I'm looking forward to seeing what he does outside of Fenway without Manny Ramirez batting behind him long term. My theory is he will be mediocre. If we were going to get a SS, I'd much rather get Renteria. The OBP still isn't there, but the average in comparable, he has more speed, and is a better fielder, plus he'd probably be moderately cheaper.

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Jeff Brantley is less accurate than Peter Gammons. He is a fool who should not be on television, let alone passed off as an "expert". Disregard anything he says.

Ditto - he was the same guy licking Esteban Loaiza and Brian Cashman's collective knob's on the day of Loaiza's first start. He kept saying how had Loaiza not given up two homers, he would have had a great start. Worst analysis ever, like R44 said...

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Ditto - he was the same guy licking Esteban Loaiza and Brian Cashman's collective knob's on the day of Loaiza's first start.  He kept saying how had Loaiza not given up two homers, he would have had a great start.  Worst analysis ever, like R44 said...

Isn't he also the guy who, just a couple of weeks ago, said that Hudson should get AL CY over Santana???

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Isn't he also the guy who, just a couple of weeks ago, said that Hudson should get AL CY over Santana???

He Said Schilling. But true Brantley is Moron. If Nomah is going to the yanks then he has to play second

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